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  • Mid March Memories and Traditions0

    What a wonderful time of year as the calendar reads the middle of March. Robins can be found abound. It is so great to wake up to the sounds of birds singing in the morning. Don’t get me wrong winter could still bring us some Arctic air but one thing’s for sure, it can’t last

  • Where Eagles Soar0

    It was the late 70s, and the American bald eagle was on the verge of extinction and placed on the endangered species list. I remember thinking at the time that I had never seen a bald in the wild and questioned whether I ever would. Well, the bald eagle has become one of those great

  • Enjoying Penns Woods Traditions0

    Well, it’s great to see the month of March just on the horizon. Before you know it everybody will be migrating back outside. The baseball, softball, and soccer fields will come to life. Everybody will resume those warm weather activities we love in the West Branch Valley. We’re only a few days away from the

  • Mr. 900! And Wanted: Men in Blue and West End Boys

    Mr. 900! And Wanted: Men in Blue and West End Boys0

    Congratulations to Loyalsock head basketball coach Ron Insinger on recording his 900th victory! C.I., as he is affectionately known, already holds the record for wins as a high school basketball coach in the state of Pennsylvania. He is sitting at 902 as I pen this article. I look forward to the day he cracks 1,000

  • Hope Springs Eternal0

    I heard my favorite words of February this past weekend. Pitchers and catchers will be reporting for Spring Training. To me, that’s like seeing the first robin. A sure sign spring and the Boys of Summer are on their way. There’s no truth to the rumor that the Pittsburgh Pirates were the first club to

  • A Happy 100th Birthday & Helping a Great Cause

    A Happy 100th Birthday & Helping a Great Cause0

    A Happy 100th Birthday Well as usual the groundhog saw his shadow and we have 6 more weeks of winter. I never understood that whole shadow thing, the sun’s out so he sees his silhouette shouldn’t it be an early spring? You know the sun being out and everything. As the folklore goes, the sun


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