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Search Results For 'county'

  • Cause of Death0

    A great title for our Presidential candidates and their campaigns, I’m so glad the primary season is coming to an end. However, it’s more about the second part of my story. It’s time to get out and vote. It doesn’t matter if you vote for Mr. Donald “Open Mouth Insert Foot” Trump, Ms. Hillary “Prison

  • Who is the Fourth County Commissioner Anyways?0

    Before I get to this, it is hard to believe March Madness and The Masters are in the rearview mirror. This can mean only one thing – Spring has sprung! The crack or bing off the bat can be heard at every level from Little League to Big League. Things are greening up nicely even

  • Trump/Marino 2016 “The Don” Chooses Tom for VP0

    A couple weeks ago in my “Not My Father’s Republican Party” (March 9th) article, I praised Congressman Tom Marino’s efforts and fighting for the American people. I rehashed how he stood up to Nancy Pelosi and the liberal demagoguery while other Republicans bury their heads in the sand. I put into ink how he would

  • It’s a Great Day to Be Alive0

    Happy Easter, may you and your family enjoy a special day of togetherness. As the warmth of Spring renews life and raises the human spirit, so does the celebration of Easter. God’s greatest gift of his only Son and the message He brought to the human realm that ended with Jesus’ death on the cross

  • One Nation Under God0

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Spring! Get out and enjoy all the local Irish spirit and flavor that can be found at local eateries. I enjoy a cup of potato soup with my corn beef on rye, thank you. I also look forward to the Webb family tradition of corn beef and cabbage my

  • The Creators and Protectors of Freedom0

    “This Flag is presented on behalf of the President of the United States and a grateful Nation as an expression of appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered by your husband. Thank you and God bless.” These were the words spoken by Commander Abe Pittenger, American Legion Post 35, as he presented the folded

  • Tricks, Treats and Folks Seeking Elected Seats0

    My favorite week of the year on page 2. I get to dress up as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I thought about a different look for you this year, maybe Barak Obama but with Webb as my last name there is really only one choice of attire. Now for my public service message for Halloween

  • Hillary’s No Dinner Cash Dash0

    Folks, we need to change. I understand that an individual’s political affiliation is engrained in them. It may have begun many moons ago when they were young. They either believed the teaching of their parents and maybe grandparents or they rebelled against possibly their father and became a flaming liberal or radical right wing conservative.

  • Keystone Debt and Deception0

    Governor Wolf just doesn’t get it and he never will. Us folks in the Keystone State are in for a long and tough four years, minus the time our Governor has already put in. This past week he made a big to do over the GOP Lawmakers who control the PA Legislature paying too high

  • Saving the Chief0

    In last week’s article, ‘Where’s the Chief?’ (Which can be found at, I explained my connection to Chief Woapalanee and all those summers spent in his shadow at Brandon Little League. I affectionately referred to him as Chief Knockahomer. I was dismayed to see him removed from his post at the West Entrance to

  • Your May Vote Counts!0

    Finally primary election time is upon us. No more ads, no more commercials, no more of those signs blocking the beauty of spring. There are some “points of interest” for you the voter I’d like to make you aware of or provide a little reminder about. First and most important, your vote matters, it is

  • A Law and Order Open House and Our 2nd Amendment Responsibility0

    Tip of the cap to the Williamsport Bureau of Police on their recently held open house. The event was a great way for the citizens of Williamsport to meet, greet and understand that the police are just “people in the neighborhood” trying to protect and serve your community. It was also a way to get

  • Truth and R-E-S-P-E-C-T0

    Well, let’s get right to it. The words that Williamsport’s City Council President Mr. Bill Hall spoke in referencing me, claiming that I apologized to him in the name of “political personal destruction and smears, lies, innuendos and half truths,” is the farthest thing from fact. Nico Salvatori picked up Mr. Hall’s comments in covering

  • PA Proud and the Hall of Shame0

    A sincere thanks to everyone I spoke with, left kind messages, texted me and emailed me. Your support of my article “You’re Fired” last week was overwhelming. I did not write the article for this reason, but it’s always appreciated to hear kind words and that so many of you feel the same way and

  • A Groundhog, Some Seals, A Patriot’s Balls and Mayor Gabe’s Appeal0

    Each day that passes brings us one day closer to spring. I don’t want to wish days away, but warm weather and baseball sounds pretty good to me about right now. There’s plenty going on around our great State and Nation to keep things interesting on a cold winter’s night. Where do I start? Let’s

  • A Different January0

    There is so much to talk about in the early weeks of 2016. Usually January is a slow, get your feet under you, put the holidays in the rearview mirror month. Not this year! Locally, Williamsport hired a new Police Chief; Pennsylvania State Police Captain David J. Young. Captain Young will take over the reins

  • Thanks, Praise and Reality0

    A heartfelt thank you and Webb Weekly salute to all the Veterans that have honored America with their service. You have exemplified one of the greatest qualities a person can have, selflessness. You have defended our freedom, protected our homeland and provided a helping hand at home and around the world when called upon. Whether

  • Summer has arrived.0

    Summer has arrived. School is out, Drive safely and watch out for the young ones. I would have thought by now Mayor Gabriel Campana would have realized the importance of basketball to the community. My article last week, “So Long Sech”, was about how through Dave Sechler’s efforts so many folks from so many walks

  • Community Involvement and Politics As Usual0

    TEAM WILLIAMSPORT. I’m sure you have all heard of them by now. How could such a positive idea for taking the streets of Williamsport back from the heroin dealers and problems that follow them, create so much controversy? “Heroin houses”, unsafe neighborhoods and a spike in related criminal activity, it’s time to fight or time

  • Cliff Notes Required0

    Well I hope to shed some light on our recent government shutdown and provide you information on the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”, so you can decide if this program is good, bad or ugly. Is all this partisan politics and government turmoil necessary? Is this complex piece of legislation going to drastically

  • Penn’s Woods and Water0

    A few leaves have begun to turn and soon beautiful reds, yellows and oranges will color the countryside. The calendar now officially reads fall. Although I am not excited about the short days and cooler temperatures, it’s a good time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. If you are a hunter, your favorite time

  • There’s Still Summer Time…0

    It’s hard to believe the calendar reads August! Wasn’t it just yesterday my sons Jimmy and Hunter made a run for the door as the school year came to an end? Well, I’ve got some bad news. For my boys and all students…by month’s end you’ll be back in the classroom. Parents rejoice as structure


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