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  • Look Up in the Sky! It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a ???0

    As more challenges to our freedom and way of life in America seem to occur daily, I thought the Chinese spy balloon and all the recent sightings of UFOs seen was a good place to start this week. As Americans have turned their eyes to the skies, UFOs being reported seems to be a daily

  • A Dynamic Diamond Duo

    A Dynamic Diamond Duo0

    Congratulations to Jim and Bonnie Winder on being voted into the National Babe Ruth Hall of Fame. What an absolutely great and deserving honor for the husband/wife team. Lou Hunsinger does a great job of covering the couple’s commitment and journey in providing youth baseball in the West End of Williamsport for over four decades.

  • Eagles, Cupids, Monsters & Wizards0

    The only classified information I’m going to talk about this week is the winners of our 15th Annual Uncle Ron’s Webb Weekly Monster Buck Contest. The only person they worry about talking about the results before it’s time would be me. As most of you know, I always like discussing hunting and big bucks. This

  • Timing Is Everything0

    Before I get to my thoughts on how much time remains for our 46th President to call the White House his home, I’ll begin with some positive light. The cover of the Webb Weekly reads February the 1st, and that’s great news. January is in the rear-view mirror; the groundhog will soon be coming out

  • Hello Lycoming County …0

    It’s a great day with a lot of new things happening here at Webb Communications. First is the launching of a county-wide, weekly newspaper that will go to 50,000 residences in the county each week. The publication is one intended to be “by the people” of Lycoming County and “for the people” of Lycoming County.

  • Twenty Years in the Books and Moving Right Along

    Twenty Years in the Books and Moving Right Along0

    It is great to see my Dad’s picture back on page 2. Beginning with his words “Hello Lycoming County,” the Webb Weekly was launched two decades ago this week. As I read his first column below and looked through the issues from over the years, it brought back a lot of memories. Many made me


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