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Double The Gold for Johnson & Harer

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  • Spring, Spring, Spring Sings the Robin0

    Congratulations to Brandt Harer and Austin Johnson on bringing home state gold earned through their efforts on the wrestling mat. For my money, wrestling is the most demanding sport on the athletes participating. Almost all who finish their high school careers at Hershey have put in more blood, sweat, and tears since they were knee-high

  • Spring Is Here, and We’re SO Ready for It!0

    Cue the birds chirping, the sun shining, and the flowers showing off — spring has officially arrived! After what felt like an endless winter (seriously, did January have 74 days?), we can finally ditch the heavy coats and say hello to warmer, brighter days. I heard the first mourning dove while walking my dog the

  • 64th Annual West Branch Susquehanna Builders Association Home Show Takes Place This Weekend0

    As the weather gradually starts to get warmer, your thoughts may turn to those home fix-up projects that you have been putting off. Well, this weekend, March 21, 22, and 23, you might find the perfect way to get some ideas about your projects when the West Branch Susquehanna Builders Home Show takes place at

  • Twice as Nice for Johnson & Harer0

    ‘Been there, done that’ is a common expression most often uttered by individuals who have accomplished a task and, sometimes out of boredom or disinterest, choose not to continue down the same path. Muncy’s Austin Johnson and Montgomery’s Brandt Harer have certainly mastered the four-word phrase, but it has only been the opponents they have

  • Spring Trends 20250

    Now that the fashion weeks from New York, London, Milan, and Paris have wrapped up for those of us who follow along, it’s time to look at some of the trend predictions as we head into spring. The following trends range from real-life wearability to outright ridiculous. But that’s part of the fun and fantasy.

  • Spring is Coming; so are the Snakes.0

    I’m sure there are a lot of folks who are rejoicing that the warmer weather is starting to move back into Pennsylvania. Albeit there is still a chance that we could still get some cold temperatures and maybe even some more snow flurries, it won’t be long before the little green buds will start to

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Look at Upcoming Habitat Projects0

    Well finally! This Thursday, March 20, 2025, marks the first day of spring, and after a colder-than-usual winter, it couldn’t arrive soon enough! With the warmer temperatures and intermittent rains, we should turn our attention to habitat work that will benefit all forms of wildlife. First things first. Probably the most important key to creating

  • Williamsport Music Club to Present Women Composers Program

    Williamsport Music Club to Present Women Composers Program0

    In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Williamsport Music Club will present a program entitled “Beautiful Music Composed by Women” on Tuesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m., at Pine St. United Methodist Church. Serving as program chairs are Kay Huffman and Laurel Wolgemuth. Performing Rebecca Clarke’s “sonata for Viola and Piano, second movement,” will be

  • Just the Facts, Ma’am: “Last Breath” Nails a True Story0

    In an era of “real-life” movies that exaggerate the facts beyond recognition, it’s bracing to see a straightforward, unembellished tale that genuinely merits its opening statement: “This is a true story.” Yet despite a low-key approach to the undersea rescue of one single stranded diver — or perhaps because of that — Last Breath is

  • Wrestling Gravitas0

    Decades ago, the City of Williamsport conducted a public contest inviting entries seeking to identify a new promotional slogan. Based upon its uniqueness as the Birthplace of Little League and the importance baseball has played in its history, I decided to enter the contest, submitting my suggestion, “The Little League City with a Big League

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, forcing an agenda right now might backfire. It is best to be patient and let things unfold organically. A few new people may come to your aid this week and support you. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 You might need to reconsider what you have been fighting for, Taurus.

  • County Hall Corner: The Link Between Golf and Presidents0

    United States presidents come in all shapes and sizes. It is ironic that our two greatest presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, could not be more different from one another. Washington was one of the richest men in the American colonies; Lincoln was born and raised in a log cabin in the wilderness. Washington was

  • Yogi Strom0

    My full-time gig is with Susquehanna Marble and Granite. Yes. There is never a dull moment. I have been with the company for eight great seasons. And I have been involved with every facet of the countertop business. I am not the strongest, and these beautiful rocks are super heavy. My fellow work chums say

  • A Spring Mix of Thoughts0

    I want to begin this week with a happy Saint Patrick’s Day; whether you’re Irish for the day or Irish for a lifetime, please get out and about and enjoy all our area has to offer. I must also add that if you’re partaking in adult beverages, please do so responsibly. Don’t allow a little

  • Avoiding Scams0

    I got a phone call this week from a woman named Jenny Golden. And Jenny was asking for help. She needed a voice and a platform, so I offered to help. Jenny’s Facebook profile was hacked, and unfortunately, that resulted in friends and strangers alike getting scammed out of money and leaving Jenny on the

