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77th Annual Mummers' Parade!
Saturday, October 19th at 2:00pm

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  • Savings Strategies for Weddings0

    The question was popped; the engagement ring presented. What’s the next step on the road to the wedding? Saving should definitely be on couples’ minds. A wedding is likely the most costly party couples will ever throw. According to The Knot’s 2019 Real Weddings Study, the average cost of a wedding in 2019 was $33,900.

  • ‘Plus One’ Etiquette for Wedding Guests0

    Making a wedding guest list is seldom an easy task. Couples often find that many people are worthy of an invitation, which can make creating a guest list tricky for those with budgets in mind. According to data from the online wedding resource The Knot, the average wedding catering cost per guest is roughly $70.

  • Fishing Opportunities0

    Happy New Year, kids. Trust all is well. Yes. I have been extremely busy of late. The basketball season is in full throttle. While the SJNRA Golden Knights are usually the topic of discussion. A few have asked if I am still fishing. Absolutely. I am not going to lie. I would rather talk about

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Eliminate the Invasives0

    Your Habitat Management Plan should include an inventory of current desirable and undesirable trees, shrubs, and vines on your property. Additionally, include a listing of those new trees, shrubs, and vines you would like to add – including how and where you want to plant them. As an early step in your action plan, you

  • “West Side Story” Well-Nigh Miraculous

    “West Side Story” Well-Nigh Miraculous0

    Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” achieves so many unlikely triumphs that, at times, it seems downright miraculous. Based on the beloved 1961 musical, this is a rare remake that’s every bit as good as the original — maybe better. Yet somehow, it manages this without actually eclipsing that film — without modernizing or updating it

  • Baseball Giveth0

    There is a very good explanation for those shattering sounds that have been heard of late throughout the valley. Perhaps not as high numbers as the daily COVID count we’ve been besieged with, but never-the-less many of those well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions that had been made two weeks ago have already been smashed or tossed

  • 2022 – Out of the Gate with Gratitude0

    I wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. It’s hard to believe the Webb Weekly is closing in on 20 years of being welcomed into your home. All of us here at Webb Weekly thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We take great pride in the publication we provide, from those

  • Happy New Year!0

    Wow! I can’t believe that it is 2022. It seems like yesterday that I was hired on as a temp to take over for a temp that was sick. Now here we are 20 years later, and I have a position that not-even-old-enough-to drink-Steph could have only dreamed of! This year we begin our 20th

  • Winter Layers 20220

    The Old Farmer’s Almanac has predicted a cold, long, and snowy winter for the United States in 2022. In fact, they predict it will be so cold they are calling the next few months the “season of shivers.” So, prepare to bundle up and, if possible, bundle up with style in layers that will keep

  • UPMC Physician: Unconventional New Year’s Resolutions0

    The new year is looming, and thoughts of resolutions may be on your mind. The gym might be more crowded and you might have healthier items on your grocery shopping list. While these kinds of resolutions work well for some people, they might not be for everyone and for many people, just putting in a

  • Williamsport High School Signing Day0

    Dallas Griess, recently signed to North Carolina to play baseball. Pictured are, left to right: Colton Potts (Dallas’s nephew), Ashley Potts (Dallas’s sister), Dallas Griess and Gary Griess.

  • The MAGIC Dome0

    This past week, my 12-year-old son asked if I would take him and a buddy to the Loyalsock and Williamsport game. I checked my schedule, and we were scheduled for an early practice. I was thinking about doing some scouting but eventually caved. We loaded up the Jeep and made a quick stop in the

  • Bowling for Dollars0

    Happy New Year! Hopefully, the first few days of 2022 are treating you well and will continue to do so. Most likely, only a few graybeards in the readership will recall an old TV show “Bowling for Dollars.” It was a television game show originating in the 1960s that reached its heyday in the 1970s.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Refine Your Plan With the Experts 0

    Once you have mapped out your property and the neighboring properties and have put down on paper a list of your property’s inventory, a list of the end goals for the work you will do, and some of your ideas as to how you can accomplish your objectives, it is now time to take the

  • Gazette and Bulletin: January 4, 1951 – Billies Lose, Look Good Before Falling to Knicks 78-640

    The New York Knickerbockers, although never really extended, had to go all out at several stages to slap down the Williamsport Billies, 78-64, in an exhibition game last night on the West Third Street wooden way. A crowd of 502 watched the Billies, playing perhaps their best game of the infant season, stay within breathing

  • Making the Connection

    Making the Connection0

    Last week I began to delve a little deeper into the process of catching fish through a barrier of ice, and like any kind of fishing, the right tools used in the most proficient manner produce the best results. It’s probably safe to say that the most important tool for fishing comes down to the

  • 19th Annual Festival of Trees Raises More Than $15,000 for Local Salvation Army0

    Despite the continuing nuisance of COVID, it was a successful 19th Annual Festival of Trees held recently at the Lycoming Mall. The event raised more than $15,000 for the local unit of the Salvation Army. Volunteer auctioneer Michael Roan auctioned off numerous decorated trees sponsored by local businesses. The Trail Inn of Cogan Station received

  • County Hall Corner: What Has COVID Done to the Next Generation?0

    For the new year, I had in my mind an article to identify the area that could possibly have the longest impact on the future as a result of the past two years of government action in relation to the COVID virus. I am afraid the winner (actually loser) would be the negative impact on

  • Happy New Year!0

    Well, look at me all fancy like Applebee’s on page 2! I have to tell you; this is one of my favorite issues of the year. Honestly, every year when I write this article, it’s hard not to get a little choked up thinking about all the fantastic organizations that my co-workers and I get

