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Search Results For 'crime'

  • County Hall Corner: Planting a Tree0

    Arbor Day, April 27th, came and went, and probably only one out of a hundred people knew of it, and probably only one out of that number celebrated the event. The idea of planting trees might not seem glamorous, but Williamsport built its reputation as the “Lumber Capital of the World,” and had not those

  • County Hall Corner: The Need to Read0

    Baby Boomers came into a world that was completely different than their parents who suffered through the Great Depression and World War II. Travel became easier as automobiles became more affordable and the road system improved. Home entertainment became possible with television and radio. One of the unfortunate side effects of these new experiences was

  • Eighth YWCA Chair.ity Auction is April 130

    Several luxury vacation packages and fine dining experiences are among the highlights of this year’s Eighth Biennial YWCA Chair.ity Auction to be held Friday, April 13 at Farrington Place, 416 W. Third St., to support its life-changing programs. The auction preview and cocktail hour begins at 6:00 p.m. and the live auction starts promptly at

  • 10 Reasons to Plant a Tree This Spring0

    Did you know planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment? It’s true. Trees clean the air, prevent rainwater runoff, help you save energy and even combat global warming. And they’re a snap to plant! No horticultural degree required. With

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Pope of Palm Beach” by Tim Dorsey0

    The Bookworm Sez By Terri Schlichenmeyer “The Pope of Palm Beach” by Tim Dorsey c.2018, William Morrow $26.99 / $33.50 Canada 337 pages Reach back, they say. Grab the person behind you, beneath you on the Success Ladder, the newbie in the office, and elevate them, too. Reach back and help somebody. Reach back and

  • County Hall Corner: Stepping Up Initiative0

    The result of the Law of Unintended Consequences is that sometimes fixing one problem creates another one. In the 20th century, mental health hospitals were designed to improve on the insane asylum model of the previous century. Unfortunately, supply exceeded demand, and the result was increased neglect of the patients. A movement known as deinstitutionalization

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Robicheaux” by James Lee Burke

    The Bookworm Sez: “Robicheaux” by James Lee Burke0

    “Robicheaux” by James Lee Burke c.2018, Simon & Schuster $27.99 / $36.99 Canada 449 pages You don’t want to talk about it. You’ve been through rough times, had a few problems, but that’s all in the past. Today’s a new day, a new beginning and besides, as in the new book “Robicheaux” by James Lee

  • What the Strangers Don’t Know Won’t Hurt Them0

    I stumbled upon a poignant quote that summed up a segment of my life, and perhaps yours also. “You cannot discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time,” said Andre Gide, a French writer and 1947 winner of the Nobel Prize in literature. Harsh but true —

  • The Probation Day Reporting Program0

    Every newly elected governmental body inherits the problems of the past administration plus the new ones that arise. This was true when Tony Mussare, Jack McKernan, and Rick Mirabito began as a new board of commissioners for Lycoming County in January 2016. The one big elephant in the room was the problem of budget deficits.

  • This Week’s LION: Tammey Aichner – Light Bearer0

    In a recent County Hall Corner column, I remarked about the awesome social problems faced due to family breakdowns and the crime and drugs that result from them. I stated, “Instead of gossiping about a troubled neighbor or relative, try to refer them to someone who could help them. As the saying goes, instead of

  • The Bookworm’s Gift Guide!0

    Finally – your holiday shopping is DONE. Well, except for… um, and for…. and okay, you’re not really done. Everybody, you included, has that one certain person on the gift list who’s hard to buy for and another certain person who’s really fussy, and a Grandma who has everything. You know who they are, so

  • The Budget Blues0

    A frequent visitor to the County Commissioner’s Meetings is a Jersey Shore resident by the name of Todd Lauer. Mr. Lauer serves in the capacity of a self-appointed community conscience, often asking the commissioners questions about the validity of various expenditures or contracts. But at one recent meeting, he criticized the general public. He openly

  • Local Vietnam Vets Weigh In On Ken Burns’ Vietnam Documentary0

    When Ken Burns’ latest documentary effort, dealing with the Vietnam War was shown recently on PBS, there was probably no audience with a greater interest in this documentary and how it presented the Vietnam experience than Vietnam veterans. Webb Weekly talked to several local Vietnam veterans to get their take on Burns’ presentation. Mike McMunn

  • Awareness, Addiction and the Abominable0

    So much to talk about from Washington and the presidential election to Williamsport and DA Eric Linhardt. I promise not to need the services of any ‘fact checkers’ like Ms. Hillary and ‘The Don’ did during their debate. The most important shade of autumn made an early appearance across the West Branch Valley. Even before

  • She is Innocent as Charged0

    Did you really think anything was going to come out of the FBI’s investigation of Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton? FBI Director James Comey stated last week, “I would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.” Really, there’s a real shocker! He

