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  • A Perfect “Springer” Storm0

    The final Presidential Debate is upon us on Wednesday night. It is not only must see TV for deciding who deserves your vote, but it also has become like a reality TV show worth watching. Congrats to both Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump, you managed to turn the second debate into an

  • Awareness, Addiction and the Abominable0

    So much to talk about from Washington and the presidential election to Williamsport and DA Eric Linhardt. I promise not to need the services of any ‘fact checkers’ like Ms. Hillary and ‘The Don’ did during their debate. The most important shade of autumn made an early appearance across the West Branch Valley. Even before

  • Autumn Outdoor Life and Liberty0

    What an absolutely amazing time of year to enjoy our home area of Penn’s Woods, “Hunting, fishing and loving every day” as country artist Luke Bryan sings it. “It’s the prayer a country boy prays” and no words ring truer as autumn and the beginning of the PA hunting season are upon us. It is

  • Taking a Knee on America0

    “Would you please rise in honor of America for the playing of our National Anthem?” Then you look and find the American Flag, either being presented by the color guard or flying above the stadium. You stand at attention, removing your hat if you are wearing one; maybe you place the hat or your empty

  • What We Can Never Forget0

    I can remember that bright blue sky and early sunshine like it was only yesterday. It could not have been a more beautiful late summer morning. As I started the workweek, Imus in the morning was on the radio; the first report on the show was that a small aircraft had flown into one of

  • A Difficult Situation0

    What a great break from reality and turmoil our great area has offered the last couple of weeks. Tip of my Little League cap to Mr. Steve Keener and all his troops up on The Hill – what a fantastic Series! Also to all the volunteers that make the Little League World Series so special.


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