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A Cup of Coffee and a Conversation

As most of you know, I’m an early riser. Many of my mornings begin at one of our local eateries with a cup of coffee, a glass of water, and sometimes breakfast. I think it’s very important to get out and about in this world we live in. To have a routine that includes socializing with folks.

This doesn’t include any interaction via electronic device. I am very blessed to have many good people to share the morning time with.

The Zach Brown Band sums it up with their hit “Same Boat.” The song begins with the lyric, “We’re all in the same boat, fishing in the same holes, wondering where the same time goes.” Please Google it and give it a listen or read the lyrics. It is very well done, like everything the Zack Brown Band does, and covers the current world of today.

After listening to that song this past week, well before sunrise, I headed into one of my favorite spots with an idea. I have been asked very frequently recently to address all the problems facing our Nation. If you noticed, I’ve been focusing on our local area and all the good things going on, along with some difficult challenges people are facing. A funny thing in my world, when I don’t write about politics, the state of our County, Commonwealth, or Nation, I hear about it. When I do write about these topics and move away from the good news, the going ons, and how wonderful our area is, I hear about it. Life is all about finding a balance. So the time has come for a more serious approach to the issues that affect us all.

This is where the idea to ask folks what is the greatest current threat to our Nation and our American way of daily life? Those I talked with were Republican, Democrat, Independent, and represented many different walks of life. How do I know this? I simply ask.

The first gentleman’s response was firmly stated, “President Biden.” After the next two voices stated the same, one being a Democrat, it was time to take a little different approach. So, I asked if everybody participating viewed the Biden administration as America’s top threat; a resounding “yes” was the answer. So, at this point, the question became, what makes the Biden administration the clear and most present danger to our Country?

These answers are in order by how I received them, not prioritized. First response, “The Deep State,” which is bipartisan and hell-bent on taking our Nation in a completely different direction than what is best for the American people. The Deep State is driven by money, power, and individuals’ insatiable need for both.

The lack of term limits is strengthening the Deep State’s hold and making it almost impossible to be dealt with .

Next comment was racism and discrimination. It has become the calling card to divide, used by the most powerful in Washington, Hollywood, mainstream media, and social media. It’s been used to discriminate against the best-qualified person being hired or appointed. It defines what an applicant should look like instead of what their qualifications should be.

Next response was lack of church attendance. The moral and ethical decay within our Nation corresponds with our government and the people moving away from “One Nation Under God.” Most religions are based upon selflessness and loving one’s fellow man. This decline in church attendance has led to a steep rise in selfishness and the personal justification of one’s actions — no matter what Commandment or laws they break.

Next comment was border control, or as the person put it, border uncontrolled. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do anything in the United States of America. This begins with becoming an American citizen through following proper immigration laws. What has been enabled and supported by the President and leadership of the Democratic Party is criminal. They have provided more rights and benefits to someone that isn’t an American citizen. There is no way possible the current policy at the border is protecting the American citizen from criminal and terroristic opportunists. Let alone the threat of the next pandemic being brought into our Country.

Next man up stated the current socialistic movement within our government. How those that have been elected to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America are trying to move our Country away from the Constitution and toward a socialistic form of government. President Biden isn’t even close to being liberal enough for these individuals. AOC, the squad, CNN, MSNBC — all can’t praise socialistic ideals enough. They praised China during the Olympics like it was Disneyland.

The last person I spoke with calmly added inflation to the list, stating we have the highest inflation rates in over four decades. This will be a silent killer, not only for the American economy but for the hard-working everyday American to pay their bills. This individual works for himself and noted the difficulty in quoting any job because of the cost of material and how it’s only getting worse.

I will be focusing on many of these issues in the weeks to come. If you see me when I’m out and about, let me know what your answer is. No name required. Your words may show up in a future column.

God Bless America.

Jim Webb