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Thoughts, Thanks and a Happy Mother’s Day

I want to thank my staff for filling in during my absence at the end of last week and making sure not only the Webb Weekly got done but the Home Show was covered. They are amazing, and truly family.

The Home Show is an event we look forward to; thank you to everybody who stopped by our Webb Weekly booth. For those who were looking to see me, I am sorry I missed you. From what I have heard, the event was a success, and the Liberty Arena provided a great new home.

I guess this is a good point to congratulate Lonnie Roedts, the winner of our Home Show grill package. His wife encouraged him to enter, and both were kind enough to have the grill delivered to their daughter. Again, something I usually enjoy doing but couldn’t, shout out to my right-hand man, Charlie Gizenski, for taking care of this.

A tip of my cap to Elery Nau in Montoursville for partnering up each year to provide and assemble the grill. My good friend Mikey Rupert at Rupert’s Specialty Meats for providing a gift card for his great grillin’ products and sides. And last but definitely not least, my friend old Chet Ruth at Frosty Beverage. Not to be confused with young Chet Ruth, both are good friends. Frosty’s provides the ice-cold beverages to wash down that first picnic of the season. If you didn’t win, you will get another chance real soon as our Great American Summer Cook-Out giveaway is just around the corner, with the same cast of characters providing the same great prizes.

If you didn’t make it to the Home Show, we have plenty of Webb Weekly yardsticks remaining. You’re more than welcome to stop by our office and pick one up. I’m sure Jaimie will greet you with a couple of handfuls of candy left over from the event.

Moving right along, I would just like to thank everybody for their thoughts, prayers, and caring as I had a little scare last week. I received amazing medical care from all involved; thank you from me and my family! I am very blessed. For those of you wondering, I am doing just fine, so please don’t worry about me. I will have more about what I went through another week; I am still trying to wrap my mind around everything. I do want to share this immediately to maybe help somebody avoid something that I could have probably prevented. Please take a little advice: If you’re not feeling well and it is something out of the ordinary, seek immediate medical attention. This can also be said for a simple health issue that lasts longer than it should. Toughing it out, not finding out why, or the denial approach that it will be just fine, it will pass, isn’t the answer. I learned this firsthand.

Happy Mother’s Day, and a sincere thank you to all that provide a mother’s love. I think it goes without saying the world is definitely in need of more motherly love, care, and compassion. And those that provide it have never been more in demand.

Please celebrate motherhood and thank all the moms and those who provide this maternal love. If you have little ones in your life, make sure they make her that special card, pick out a flower, or even make a little something. No matter what it is, she will love it.

A great idea for all you men out there is to give mom a break from her normal motherly chores. A day with no cooking, cleaning, or laundry. You chase the kids around as she has a little time to herself. This doesn’t exempt you from giving the lady who brought your children into the world a special card, gift, or meal out. I suggest a combination of all of the above. Remember, if mom’s happy, everyone’s happy.

Make sure you remember the grandmothers who seem to be taking an even more active role in raising today’s children. Again, they will appreciate whatever the child gives them, but it is equally important for the father to thank them and appreciate the motherly duties they have accepted out of love.

Please remind the older kids, no matter their age, not to forget their mom or nanny. Just in case, for whatever reason, that it may have slipped their mind. Then keep this quiet between you and them; I’ve learned my lesson on this one. Most importantly, make sure those special words, I love you and thank you for everything you do, are spoken accompanied by a hug. I encourage you to say this every day, not just on Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom, Elaine, in Texas, my stepmother, Carol, and my mother-in-law, Theresa. Thank you for everything you do and for being wonderful grandmothers.

And a happy Mother’s Day to Michelle from Jimmy, Hunter, Finn, Leia, Buck and me. We love you.

Let’s all be safe out there and enjoy a happy Mother’s Day weekend.

God Bless America.

Jim Webb