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Search Results For 'tragedy'

  • Being Thankful0

    • Arts
    • December 15, 2017

    Lately, the world seems like a crazy and chaotic place. Every day there is some new disaster, attack, or crisis. While it’s almost effortless to get wrapped up in the 24-hour news cycle, as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I’d like to take a moment here and focus on the good things in life. Some

  • The Bookworm’s Gift Guide!0

    Finally – your holiday shopping is DONE. Well, except for… um, and for…. and okay, you’re not really done. Everybody, you included, has that one certain person on the gift list who’s hard to buy for and another certain person who’s really fussy, and a Grandma who has everything. You know who they are, so

  • Being Thankful0

    Lately, the world seems like a crazy and chaotic place. Every day there is some new disaster, attack, or crisis. While it’s almost effortless to get wrapped up in the 24-hour news cycle, as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I’d like to take a moment here and focus on the good things in life. Some

  • Thank a Veteran0

    Last year on Veterans Day I wrote a list of ‘thank yous’ to soldiers—past, present and training. Re-reading it was a stark reminder of all the things civilians take for granted in everyday life, so I think that it bears repeating. So to all of the men and women who are serving in each branch

  • Active Community Assistance – Five helpful ways to lend a hand0

    Social responsibility comes in all shapes and sizes, but ultimately it comes down to one common purpose: making the world a better place. From volunteering at local shelters and community centers to feeding those in need at your local food bank, there are countless ways to give back within your community. According to the Bureau

  • The Public and the Government0

    An interesting exercise in government transparency is coming up soon. Based on the 1992 JFK Records Act, October 26th is the final date for the United States government to release about 3,000 never-before-seen documents also with 34,000 previously redacted files related to President Kennedy’s assassination in November of 1963. The investigation into the causes of

  • Helplessness0

    Helplessness. An inability to defend yourself or act effectively. The moment in a person’s life when they are watching their world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. The feeling when you truly want to help, but there is nothing that you can do. In Las Vegas, on October 1, 2017, at

  • An Act of Evil0

    Our publication had already gone to press prior to the horrific act that took place in Las Vegas. So first I would like to express our heartfelt thoughts of sympathy and prayers for the victims, families, and their loved ones of this senseless act of violence. The most asked question about the attack is simply,

  • Gathering Ghosts!0

    Attention boys and girls! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! I’m sure you know how this works, but just in case you forgot, let me refresh your memory. Scattered throughout this issue you will find a variety of ghosts. All you need to do is count them…easy peasy. Then do

  • Recovery and Remembrance0

    Global warming? Climate change? Or just unprecedented, catastrophic weather? No matter if you’re along the Gulf Coast or living in the West Branch Valley one thing is dramatically obvious, the weather has become much more intense and violent. And no, I am not trying to compare our weather to that which hit Texas. God help

  • School Days and Football Friday Nights0

    Back to school time! It seems to get earlier each year. What happened to those days when you went back after Labor Day? I guess I’m probably dating myself there because it hasn’t been that way in a while. Still, heading back to the classroom during the second week of the Little League World Series,

  • All About August0

    The kids are already dreading what the calendar reading August means. You remember those days, June–July you never even give back to school a thought, but when that first day of August hits, the summer vacation becomes more and more precious with each passing day. August is always filled with great going ons in our

  • Heads Up, High Fives and Holy Carp!0

    All of the schools are now out for summer, please drive with extra caution. There are a lot of young folks on bikes, skateboards and yes, driving the roads all hours of the day. Watch out for that child darting out from between two parked vehicles. If you see a ball come into your line

  • There is a Wolf After Your Wallet0

    The absolute best thing that has happened for Governor Tom Wolf is that all eyes have been on Washington and President Donald Trump. Including mine. It’s time to have a quick catch up on what’s going on in Harrisburg. Governor Wolf in sheep’s clothing has begun his third year in office. There has not been

  • Identifying the Enemy0

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack. So many families’, so many friends’ lives changed forever. And to the family of Lane Graves, the two-year-old who lost his young life while enjoying a family vacation on the grounds of Disney. What an unimaginable event. To watch as your

  • Jumpin’ Into June0

    Congrats to Katie Jones! The South Side Senior High flyer set the state pole vault record on the way to the gold medal. The young lady cleared 13 feet, yes 13 feet… Amazing! Jones has been the odds on favorite all season at the AA level, making her accomplishment even more special. Sometimes that target

  • A Modern Mother’s Day Wish0

    As those April showers turn into beautiful May flowers and the lush green mountains that line both sides of our Susquehanna River Valley awaken this can mean just one thing, the warmth of the Summer sun is just around the corner. Its unofficial beginning, the Memorial Day weekend, less than four weeks away. May always

  • Cause of Death0

    A great title for our Presidential candidates and their campaigns, I’m so glad the primary season is coming to an end. However, it’s more about the second part of my story. It’s time to get out and vote. It doesn’t matter if you vote for Mr. Donald “Open Mouth Insert Foot” Trump, Ms. Hillary “Prison

  • Back to Reality0

    I get it. I have been writing about all the good going on in our little corner of the World. What a wonderful time of year it is and praise Jesus – the reason for the Season. Meanwhile all heck is breaking loose from Harrisburg to Syria and let’s not forget California. Pray for the

  • Grace, Thanks and Giving0

    Happy Thanksgiving! What an absolutely wonderful day. No shopping, no wrapping or putting together of anything. Just family, friends and football. Love and friendship celebrated with that perfectly cooked bird and all the trimmings, followed up with a dessert of your choice. Then a little Turkey Bowl action, the annual backyard football game. This event

  • Our 2nd Amendment and Common Sense0

    It is always great to hear from so many about my writings and what’s on your minds. Recently our Second Amendment rights have been the hot topic. The proposed Ordinance 371 in Loyalsock Township has prompted many to reach out to me, as has the recent cowardly and despicable act that took place at Umpqua

  • Sounds, Sights and Memories of September0

    Summer sailed right by and all area schools are now open for the 2015–2016 school year. The words ‘school is open, drive safely’, always ring out this time of year. However, judging from some driving I have witnessed, maybe a little refresher course on lawful and safe driving is needed. Motorists must stop at least

  • Happy Fathers Day!0

    There is so much going on here at home, across the state, in Washington and around the world I should share with you but we’re going to leave it alone this week. The most important item is a tip of the cap to all Dads, Grandfathers and those who fill the Fatherly role. I was

  • Appreciation and Understanding0

    Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you to all that provide the most special and important gift of a Mother’s love. Thank you for taking care of our children, the most important blessings in our lives. Thank you to those who fill the role of Mom when it becomes vacant by tragedy, fate or circumstance. A Mother’s

  • The Liberal Sword of Political Correctness and its Destroying of America0

    Political correctness has become the way to silence the majority in our Nation. Intended to prevent derogatory comments and remarks about color, race, religion, sexual orientation and whatever makes up an individual or group. It has been twisted into something far different. The backbone of democracy is majority and governing our Country for “We the

  • “I Have a Dream”0

    Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest Americans in history. I have read much about the man and his leadership of Black Americans during the Civil Rights movement. This eventually provided equality, not only for people of African heritage, but also laid the groundwork for all in the American melting pot including

  • Ribbons, Ammo and Truth0

    The beauty of autumn can be found throughout this wonderful place we call home. The different shades of yellow, red and orange that adorn the trees and paint an October backdrop. The pumpkins, cornstalks and wreaths that provide contrast and welcome you into area homes and businesses. The perfectly groomed green of your favorite teams


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