
Latest Issue

  • Williamsport Bureau of Fire Celebrates 150 Years of Service0

    The citizens of Williamsport have enjoyed the fire protection and emergency services of the Williamsport Bureau of Fire for a very long time — since the time of President Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States, in 1874. They have performed their duties with pride and professionalism. With this in mind, they

  • Clinton Lycoming Nurses Honor Guard Organized0

    In the pantheon of those we ceremonially honor at the time of their death, there are, of course, our military personnel, statement of note, and fire and police first responders. But did you ever consider those in the nursing profession who, of course, provide selfless and dedicated service to others in the healing profession and

  • County Hall Corner: The Politics of Turkeys vs. Eagles0

    The picture of Donald Trump’s fist in the air and the blood on his face moments after the assassination attempt on him has already become an iconic symbol that will be seen for generations to come. Some have even gone so far as to believe that it may go down in history, like the raising

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 12, 1924 – Interference With Fire Apparatus0

    Fire discovered shortly after five o’clock yesterday afternoon in a stockroom in the rear of the Hayes Drug Company, at 733 West Third Street, caused damage amounting to $50. Fire companies 1, 2, 3, 4 and the truck company were called to the scene on three alarms. The cause of the blaze is not certain,

  • Lil’ City Big Dreams Flag Football Program Helps Mentor Youth0

    While there are numerous youth sports programs, many operate on a ‘pay-for-play’ basis, often excluding underprivileged and underserved youth. This is where ‘Lil’ City Big City Flag Football’, a unique nonprofit sports program, steps in. It’s not just about sports, it’s about providing opportunities to those who might not otherwise have them. “Lil’ City Big

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 16, 1935 – Picnics During Past Weekend Attract Hundreds of Persons0

    A large number of residents of Williamsport, and the vicinity, enjoyed picnics during the past weekend. Perhaps the largest gatherings being those of St. John’s Lutheran Sunday School and the Williamsport Silk Company, at Memorial Park, the outing of relief workers at Camp Kline, and the picnic and reunion of the Class of 1926 of

  • County Hall Corner: Welcome to the New Lycoming County Headquarters0

    Thursday, July 11, 2024, became a historic day for Lycoming County. The last time a new building was established as headquarters for county government was in May of 1988 when Executive Plaza began as the county government headquarters. If one is standing in front of the Lycoming County Courthouse, the county government headquarters has moved

  • This Week’s LION: Kevin Bittenbender, Man of Passion and Purpose

    This Week’s LION: Kevin Bittenbender, Man of Passion and Purpose0

    Since 2012, the reality of PTSD among military veterans has been highlighted with the “22 is too many” or 22-0 mantra, signifying that 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. However, some experts believe this is misinformation because, after all, just because a veteran crashed into a tree at 100 MPH does

  • Lycoming County Fair Taking Place July 10 to 200

    The annual Lycoming County Fair will take place from Wednesday, July 10, to Saturday, July 20, and there will be lots of great fun and excitement. Rocky Reed, president of Lycoming County Fair, is very excited and pleased about this edition of the fair, which will be held at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds in Hughesville.

  • Williamsport Sun: July 10, 1929 – Blind Persons Enjoyed Show0

    Forty Members of the Sightless Social Club, many of whom had never attended a motion picture show, enjoyed the all-singing, all-talking production, “Broadway Melody,” when they were the guests of the Park Theater management last night. Following the theater program the members were taken to the All Saints Episcopal Church parish house, where the regular

  • County Hall Corner: Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind0

    In my entire life of following political matters, I do not believe I have ever seen a period of time where federal, state, and local government entities each encountered historical events at the same time. At the federal level, it has been in two areas: the presidential race and Supreme Court decisions. In state government,

  • Set the Night To Music Centerpiece of Area Independence Day Celebrations0

    Downtown Williamsport will again be set ablaze with the beautiful and awe-inspiring fireworks display that is the keystone of the annual “Set the Night To Music” July 4th celebration in Williamsport. Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter speaks enthusiastically about this now-annual event. “The City of Williamsport is looking forward to our annual 4th of July Set