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  • Father’s Day, a Ball Game, And a Great American Giveaway

    Father’s Day, a Ball Game, And a Great American Giveaway0

    Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, grandfathers, and those who fill the role of a fatherly figure. Thank you for your time, patience, and commitment to our future generations. Thank you for that special understanding when something isn’t going so well in a child’s life, no matter what their age, to give a little

  • Looking the Future in the Eyes0

    There are two wonderful ladies I hear from on a regular basis. I believe both give me way too much credit for my writing, creativity, and ability to reach people in a special way. Both pray for me, encourage me, and let me know I’m loved. Both tell me I have a gift that I

  • Peanuts, Popcorn, and Lumberjacked Cream Ale0

    Well, baseball fans, it’s the most wonderful time of the year at Journey Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. The Williamsport Crosscutters will be throwing out the first pitch of their 26th season. Wow, how time flies by when you’re enjoying those peanuts, popcorn, and Cracker Jacks at one of the best baseball venues in

  • Let Freedom Sing0

    I had an experience I would like to share with you to honor those who have given all for our great Nation by shining the light of freedom on a truly patriotic moment. Hopefully, I can paint the picture, and you can hear the music and feel the true American spirit as you close your

  • Stay in Your Lane0

    As I headed down the beltway toward Montoursville, right where cars merge on from the Faxon on ramp, there was no doubt in my mind what was about to happen. I was in the right lane with a tractor-trailer to my left, as a car traveling at a high rate of speed was about to

  • Lost Between Iraq and Cyber Space0

    If you missed my column last week, my apologies. It was an example of why you shouldn’t procrastinate and wait until the last minute. You should always allow yourself some extra time and try to finish a job ahead of schedule; of course, I waited until the last minute to write my article. I often


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