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  • Connect With Your Library! It’s National Library Week!0

    Those who know me know that I am a reader at heart. I was the kid who had to be told to put the book down and go outside to play. According to my Kindle stats, I have only not read 24 days since January 2020. So having the opportunity to tout reading to all

  • CAC Welcomes the Queen Tribute Band – Killer Queen0

    Although it’s been 31 years since Freddie Mercury died, his music and showmanship continue to entertain and attract new generations of fans thanks to tribute shows held around the world. This Thursday the Community Arts Center will raise the curtain for a performance from the British Queen tribute band Killer Queen, one of the most

  • Spring Bear Sightings on the Increase0

    It’s that time of year again when reports of bear sightings become more frequent. I’ve already seen a couple of trail camera videos of bears meandering through someone’s yard. One such video was of a bear wandering through a neighborhood in Muncy. I’m also reminded of the situation a few years ago where a bear

  • Emotions0

    I appreciate all of the love. Wow. These past few weeks have been incredible. I want to congratulate the entire NEUMANN NATION. Making it all the way to Hershey to compete for a state title was a lot of fun. My phone continues to blow up, and my inbox is full. You wouldn’t believe the

  • UPMC Endocrinologist: Thyroid Disorders Can Zap Your Energy0

    There are many reasons a person can feel tired all the time, but one that’s important to consider is the activity of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck, below your Adam’s apple. It makes a hormone that controls your metabolism and can sometimes affect your energy. Thyroid

  • The Roving Sportsman… Scouting for Spring Gobblers0

    The one-day Youth Hunt for spring gobblers is Saturday, April 23, 2022, and the following Saturday, the 30th, is the opening day of the month-long Pennsylvania statewide spring gobbler season. With less than a month to go before the season begins, the timing is perfect to spend time scouting for spring gobblers. Preparation for spring

  • Opening Day0

    While the 99 argumentative days between MLB and the MLB Players Association cast serious doubt on if or when the 2022 Major League Baseball season might begin, that anticipated day for baseball fans commences this Thursday, April 7. Although never officially a holiday, there have been many school days and workdays skipped over the years

  • “The Lost City”: LOL and TLC … IMO0

    Let’s face it: Most texts & posts that include “LOL” don’t actually make you laugh out loud. But if anyone labels “The Lost City” with that abbreviation, they aren’t JK. Folks in the theater were chortling and guffawing throughout this film — my wife and me just as loudly as the rest. This entertaining new

  • Body Serum0

    As seasons change and we think about the warmer weather to come, we also may be taking stock of our skin and skincare. From November through March, you may have lotioned up after every shower, slathered on the moisturizer before bed every night, or just taken care of your skin when it crossed your mind.

  • County Hall Corner: Meet the Candidates – PA Senators Edition0

    Last week we featured the PA Gubernatorial race; this week, we will try to cut through the maze of the candidates running for US Senator from Pennsylvania for the seat currently held by Republican Pat Toomey. With the Senate currently at 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, every race is going to be a battlefield. This

  • Closing Out March Madness0

    Spring has definitely sprung across the West Branch Valley, and with late March and April showers come May flowers. I especially enjoy the increased hours of daylight and knowing those long days of summer are just around the corner. As you’re reading this, many of our local baseball teams have already thrown their first pitch

  • We’re Going on an Easter Egg Hunt!0

    Boys and girls, you’re about to behold a sight so fluffy, so delightful, so utterly adorable, that I urge those of you who are easily tickled or prone to the giggles to look the other way — but if you are still here, step right up, everyone has a chance to win a prize! As

  • St. John Neumann Takes Silver in Hershey0

    Though the Golden Knights of St. John Neumann Regional Academy ended their season with a loss of 64-47 to the Bishop Canevin Crusaders of Pittsburgh, they will always be champions in the eyes of the community. Getting a police escort into town, the players and coaches were greeted by hundreds of fans, friends, and family.

  • 62nd Annual Home Show to Take Place This Weekend0

    With the long shadow of the COVID pandemic seeming to abate and the ending of a long winter, it is now a good time to start thinking about those home improvement projects you may have been considering or have put off. Well, the best place to find out more about doing those projects and doing

  • Time for an Equipment Check0

    The statewide Pennsylvania trout season begins in just a few days — Saturday, April 2, to be exact. The statewide spring gobbler season starts on Saturday, April 30, and the Youth Hunt for spring gobblers will be held on Saturday, April 23. With those dates in mind, it might be a great time to examine

  • Shining Moments0

    Calendars throughout the area denoted nothing special about March 18. However, at one anxious building on Penn Street in Williamsport, that third Friday in March was indeed a red-letter day. At about the same time, St. John Neumann Regional Academy graduate Kevin Anderson was taking the floor with his Delaware Blue Hens against Villanova in

  • What’s the Best Choice for Opening Day?0

    So, what is the best presentation on the upcoming opening day of our statewide trout season? Well, to be honest, I really don’t know the answer to that question, but before we get into that, there are other scenarios that should be factored in before heading out. High on my list are the water conditions

  • What a Run0

    I appreciate all the love. This experience has been fun. I am so proud of my guys. They made it to Hershey. Although, we came up a tad short. We left everything out on the court. Bishop Canevan was the real deal. They were as good as advertised. Please let me soak this in. I

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wet a Line, Throw Some Lead, or Simply Take a Hike!0

    Congratulations! You live in Lycoming County or perhaps one of the surrounding counties. Or maybe you are a frequent traveler who comes to our neck of the woods to enjoy what this “slice of Heaven” of Northcentral Pennsylvania has to offer. In any case, if you are into the outdoors, welcome to Paradise! Throughout my

