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  • A Red and Blue Nation Must Reunite As One Nation0

    “Some People Live an Entire Lifetime and Wonder if They Have Ever Made a Difference in the World. A Veteran Doesn’t Have that Problem.” – President Ronald Reagan A Webb Weekly salute and sincere thank you to all our Veterans. May you have a blessed day. If you are receiving our publication on Tuesday or

  • A Veterans’ Breakfast, Monster Bucks and One Big Boy

    A Veterans’ Breakfast, Monster Bucks and One Big Boy0

    As I am penning my article the Friday before Election Tuesday, over 67 million registered voters have already cast their ballots. A record number of Americans will vote in this election; the final tally is expected to be north of 150 million. Our Nation is expected to see 65% of those registered, vote in this

  • 47 Years is a Problem, Not the Solution0

    No matter who wins the election, I can’t wait for all this nonsense to be over. I am beyond tired of President Trump and Mr. Biden being in my mailbox, on the electronic device of my choice, feeling obligated to watch their debates, and flipping through channels to see what all the mainstream media geniuses

  • Make Sure Your Vote Counts!

    Make Sure Your Vote Counts!0

    Well, the October 19th date to register for the upcoming November 3rd election has come and gone. This year’s presidential election will be historic in many regards. The one we hear much about is the absentee/vote by mail option, which has now come into play for the American voter. I had the opportunity to sit

  • Have Lies, Injustice, and the Social Media Way Become Our Kryptonite?1

    Before I get started this week, I’m going to self-correct. Last week, in my column, “The Armed and the Delirious” I had Lucille Zablocky at 84 years young as the most senior member of our Guns & Roses effort with National Range & Armory. It was brought to my attention that Barb Reish actually holds

  • The Armed and the Delirious0

    There has never been a more important time in American history to understand, support, and exercise our freedoms empowered by the Constitution of our great land. This past summer, I teamed up with the good folks at National Range & Armory to offer some understanding and practical application of our 2nd Amendment rights. Wow, what


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