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  • A Sandwich, Soda, and Sit Down With the Mayor of Billtown

    A Sandwich, Soda, and Sit Down With the Mayor of Billtown0

    I have been meaning to catch up with Williamsport’s Mayor Derek Slaughter for a while now. I have known him a long time, and of course, I wanted to talk about the City of Williamsport, but even more important was just to catch up with a friend, break a little bread and see how he’s

  • Stand For the Flag, Kneel for the Fallen, Thank God for Our Freedom0

    There has been way too much negativity across our Nation in the last year, we need to leave it in the past and move forward full speed ahead. The United States of America is truly the greatest shining light of freedom and opportunity the world has ever seen. Our One Nation Under God must remember its

  • The Ambiance of Washington Boulevard0

    Tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to Mr. George Hutchinson. The local real estate developer, businessman, and entrepreneur has a knack for making things better and more aesthetically appealing than he found them. He increases property value in whatever neighborhood he invests in. What triggered my thinking is what he

  • Tough Love, Life Lessons, and Family

    Tough Love, Life Lessons, and Family0

    It has been almost a decade since my Father left God’s green Earth. I think about him often regarding so many things and what his thoughts would be. For those of you that knew my Dad or read him over the years, just imagine his take on what the world has become. What I miss

  • Common Sense to Prevent Being Scrooged by a Scoundrel0

    Scammers have perfected the art of lying and deception. They prey upon the most innocent and caring people. This often is the most senior members of our community that may be lonely and just enjoy having someone to talk with. They are beyond scoundrels in sheep’s clothing and will say whatever necessary. Please make it

  • Cons, Scammers and Everyday Flim-Flammers0

    Are you beyond tired of receiving the following type of calls or messages? Hello, I’m reaching out to you with a great opportunity today, but before I get to that extended warranty package for your car, let me talk to you about a few other things going on that are of the utmost importance. First


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