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  • A Strategy To Empower People0

    As many of you know, when I was growing up in Southside, I lived on Kane Street. I spent a lot of time at my grandmother, Josephine Webb’s, and at my aunt Mary Jo’s. Both lived in what my Father referred to as the Dutch Hill section. I had a blast in that neighborhood, whether

  • 2.7 Seconds on a Bull Named Fumanchu

    2.7 Seconds on a Bull Named Fumanchu0

    A line from Tim McGraw’s hit song “Live Like You Were Dying” is the title of this week’s column. We are all mortal; for some of us, the end will come quick; for others, we’ll have that moment that stops you in your tracks, as the song says. None of us want to think about

  • Way Above the Curve0

    A few years back, shortly before he left us, I had Father John Manno out for a drive around town. I wanted to show him the progress that had been made in the Historic District and around the Annunciation Parish. From there, we rode on up to Historic Bowman Field, which was recently remodeled. As

  • 2022 – Out of the Gate with Gratitude0

    I wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. It’s hard to believe the Webb Weekly is closing in on 20 years of being welcomed into your home. All of us here at Webb Weekly thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We take great pride in the publication we provide, from those

  • A Wish of Joy, Love, and Compassion0

    It’s a couple of days before Christmas, and all through the house, there is so much stirring, I hope the cat gets the mouse. I’m sure there’s a lot of this going on all over our little neck of Penn’s Woods as the kids are now home from college, family members have traveled home for

  • Another Season Begins with the Best of Holiday Hoops0

    Just in the Saint Nick of time, the high school basketball season has returned in full swing. If you’re like me, you need to get out of the house on these long dark nights. Go cheer on your favorite team. If you can’t make it to the game or live out of town, Webb Weekly


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