  • The Truth about Executive Order0

    I always get a good laugh when we are going to get that big winter storm and everyone stocks up on everything from bread to ammunition. Do they really believe they are going to be snowbound for days, weeks, maybe a month? Then you know what happens? It misses us. Some are happy; some are

  • Back to Reality0

    I get it. I have been writing about all the good going on in our little corner of the World. What a wonderful time of year it is and praise Jesus – the reason for the Season. Meanwhile all heck is breaking loose from Harrisburg to Syria and let’s not forget California. Pray for the

  • Next Question….0

    Did you watch the debate? What candidate do you like? Who do you feel has the edge at this point? These questions and topics are being talked about no matter where you go. It is great to see all the interest building for the 2016 Presidential run. My hope is all Americans realize the next

  • Tricks, Treats and Folks Seeking Elected Seats0

    My favorite week of the year on page 2. I get to dress up as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I thought about a different look for you this year, maybe Barak Obama but with Webb as my last name there is really only one choice of attire. Now for my public service message for Halloween

  • Our 2nd Amendment and Common Sense0

    It is always great to hear from so many about my writings and what’s on your minds. Recently our Second Amendment rights have been the hot topic. The proposed Ordinance 371 in Loyalsock Township has prompted many to reach out to me, as has the recent cowardly and despicable act that took place at Umpqua

  • All Lives Matter0

    I am tired of the racist, prejudicial and discriminatory views, actions and policy that go silently unchallenged each and every day in our great Nation. The politically correct muzzle and fear of the liberal response prevent our elected leaders and representatives from speaking up and challenging the absurd. Meanwhile individuals that are no more than

  • Hillary’s No Dinner Cash Dash0

    Folks, we need to change. I understand that an individual’s political affiliation is engrained in them. It may have begun many moons ago when they were young. They either believed the teaching of their parents and maybe grandparents or they rebelled against possibly their father and became a flaming liberal or radical right wing conservative.

  • Your May Vote Counts!0

    Finally primary election time is upon us. No more ads, no more commercials, no more of those signs blocking the beauty of spring. There are some “points of interest” for you the voter I’d like to make you aware of or provide a little reminder about. First and most important, your vote matters, it is

  • A Law and Order Open House and Our 2nd Amendment Responsibility0

    Tip of the cap to the Williamsport Bureau of Police on their recently held open house. The event was a great way for the citizens of Williamsport to meet, greet and understand that the police are just “people in the neighborhood” trying to protect and serve your community. It was also a way to get

  • A Groundhog, Some Seals, A Patriot’s Balls and Mayor Gabe’s Appeal0

    Each day that passes brings us one day closer to spring. I don’t want to wish days away, but warm weather and baseball sounds pretty good to me about right now. There’s plenty going on around our great State and Nation to keep things interesting on a cold winter’s night. Where do I start? Let’s

  • A Different January0

    There is so much to talk about in the early weeks of 2016. Usually January is a slow, get your feet under you, put the holidays in the rearview mirror month. Not this year! Locally, Williamsport hired a new Police Chief; Pennsylvania State Police Captain David J. Young. Captain Young will take over the reins

  • The Liberal Sword of Political Correctness and its Destroying of America0

    Political correctness has become the way to silence the majority in our Nation. Intended to prevent derogatory comments and remarks about color, race, religion, sexual orientation and whatever makes up an individual or group. It has been twisted into something far different. The backbone of democracy is majority and governing our Country for “We the

  • “I Have a Dream”0

    Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest Americans in history. I have read much about the man and his leadership of Black Americans during the Civil Rights movement. This eventually provided equality, not only for people of African heritage, but also laid the groundwork for all in the American melting pot including

  • What is fact and the truth is under attack in our great nation.0

    What is fact and the truth is under attack in our great nation. The instant media coverage, everyone having a cell phone to stream video and opinion, and the assumption that what we are being told by the media and government is investigated fact and in reality is just opinion. This adds up to the

  • Summer has arrived.0

    Summer has arrived. School is out, Drive safely and watch out for the young ones. I would have thought by now Mayor Gabriel Campana would have realized the importance of basketball to the community. My article last week, “So Long Sech”, was about how through Dave Sechler’s efforts so many folks from so many walks

  • Community Involvement and Politics As Usual0

    TEAM WILLIAMSPORT. I’m sure you have all heard of them by now. How could such a positive idea for taking the streets of Williamsport back from the heroin dealers and problems that follow them, create so much controversy? “Heroin houses”, unsafe neighborhoods and a spike in related criminal activity, it’s time to fight or time

  • The First Family of Basketball0

    I first met head Loyalsock basketball coach Ron Insinger in the late seventies. South Side Head Coach Doug Houseknecht and his assistant Steve Manning were my sixth grade teachers. They asked my good friend Chris Sullivan and I to be ‘ball boys’ for the varsity and JV teams. It was a tough choice – stay


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