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  • A Politically Balanced Upbringing0

    For those of you that are new to reading my column or maybe those that have forgotten my political roots, I thought it would be a good time to discuss this. My Father was an ultra-Conservative Republican but never had a problem letting the Republican Party know when there was a problem. He was a

  • 2020 The Reality of a Futuristic Odyssey0

    Happy New Year, everybody! I find it surreal that we’re in the year 2020. In my mind, that sounds like the perfect title for a science fiction movie. Maybe it takes place right here in the United States. Aliens begin to invade our Country, and I’m talking about from another galaxy, not from South of

  • God’s Greatest Gift0

    A very Merry Christmas to everyone! Let’s all be careful out there while enjoying all that is a blessed Holiday season. Please remember to say thank you to all that prepare the perfectly delicious Christmas feast. Absolutely no political discussions until the New Year. And let’s keep the conversation around the table joyous. The most

  • Not So Democratic Party1

    The Inquisition of President Trump is absolutely pathetic. I have never seen a less Democratic procedure take place in our Nation’s Capital. Democracy and the current Democratic Party couldn’t be any greater of a contradiction. The current House Judiciary hearing has absolutely nothing to do with what they claim are two impeachable offenses, and everything

  • Keep Your Eyes to the Skies0

    It is definitely the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. As in the Christmas classic sung by Andy Williams. I love when that song comes on the radio; it can’t help but to put some Christmas spirit in your step and a smile on your face. Give it a listen before you go shopping, to

  • A Friend and Fan for All Seasons0

    Happy Birthday to my good friend Pedie McDonald. It’s hard to believe he’s going to be 60 years young! It seems like only yesterday I shared his 50th birthday with him. I have had a special relationship with Pedie and his parents, Peyton and Peachy, over the years. It began when I was a young


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