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  • Coach Cory and a Little Mountaineer Journey0

    It was great hearing from so many of you about last week’s article, Thirty-One Words to Live By. A special tip of my Webb Weekly cap to Mike Juran for sharing Red Skeleton’s word-by-word meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. Please take a moment to view at, or Google and watch on YouTube. It

  • Thirty-One Words to Live By0

    Congratulations and tip of my Webb Weekly cap to manager Cory Goodman and his South Side Major softballing East Regional Champions! (See Jamie Spencer’s column page 46.) The team is currently in Portland, Ore. competing in the Major Softball Little League World Series. This is the age equivalent to the Little League Baseball World Series

  • From Broad Street to Cooperstown

    From Broad Street to Cooperstown0

    Congratulations to Mike Mussina on his induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. An absolutely amazing story of a small town All-American boy that navigated the baseball gauntlet all the way to Cooperstown. From Johnny Z’s and Montoursville Little League to a State Championship while playing for Manager Carter Giles and his hometown Warriors.

  • There is No I in Team USA0

    In the world of sports, anytime a team or individual puts USA across their chest, I become an instant fan. It could be badminton, curling or some sport I didn’t even know about prior to watching the Olympics. I know I’m not alone; probably 98% of Americans feel the same way. One of the great

  • Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway

    Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway0

    Thank you to all that made our Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway the summer fun contest for a great cause it was intended to be. I couldn’t believe the number of folks that actually brought their entry forms into our Webb Weekly office. It was great to meet and greet some of our readers.

  • An All-American Celebration of Freedom0

    Happy Fourth of July America! It seems like only yesterday I was downtown for the Bicentennial Parade. Wow, where have those 43 years gone? As you celebrate everything that is the United States of America on our 243rd Independence Day, please take a moment to reflect and give thanks. Take a knee for the only


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