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  • Mistakes, Distractions, What Drives Your Reaction0

    A happy fall to everyone. There is so much good going on in the world; we all need to find positivity and pass it on with a side of kindness. This especially holds true on the highways. I’m just putting this out there in the most straightforward way possible; everybody makes mistakes while driving. And

  • Pumpkin Spice and Pigskin is Nice0

    Well, summer is in the rear-view mirror as autumn officially begins next Thursday. A couple of closing thoughts about the sun-drenched season. It was hot, it was dry, and it was everything I remembered summers being as I was growing up. Just day after day of being able to do whatever you wanted and not

  • Remembering History to Prevent Infamy0

    It was a beautiful, sun-drenched, late-summer morning. It appeared all was right in the world. The early day’s sun was still very warm, the smell of fall was in the air. I dropped my sons off for school and daycare. Jimmy had just started kindergarten, and Hunter was a very young preschooler. I was looking

  • Rounding 3rd and Headed for Football0

    The Little League World Series is one of those events that every sports fan should have on their bucket list. Fortunately, I was born, raised, and have resided my whole life in the Williamsport area. I enjoyed the LLWS as a child, then taking my children and hopefully my grandchildren someday soon. Now that you

  • The World Returns to Williamsport0

    I trust in God, I love my country, and will respect its laws. I will play fair and strive to win, but win or lose, I will always do my best. As the 75th Little League World Series begins, the Little League Pledge seemed like the perfect pitch to begin my article. After playing a

  • Who’s Calling the Shots on National Defense and Diplomacy?0

    Since we don’t have term limits in Washington, you would think President Biden and all his cronies would understand just how fragile America’s freedom truly is. They lived through 9/11 in 2001. They witnessed the horror of that day and felt the emotions of our Nation being attacked and shaken to its very core. This


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