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  • Yogi Strom0

    My full-time gig is with Susquehanna Marble and Granite. Yes. There is never a dull moment. I have been with the company for eight great seasons. And I have been involved with every facet of the countertop business. I am not the strongest, and these beautiful rocks are super heavy. My fellow work chums say

  • Hail to Chip

    Hail to Chip0

    The Lycoming College Board of Trustees recently announced the appointment of Charles “Chip” Edmonds, Ed.D. ’98, to the presidency of the College. The current executive vice president will commence his new role on July 1. The selection of Edmonds follows an extensive national search, with participation from members of Lycoming’s Board, faculty, staff, student representatives,

  • March MADness

    March MADness0

    March is a beautiful month for many reasons. I am getting excited to fish. The golf season is here, and I will devote as much time to watching as much basketball as I possibly can. MADNESS baby. NBA. College. High School. It doesn’t matter. I even get stoked when I spot a few kids hooping

  • My Man Parker0

    Williamsport’s Parker Johnson and I go back many moons. He has grown into an extraordinary young lad. Johnson is wicked smart, and he is very determined. His hard work is paying off on the gridiron. I grew up with his father, Brett, on Lincoln Avenue. His grandparents, Greg and Debbie, are outstanding people. They have

  • Atmosphere0

    Major props to the Jersey Shore Bulldogs and the Loyalsock Lancers. The girls’ afternoon showdown was outstanding. It was a great idea that required lots of planning. Kudos to the administrations. Both teams played at 1:30 p.m. on Monday. The stands were packed with Jersey Shore students. The game was sort of like a school

  • Gearing Up0

    Many of our local hoops teams are gearing up for a post-season run. It is a great time of year. I have seen several games, and I want to wish my friends the best of luck. There are a few surprises, and some teams are playing well. Props South. I plan to take a detailed


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