  • Peyton Dincher: 2,000 Point Basketball Player for the Ages0

    Through the years, Lycoming County’s high schools have produced some high-flying and high-scoring girls’ basketballers, but perhaps none has been as distinguished as the Jersey Shore Bulldogs’ Peyton Dincher. In her recently completed high school career, she scored more than 2,000 points, a total that is to be celebrated for sure. She will take her

  • Repasz Band Wagon: Williamsport Ensemble Opens Fund Drive0

    Now nearly 200 years old, Williamsport’s world-famous Repasz Band has announced a new Endowment Fund to help the group continue its popular slate of free local concerts. “Never before has the band’s existence to continue been directly threatened,” says Repasz treasurer and past president Nancy Eischeid. “Previous to COVID, our 10-18 concerts every summer provided

  • How to Style Wide-Leg Jeans0

    If you’re wondering which type of denim will serve you best as we head into spring, look no further than high-rise, wide-leg jeans. These are full-length jeans with a trouser-like wide leg and a high rise. I know that wide-leg jeans can be intimidating if you’re not used to wearing them, which is why the

  • The Irish Have Always Been a Major Part of the Williamsport Scene0

    As we get ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2025 with the shillelagh and shamrock, it is good to note that the Irish have been a part of the Williamsport area from its very beginnings. The founder of Williamsport, Michael Ross, bears an Irish surname, even though it is reported he may have been born

  • Trout Season Not Far Off0

    It’s hard to believe, but some of my ice-fishing buddies were still walking on a frozen lake the first week of March, and now some of us are thinking about donning a pair of chest waders and heading to a nearby stream for some trout fishing. Those streams are already being stocked with some pretty

  • The Roving Sportsman… Proper Care of Apple Trees0

    Time is our most valuable asset. In everything we do, we must constantly consider how best to use our time. When it comes to habitat improvement, one of the best uses of our time is to locate and care for old apple trees and add new apple trees that will provide years of production that

  • Hail to Chip

    Hail to Chip0

    The Lycoming College Board of Trustees recently announced the appointment of Charles “Chip” Edmonds, Ed.D. ’98, to the presidency of the College. The current executive vice president will commence his new role on July 1. The selection of Edmonds follows an extensive national search, with participation from members of Lycoming’s Board, faculty, staff, student representatives,

  • Lenten Suggestions0

    There is light at the end of the tunnel of winter’s unwelcome grasp of the past several months. Daylight savings time has arrived. Major Leagues Baseball debuts its 2025 season next week with the Dodgers and Cubs meeting in Tokyo, with baseball’s other 28 clubs swinging into action on March 27. Locally, the high school

  • County Hall Corner: Love Your Library0

    One of the most valuable community assets is the local library. It is the one and only place that truly has something there for everyone of all ages. It is peaceful. It is friendly. And best of all, it is free. However, like almost everything else in our society these days, libraries have lost their

  • Fire up the Bull-DOGE’R as March Madness Begins0

    Hello, West Branch Valley; I’m in agreement with the meteorological community; spring begins on March 1st. And that is worth celebrating with the winter we’ve had. I wish it were possible to have all the cheerleaders across our area doing the old-school “let’s get fired up” cheer for you as you begin reading my words.

  • Hello March!

    Hello March!0

    Alright, y’all — March is officially here! We’ve (hopefully) made it through the cold, dreary winter, and now we’re stepping into longer days, warmer weather (hopefully), and plenty of reasons to celebrate. Whether you’ve been counting down to spring or just need a fresh vibe shift, March is the month for it. Spring is Spriiiinging!

  • Raise the Region Fundraiser Slated for March 12-130

    It is that time again for one of the area’s most significant and effective fundraisers benefiting local nonprofit organizations — “Raise the Region.” This event will be held on March 12 and 13 and offers a direct way for you to support your favorite nonprofit. In collaboration with Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships, the First Community

  • The Roving Sportsman… Off-Season Tasks0

    I think (or at least I hope!) that winter temperatures are finally beginning to move upward. If you are like me, you are probably itching to get outside instead of just sitting around waiting for next fall for the hunting seasons to begin! This time of year is great for addressing some key tasks that

  • Backyard Invaders0

    A couple of years ago, my wife and I started placing trail cameras at various locations around our home and in several locations in nearby wooded areas. What an eye-opener; I knew wild critters were roaming around out there, but I had no idea that so many of them would end up roaming through my

  • UPMC Cardiologist: Early Signs of Heart Disease0

    Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, yet many people miss its early warning signs. Some symptoms are subtle — recognizing them early can lead to earlier intervention, making treatment and management easier and more effective. Common Early Symptoms Heart disease doesn’t always begin with


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