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  • The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us.0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when

  • A Thanksgiving Tail0

    Dad and I would get together early Thanksgiving morning and have coffee. He made his java so strong you could stand a pitchfork in it. I remember asking him, “Hey Dad, should I drink this or stain the deck with it.” He would laugh and say, “It is not strong. I only used 2 or

  • Coach ‘em Up0

    It was only a couple of years ago when the level of play of local high school football teams was at a sub-par level. Remembering back I don’t believe any local team finished with a winning record. Wow, has that changed. J.C. Keefer head coach at Montoursville has energized the Warriors. They remind me of

  • Does Whatever a Spider Can0

    It seems like it was only yesterday. Halloween was fast approaching and I needed that special costume. I was probably about second grade age. Back then trick-or-treating was a door-to-door – fill-your-bag-up-with-as-much-candy-as-you-could celebration! No popcorn balls or carrots wanted. Yes, a nice older lady gave me a carrot. She explained she had run out of

  • I have been asked by family, friends and readers to rerun my article from the 10/25/12 edition, in memory of my father.0

    I have been asked by family, friends and readers to rerun my article from the 10/25/12 edition, in memory of my father. I am touched that it meant so much to so many folks. Many of you have shared stories with me about my father. Dad’s business sense and dedication to energy services and his

  • Cliff Notes Required0

    Well I hope to shed some light on our recent government shutdown and provide you information on the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”, so you can decide if this program is good, bad or ugly. Is all this partisan politics and government turmoil necessary? Is this complex piece of legislation going to drastically


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