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  • Together Working for the Good

    Together Working for the Good0

    If you missed it the last couple of weeks, Webb Weekly is again doubling up your Red Kettle donation made to The Salvation Army Williamsport. This is something that began in remembrance of Dave Sechler, to help carry on his work of a lifetime. This year’s first donation actually came in shortly after the paper

  • An All-American Day of Thanks and Giving0

    A Happy Thanksgiving full of love, sharing, and generosity to everyone. We have so much to be thankful for in our great Nation. This year, more than ever, I feel it’s important we appreciate and show gratitude for all that we are so very blessed with. “In the spirit, Thanksgiving has become a day when

  • Kicking Off the Season of Thanks and Joy0

    With the 25th anniversary of Victorian Christmas on the cover, we’re on the doorstep of the most wonderful time of year across the West Branch Valley. Thanksgiving falls on the latest date possible this year, November 28th. It is the first time since we began the Webb Weekly over 22 years ago that this has

  • Pennsylvania Voters Didn’t Buy It0

    As I watched Channel 16 to begin my Friday morning after the election, there was a rock concert going on with Joe Snedeker in the backyard. This made possible by the fact they didn’t have to fill half the airtime with political commercials. Thank goodness this is finally over. I have Penn State blue and

  • Pre-Election Conversation and Veteran Day Appreciation0

    A quick reminder to all as I’m penning this column: it’s the Friday morning prior to the election. Some folks will be reading me on Tuesday as the polls are still open, and some will be reading shortly after the election has ended; I pray we have a peaceful election, that the results are known

  • America Must Change Direction With the 2024 Election0

    This wasn’t how my column was to begin this week, but as I drove into work this past Friday, my Father and Chris Downs were on my mind. It was on October 25th — my dad left us 12 years ago, which is hard to believe in so many ways. A day doesn’t go by


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