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  • Call Backs and Deer Racks0

    It was great talking with so many of you about my first column of the new year, “Let’s call it 2024.” Just a reminder, if you missed any of the past issues of Webb Weekly, they can be found archived at I should also mention for people outside of our distribution area or who

  • Let’s Call it 20240

    Happy New Year! Three easy words to say — let’s hope and pray they ring true for 2024. I wish everyone a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. The year 2024. I have trouble wrapping my thoughts around that, even though I’ve been blessed to live my way there for over half a century. It

  • A Christmas Wish of Hope, Love, and Compassion0

    A very Merry Christmas to everyone! Let’s all be careful out there while enjoying all that is a blessed Holiday Season. Please remember to say thank you to all that prepare the perfectly delicious Christmas feast. Absolutely no political discussions until after the New Year. And let’s keep the conversation around the table joyous and

  • Mountie Memories for a Lifetime0

    I’m proud to say I grew up at the top of Kane Street in Southside and worked my way down to where we now have our Webb Weekly office. It has been positive in life to have first been a Mountie through ninth grade and then moved across the river to become a Lancer. The

  • Remembering the Reason and Celebrating the Season0

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to the greatest generation. “Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” ~ President Franklin D.

  • A Red Kettle Double-Up0

    It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go across the West Branch Valley. This Christmas carol seems perfect as we head into December. The song has been recorded by many artists over the years with different musical styles. I’m still old school and like Bing Crosby’s version the best. The song


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