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  • Christmas in a Store Near You0

    Frost on the pumpkins, a cool nip in the air, and the mountains getting dressed in their finest shades of crimson red, golden yellow, and vibrant orange means it’s that time of year. Time for Christmas! The jumpstart on Christmas began two weeks after Labor Day when Santa left cases of Christmas sweets at local

  • What’s New Pussycat?0

    • September 28, 2022

    “Meow, meow? MEOW!” When a cat starts to jibber-jabber a steady stream of meows, what the heck does it mean? Trying to figure out what your feline friend is saying or thinking is like deciphering hieroglyphics. If you always wanted to be privy about your cat’s chatter, now, with a few mouse clicks, those meows

  • These Girls Are Still Golden0

    • August 31, 2022

    Who would have guessed the sexual escapades of four mature women would be so hysterical? Who would also have guessed it would be so amusing to watch? Although it’s been 30 years since the unlikely hit show “The Golden Girls” aired its final episode, the sassy sitcom continues to amuse longtime fans while attracting generations

  • A Day Devoted To Mac & Cheese0

    One bowl, six basic ingredients and 30 minutes makes a very full and happy belly. Last week was National Mac & Cheese Day, a time to celebrate one of America’s favorite dishes. Mac & cheese is also the ultimate in comfort food. In addition to being mighty tasty, its economical and easy to make. It’s

  • The Sinking Ship That’s Still Afloat 50 Years Later0

    Gene Hackman is midway up a towering metal Christmas tree with his hands pressed firmly on Shelley Winters’ derriere. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And those desperate measures include Winter’s ample fanny. So begins a harrowing race to the bottom that is now the top — What a disaster! —And movie fans couldn’t get