  • Neumann News0

    [Editor’s Note: The following articles are from Neumann News, the newspaper club at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. The goal of Neumann News is, “to inform SJNRA families and students of the school on a variety of different topics including: news, events, sports, opinion, entertainment, and outside current events through the varying perspectives of Neumann

  • Panfishing: An Alternative to the Opening Day of Trout Season0

    I know, the first day of trout season is when a lot of people get out fishing for the first time since last summer — it’s tradition, you just go on the “first day.” That’s great that a lot of folks often get out with family members to enjoy a day of fishing, but that

  • WAHS SADD Club Wins 1st Place in Statewide Suicide Prevention Video Contest0

    A Williamsport Area High School video produced to help raise awareness on mental health stigmas and suicide prevention received first place in a recent statewide PSA contest conducted by Prevent Suicide PA (PSPA). The video, created by members of the high school’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club, earned the top spot in the 60-second

  • Adaptive Fashion0

    As we close out March, I wanted to take a moment to recognize that this month hosts various awareness days such as World Hearing Day, International Wheelchair Day, World Down Syndrome Day, and World Kidney Day, to name a few. Disabilities come in many forms, both visible and invisible, and are more common than you

  • County Hall Corner: Meet the Candidates – PA Gubernatorial Edition0

    The upcoming Pennsylvania primary on May 17th, just a month and a half from now, will be one of the most difficult for PA voters in some time. The list of candidates is a long one, and even the most seasoned strategists are finding this year’s list daunting. This week we will be looking at

  • Four Take Gold in Hershey0

    By Scott Lowery & Dave Bellomo [Editor’s Note: Whew! We have a whole lotta wrestling to cover this week. We had FOUR local wrestlers bring home State Gold and we want to make sure they get all the attention they deserve! So thank you to Jimmy for giving up his space this week (I’ll also

  • UPMC Ophthalmologist: When Was Your Last Eye Exam?0

    Regular visits to the eye doctor are a critical part of any healthy lifestyle — regardless of your current ability to see. Vision changes can have a profound effect on your day-to-day life, and it’s important to identify and treat these common issues. Additionally, a comprehensive eye exam with pupil dilation can detect systemic conditions

  • Local Musicians Nominated for Central PA Music Awards0

    Gabe Stillman, an accomplished and popular blues singer is one of the bright lights to have come out of the local music scene in recent years. An indication of Gabe’s talent and how well he is thought of by people in the music world and his fans was his recent nomination for two honors from

  • Hyner Lodge Foundation, A Recreational Facility for Veterans To Have Open House Saturday, March 26 0

    Many times, our military veterans who serve our country courageously, may not bear the physical scars of battle. Many may instead, have unseen psychological scars that dog them from things they have seen or experienced during their service. There is an organization and recreational facility called Hyner Lodge in nearby Clinton County, in the area

  • Leggings0

    No matter the season, leggings are a forever staple. Whether you wear them exclusively for workouts, lounging, or a mix of activities, there are a ton of new styles on the rise. Don’t think much can be improved upon when it comes to leggings? Sometimes, it’s the small details that make the biggest difference. Here’s

  • County Hall Corner: Government Windfall – A Wind or a Fall?0

    The abundance of people who spend money on lottery tickets all dream that someday they will be the one to hit it big. Imagine what it would be like to win a million dollars! All your problems would be over, right? According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, one-third of all lottery winners will declare

  • Three Athletes at Loyalsock Township High School Sign Letters of Intent to Play in the MAC0

    Hannah Winter, Mia Patterson and Mallory Rodarmel from Loyalsock Township High School signed their letters of intent to play in the MAC next year. Hannah Winter plans to play softball at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA, where she will be studying nursing.“Hannah is a talented, hardworking, and humble player that is always looking to improve

  • Once a Coach, Always A Coach0

    Having just finished up about a 3-month stint as an assistant coach in the hugely successful Upward Basketball League, run jointly by Faith United Methodist and Northway Community Church, a big thank you to the Pastors of both Churches for allowing me the opportunity to dip my toes back into the coaching arena after an

  • The Roving Sportsman… Ahhh —Spring is Here!0

    Finally, the daytime temperatures are reaching into the 50s and 60s, we have seen the last of the late winter snows (hopefully!), and it’s time to get outside and tackle a few springtime chores. The bluebirds have been showing themselves for a while now, but if you have not yet done so, you should (carefully)

  • South’s Girls Leave Their Mark0

    Piper Minier’s shot bounced tantalizingly on the rim two or three times before it dropped through the netting as a large South Williamsport rooting contingent let out a roar of approval. In what has been a miraculous season for the Lady Mountaineers basketball team, it seemed a moment when good fortunes would once again shine

  • Spring Turkey Season and Ongoing Research0

    I was on my way home one morning last week from sipping some coffee with friends at a nearby McDonald’s when I glanced over at a still snow-covered field, and much to my surprise, I spotted two gobblers. I was even more impressed when I saw how long their beards were-definitely trophy birds. That sighting

  • Ukrainian Donations, St. Paddy’s Day Celebration, and Home Improvement Anticipation0

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, and good luck to all on planning whatever home improvement is needed. Before I get to both of those topics, I have a little more serious issue to talk about. I am always amazed how the people of the West Branch Valley come together during a crisis, whether it’s here at

  • Fun Ways for Children to Participate in St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations0

    Full disclosure, I am not Irish. Not even a little bit. I have a 23andMe report to confirm it. But everyone loves to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day! Plus, my mom still insists on pinching people for not wearing green, despite the fact that she is also, not even a little bit Irish. So I’ll wear


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