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Author's Posts

  • Shed Some Light: April Medical Conference in Williamsport0

    “Our kids are in absolute mental health crisis, and it’s getting worse,” says clinical psychologist Jeffrey Hansen. With decades of experience in trauma, addiction and adolescent health, Hansen is one of two speakers for the second annual Shed Some Light medical conference in Williamsport. Retired palliative care and hospice specialist Dr. Alexander Nesbitt will also

  • Blood, Phlegm & Bile: Words from Medieval “Medicine”0

    In our most recent installment, Webb’s Weird Words took another sidestep into etymology — to examine the building-blocks of medical terminology. (Example: GASTR [stomach] plus ITIS [inflammation] = gastritis: literally, inflammation of the stomach!) But did you know that less scientific terms like melancholy, sanguine and even humorous also have their origin in medicine? They

  • Checking Your Vitals: The Vocab. of Medicine0

    Last week, Webb’s Weird Words missed an opportunity. We were looking at leptorrhine, one of several oddball terms from cult-fave novelist Charles Portis. Pronounced “LEP-tuh-ryne,” this uncommon adjective means “having a long, narrow nose.” But I forgot to note that this word uses the Greek base rhin(o), meaning “nose”; it’s found in words like rhinovirus

  • Repasz Band Wagon: Williamsport Ensemble Opens Fund Drive0

    Now nearly 200 years old, Williamsport’s world-famous Repasz Band has announced a new Endowment Fund to help the group continue its popular slate of free local concerts. “Never before has the band’s existence to continue been directly threatened,” says Repasz treasurer and past president Nancy Eischeid. “Previous to COVID, our 10-18 concerts every summer provided

  • “A Man with True Grit”: More on Charles Portis0

    “What book has given me greater pleasure in the last five years? Or in the last twenty?” asked writer Roald Dahl some decades ago. He was referring to True Grit, a 1968 bestseller that was successfully adapted twice for the movies. That absolutely enchanting book — which legendary editor Robert Gottlieb said needed virtually no changes