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Search Results For 'health'

  • School Days and Football Friday Nights0

    Back to school time! It seems to get earlier each year. What happened to those days when you went back after Labor Day? I guess I’m probably dating myself there because it hasn’t been that way in a while. Still, heading back to the classroom during the second week of the Little League World Series,

  • A World Threat for Peace0

    How would you like to be President? Where do you start? What is most pressing? From Homeland Security to National and World defense. From healthcare to the debacle that has become Social Security? Let us not forget Mother Nature and climate change, global warming or just a violent weather pattern created by who knows what?

  • West End Boys of Summer0

    Well it’s that time of year again. The boys of summer from the West End Babe Ruth League are making some big noise statewide and beyond. Babe Ruth All-Star baseball has four divisions for players 13, 14, 15 and 16-18 years of age. On July 15, West End had a league first, winning a game

  • Freedom and Time to Get Outdoors0

    Happy Summer! Yes, I know it hasn’t officially begun, but as I am penning this article it is 75° and the clock hasn’t rang 9 a.m. yet. My kind of weather! I hope it continues right on through November or at least Memorial Day weekend at this point. What an unusual year of weather we

  • Same Problem at Every Level0

    The middle of February can mean just one thing. Spring Training has begun in Florida and Arizona for America’s pastime of summer. Wish I were there. Here on the local front, great high school basketball and wrestling action takes the main stage as the regular seasons wrap up and District Championship play gets underway. If

  • Same Problem at Every Level0

    The middle of February can mean just one thing. Spring Training has begun in Florida and Arizona for America’s pastime of summer. Wish I were there. Here on the local front, great high school basketball and wrestling action takes the main stage as the regular seasons wrap up and District Championship play gets underway. If

  • The 100 Day Dash0

    So much has been talked about and made up about what is going to occur as President Donald Trump begins his ‘Contract with the American Voter.’ If you remember, Mr. Trump was in Gettysburg this past October when he released a plan for his first 100 days in office. It was his action plan for

  • The Men and Women of Freedom0

    A heartfelt thank you from all of us at Webb Weekly to the men and women that have served our Great Nation. These are the true providers of our blessed freedom. Please take the time this Veterans Day to honor the living and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice or are no longer with

  • If You Have to Go – They Have to Go!0

    Ladies, get signed up! In case you missed it last week, because of my unwavering commitment to our Second Amendment rights and belief every woman out there should be able to safely shoot a firearm, I am again putting a $50 bill towards education and training for any woman who is interested. The first 50

  • Good to Hear Your Thoughts!0

    I have recently talked about the Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle. It, as always, has been great to hear from so many of you. Some interesting thoughts were provided to me by the most important source I have, you! We are blessed to live where we live and I am blessed to

  • The Truth about Executive Order0

    I always get a good laugh when we are going to get that big winter storm and everyone stocks up on everything from bread to ammunition. Do they really believe they are going to be snowbound for days, weeks, maybe a month? Then you know what happens? It misses us. Some are happy; some are

  • 50 Years of Family, Friends and Trust0

    It seems like it was only yesterday. My Dad taking me to Mister Donut on the Golden Strip for a Bavarian filled and a chocolate milk. I was knee-high to a grasshopper but can still envision the old store and the coffee mug my Father would sip from. It was different years ago, a donut

  • Next Question….0

    Did you watch the debate? What candidate do you like? Who do you feel has the edge at this point? These questions and topics are being talked about no matter where you go. It is great to see all the interest building for the 2016 Presidential run. My hope is all Americans realize the next

  • Tricks, Treats and Folks Seeking Elected Seats0

    My favorite week of the year on page 2. I get to dress up as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I thought about a different look for you this year, maybe Barak Obama but with Webb as my last name there is really only one choice of attire. Now for my public service message for Halloween

  • Sort of a Break and an Update0

    I was going to say let’s take a break from politics this week. I get tired of the facts that I uncover in researching stories. Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the heinous numbers I come across. I could not turn my head to one, however. Jeb Bush served up a belt high fast

  • Keystone Debt and Deception0

    Governor Wolf just doesn’t get it and he never will. Us folks in the Keystone State are in for a long and tough four years, minus the time our Governor has already put in. This past week he made a big to do over the GOP Lawmakers who control the PA Legislature paying too high

  • The Agenda For Our Next President0

    As Donald Trump threw his wallet into the ring to become a Republican candidate for President I began thinking, where should our next President start to right the American ship. What are the most important issues to save our country from the Primrose Path our leaders in Washington have walked us all down? How do

  • President’s Day Positivity0

    I received a phone call from a nice lady this past week who enjoyed reading my column. She asked if possible could I stay positive about President Obama. Maybe talk about the good things he is doing. My reply was I would do my best. I always listen and try to provide Webb Weekly readers

  • Happy 2015!0

    New Year’s wishes of health, happiness and prosperity. The year 2015, wow it almost seems like a title for a sci-fi movie. I still catch myself thinking it’s 19 something, let alone we are 15 years into the new millennium. What’s going on in the world today is much different than anyone would have imagined

  • $400,000 Worth of Insults0

    The fleecing of American taxpayers never seems to end. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something more pungent comes to light. I haven’t talked about Obamacare lately and was happier for not doing so. President Obama’s grand plan of national healthcare and providing health insurance for all was a farce from the word

  • Ribbons, Ammo and Truth0

    The beauty of autumn can be found throughout this wonderful place we call home. The different shades of yellow, red and orange that adorn the trees and paint an October backdrop. The pumpkins, cornstalks and wreaths that provide contrast and welcome you into area homes and businesses. The perfectly groomed green of your favorite teams

  • A Matter of National Security0

    President Barack Hussein Obama. Before he even began his candidacy, allegations arose over his qualifications to become president. Smoke swirled over his citizenship, religion and where he attended school. Shocking too many was his reluctance to produce a birth certificate, school records and address the naysayers. If he would’ve been a Republican candidate the media

  • Food for Thought0

    There is so much going on around the world to talk about, unfortunately none of it is good news. ISIS, Hamas, Syria, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, could the Middle East be any more of a mess? There is no reasoning with any radical Islamic group, or country, or both in the case of Syria. So there

  • There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way0

    It was an early morning a week or so ago as I sat in the breakfast area of a Vineland New Jersey hotel sipping on my coffee. The area became alive with young soccer players grabbing a quick bite before heading out for that dreaded 8:00 AM game. Jimmy and I were there for baseball.

  • Santa’s Midnight Run0

    I’m not a shopper. Every holiday season I wait until the last minute and then hit the stores looking for that special gift to make Christmas morning memorable. It was much easier when Jimmy and Hunter were younger, but as they get older it becomes more difficult and expensive to find that present with a

  • Cliff Notes Required0

    Well I hope to shed some light on our recent government shutdown and provide you information on the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”, so you can decide if this program is good, bad or ugly. Is all this partisan politics and government turmoil necessary? Is this complex piece of legislation going to drastically

  • Congrats, Coaches and Country…0

    Congratulations to my kid sister Morgan and husband to be, Mike. They will be wed this Saturday. I am honored to be pinch hitting for my Dad where needed and hope it is a most special day for the bride, groom and families. I know I should wait until after the wedding for well wishes


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