  • UPMC Therapist: Aquatic Therapy Great Option for Low-Impact Recovery0

    Simply put, aquatic physical therapy is the practice of physical therapy in the water. Also known as hydrotherapy, it’s often an effective, evidence-based option to consider as an alternative for people who have trouble exercising due to pain, weakness, and weight-bearing and mobility limitations. The pools used are designed specifically for physical therapy and are

  • Better-for-You Family Favorites for a Healthier Routine0

    Taking time to nurture your health and well-being starts with building healthier habits. As the seasons change, challenge yourself to make small yet consistent choices that help you and your family through transitions at school, the office or wherever your days take you. To help you establish (or re-establish) healthy habits during mealtime and beyond,

  • What to Expect in Travel in 2022

    What to Expect in Travel in 20220

    After a couple abnormal years, many families are eager and ready to travel together again, and there are indications some pandemic-influenced travel behaviors will persist in 2022. For example, remote work and virtual school allowed families to travel and combine work and vacation time into “flexcation” getaways, a trend that will continue, according to the

  • Billtown Blues Association Announces the 32nd Annual Billtown Blues Festival0

    Billtown Blues Association, BBA, plans are well underway for the 32nd Annual Billtown Blues festival, scheduled for the three-day celebration of American Roots Music, starting June 10th through June 12th at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds in Hughesville PA. Those camping on site for the weekend are welcome to enter the grounds on Thursday afternoon. The

  • How Holiday Hosts Can Avoid Overserving Guests0

    The 2021 holiday season could prove to be especially festive. After the COVID-19 pandemic forced families to tone down their holiday celebrations in 2020, the 2021 holiday season figures to feel more familiar. The rollout of a trio of effective vaccines has made gatherings more safe, and that should make for an especially jovial 2021

  • Eat Intuitively Over the Holidays0

    Intuitive eating is a sort of anti-diet that is based on the idea that we should eat when we are physically hungry rather than on the schedule of a prescribed diet. In addition, eating should be a judgment-free, guilt-free experience. The program was built on the principle that temporary diets don’t work and that lifestyle

  • Hopefully, a Happy New Year!0

    In the days leading up to Christmas, Jim Webb and Steph Nordstrom gathered the Webb Weekly team for a holiday luncheon. It has been an annual tradition since the publication was begun nearly 20 years ago. The pandemic wiped out the event last year, so it was nice to once again have an opportunity to

  • Clean Heat: Stay warmer with clean energy

    Clean Heat: Stay warmer with clean energy0

    Winter is a perfect time to think about renovations that bring coziness and warmth to your home. For homeowners who live off the natural gas line, propane is an earth-friendly option that can reliably and efficiently deliver warmer air all season long. “When homeowners upgrade to propane during a remodel, they transform a dream home

  • The Local Hoops Scene

    The Local Hoops Scene0

    Sitting in the front seat of a yellow school bus on a backcountry road. We are on our way to State College to play St. Joe’s. My guys are awfully quiet. They are all listening to their music and thinking about the game. I just looked back to see some smiles, and one of my

  • The Roving Sportsman… Resolutions for 20220

    As we wrap up all of what has occurred in our lives throughout the calendar year 2021, many folks would probably say, “Good riddance!” Upon close review, however, there were no doubt many positive things that occurred during the past year that we can be thankful for. Unfortunately, all of the good was too often

  • Finding Fish on Frozen Lakes0

    Winter is beginning to set in, and as most of my readers know, I don’t let the cold and snow keep me from one of my favorite pastimes — fishing. While you can still hit some open water on rivers and streams, I’ll concentrate most of my time on frozen lakes. When I was just

  • County Hall Corner: Looking Forward to 20220

    My headline is a bit misleading, as, in many ways, I am NOT looking forward to 2022. I am largely pessimistic about our short-term future, but in the long-term, I have a stubborn belief in the American spirit to steady itself when the ship of state shifts too far to the right or to the

  • New Year’s Eve Outfits0

    As we close out 2021 with all of its challenges and blessings, you may find yourself, for the first time in a long time, going to a party! And with every event in life, there is the age-old question, “what am I going to wear?” Here are a few answers to that question that thankfully

  • A Wish of Joy, Love, and Compassion0

    It’s a couple of days before Christmas, and all through the house, there is so much stirring, I hope the cat gets the mouse. I’m sure there’s a lot of this going on all over our little neck of Penn’s Woods as the kids are now home from college, family members have traveled home for

  • Another Season Begins with the Best of Holiday Hoops0

    Just in the Saint Nick of time, the high school basketball season has returned in full swing. If you’re like me, you need to get out of the house on these long dark nights. Go cheer on your favorite team. If you can’t make it to the game or live out of town, Webb Weekly

  • Merry Christmas0

    ‘Twas the Friday before Christmas and Steph is still a disorganized mess! I kid, I kid…kinda…sorta…I swear I almost have everything done! OK, OK, fine — in reality, I do not, in fact, have everything done, but I’ll get there, I always do! One thing I do have done is the winners of the Blaise

  • Packing Santa’s Sleigh0

    Twas a few days before Christmas all thru the town Last minute shoppers saw store inventories down Some family households had worry and fret While for still others holiday plans were all set At Montoursville’s airport the runways lay vacant Would-be passengers were told they had to be patient Travelers heading out and those coming

  • A look at Pennsylvania’s Black Bears0

    If there was ever a year when I thought my wife or someone else in the immediate family might get a chance at a black bear, I thought this year would be a good possibility. Why? Well, because we have been seeing more bears this past year than in previous years, that goes for neighbors


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