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  • UPMC Cardiologist: Importance of Heart Health at Every Age0

    Throughout your life, it’s probably been true that your heart has never stopped. It works tirelessly to pump blood throughout your body day and night. This organ is vital to your life, and it is important to keep it healthy by reducing your risks for developing heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of

  • UPMC Orthopaedic Surgeon: Avoiding Common Winter Injuries0

    Slippery sidewalks, icy driveways, and physically demanding tasks like shoveling snow can lead to sprains, fractures, and more serious conditions. By understanding common injuries and how to prevent them, you can safely enjoy the winter. Common Winter Injuries Falls on ice and snow are among the most frequent causes of winter injuries, often resulting in

  • UPMC Gynecologist: Cervical Cancer Awareness0

    Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer when caught early, thanks to effective screening tests and vaccination. Yet, many women remain unaware of the critical steps they can take to protect themselves. January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of education, prevention, and regular

  • UPMC Expert: Understanding Common Illnesses0

    During cold and flu season, it can be challenging to differentiate illnesses like the common cold, flu, COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and norovirus. Each show distinct symptoms, modes of transmission, and treatment approaches. Knowing what you’re dealing with can help you make informed decisions about care and prevention. The Common Cold Symptoms: Runny or

  • UPMC Trauma Expert: Driving Tips for Winter Conditions

    UPMC Trauma Expert: Driving Tips for Winter Conditions0

    Winter weather brings more than just picturesque snowfalls and cozy evenings by the fire. It also ushers in challenging driving conditions that can increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents. The consequences of wintertime crashes are seen firsthand in emergency departments. While the weather cannot be controlled, steps can be taken to stay safe on