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  • Coming to America, No Trojan Horse Required0

    The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about immigration and our Country is the welcoming Lady of Freedom, the Statue of Liberty. I imagine my Italian ancestors as they approached Ellis Island, and that brightly glowing torch extending toward heaven welcomed them. The relief and joy they must have felt after

  • Annie Get Your Gun!0

    The family tradition of hunting in Pennsylvania began before Penns Woods had even become a state. In 1683 hunting was permitted as a right of ownership on all land covered by Mr. William Penn’s Charter. The family tradition of an actual “deer season” in the Keystone State did not begin until 1869. At this point

  • Mike Is Who He Is – All the Way to Cooperstown1

    Tip of my Loyalsock Lancer cap to cross-creek rival Mike Mussina. His election into the Baseball Hall of Fame is a celebration of a good man doing great things the right way, and being rewarded with baseball immortality. Mike’s priorities have always been in the right order, although sometimes, big city people and sportswriters didn’t

  • A Trophy Year

    A Trophy Year0

    What a year it was for our 11th Annual Webb Weekly – Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. If you remember, we renamed the contest in honor of my Uncle Ron Maietta who left us this past year for the big hunting ground in the sky, and Ron Mingle’s family who are fighting the same battle

  • Good Guys Do Finish First0

    It is amazing what is accomplished in the world of sports from folks that call the West Branch Valley home. It just seems to get better and better with each passing season. I can guarantee you there’s no place in the world there has ever been a head basketball coach record their 1,000th win and

  • A Super Bowl for the Uncompromising1

    One thing you can count on with the Super Bowl is that there will be a winner decided. In the event of a tie after four quarters, they will go to the old NFL format of sudden death to declare the winner — simply play until somebody wins. I think this system should be adopted


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