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Search Results For 'tragedy'

  • This Week’s LION: Recognizing Thirteen Fallen Heroes0

    The number of indignities in the fiasco of America’s departure from Afghanistan would fill volumes, but one that has got almost no media attention was the blocking of official recognition by Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the US House of Representatives floor for the recognition of the thirteen US military personnel who lost their lives just

  • Who’s in Charge?0

    Sadly, in today’s world, the word ‘bubble’ has taken on a totally different meaning than that used to describe a luxurious bath or a child’s gum. It’s now a protective word meant to shield one from interactions and danger from the outside world. During last month’s Little League Baseball World Series, the ‘bubble’ that surrounded

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy” by Anne Sebba

    The Bookworm Sez: “Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy” by Anne Sebba0

    OK, you’ll just shut up now. You won’t say a word. You’re mum, tongue-tied in a knot; you ain’t no stoolie. You’ve zipped your lip for good. As in the new book, ”Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy” by Anne Sebba, you’re not throwing anybody under the bus. Ethel Greenglass was born in the fall of 1915, and

  • A Trip from Hell into a Slice of Heaven!0

    Part 3 DAY THREE: “Relief comes in different ways.” After the near-death experience the night before, sleep was hard to come by, and gathering for breakfast with the other hunters and guides could not come soon enough. Everyone’s curiosity was satisfied as I related my story of the hunt and near-tragedy with my guide, Travis,

  • A Basketball Family’s Journey of Love, Faith, and Community

    A Basketball Family’s Journey of Love, Faith, and Community4

    Heartfelt congratulations to CI – Ron Insinger, Assistant Coaches Jeff Everett and Randy Glunk, the amazing Lancer players, and the Lancer nation. My staff has done a great job in the pages ahead, covering the 3A Pennsylvania State Champion’s run to the title. The longest journey begins with that first step, or maybe, in this

  • Notable and Remarkable Women in Lycoming County History0

    March is “Women’s History Month,” so it seems altogether fitting and proper to note and recognize some of the remarkable and notable women who have contributed in various ways to the life and history of Lycoming County through the past 200 plus years. Much of the information for this article is taken from Lycoming College’s

  • African-Americans Have Been A Notable and Interesting Part of Lycoming County History2

    As we celebrate “Black History Month,” it is important to shine a light on some of the significant and notable things about African-Americans, and their important and interesting role in Lycoming County’s history. No one knows for sure when the first African-Americans made their first appearance in Lycoming County. It is highly possible that some

  • Not In Vain-Book Tells of Loss and Healing Associated with Addiction1

    One of the worst things a parent can possibly go through is the loss of a child. The sorrow of such a loss is not bound by age; whether that child is 3 or 30, the wound is just as deep. It goes against the natural oder of things. Parents simply should not be preceded

  • Fundraiser at Hatchet House: To Benefit Suicide Awareness – This Saturday, October 40

    For most 13-year-old, eighth grade boys, life is filled with various types of diversions, things such as sports. According to his mom, Amber, Brayden Seasholtz is currently on the football team and he loves sports! He takes after his dad and loves the Pittsburgh Pirates, Penn State football and wrestling, the Pittsburgh Penguins, and the

  • The 2nd Amendment is Not Negotiable0

    “What the hell is going on out there!” ~ Legendary Green Bay Packers Coach Vince Lombardi. That is exactly how I feel in regard to the current state of our Nation. Coach Lombardi was even a better person than a football coach. He was an icon of his time and leader for equality. A believer

  • Williamsport Sun: June 11, 1949 – Montour’s New Fire Call 83850

    Montoursville’s fire alarm system will change at midnight tonight and the permanent telephone number to report fire or tragedy in the future will be “”8385.”  Through arrangements made with Capt. Norman Annich by borough officials, the fire alarm for the community will be handled at the Pennsylvania State Police barracks.  A private telephone line has

  • The Bookworm Sez0

    Hunker down. That’s what you’ll be doing for the immediate future: trying to stay well or get well or just waiting. You’ve had enough TV and the pantry’s as clean as it’ll ever get, so maybe it’s time to find something to read. Why not try one of these great books: FICTION If you’re a

  • Plan B0

    There is a rapidly increasing number of our senior citizens that has no recollection whatsoever of the great depression which ran from October 24, 1929 to 1941. And, today, our youngest generation has no firsthand knowledge of the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001. These two horrendous events did more in our

  • A Place to Belong0

    Many of us have been blessed to grow up in a culture where our faith is not just tolerated, it is still, to some extent, accepted and even respected. Our experience is far different than those who live in persecuted countries around the world. In those settings, when someone surrenders their life to Jesus Christ,

  • Grit: December 6, 1959 – In the Aftermath of Air Tragedy0

    Major disasters have been rare in this region. Fortunately when they happen—flood, fire, the air—they are always met with resourceful action. Such was the case in the ordeal of the last week. From the first grim confirmation of the Allegheny Airlines crash that claimed 25 lives, organizations and individuals charged with such emergencies worked quickly,

  • Live By Faith: Faith and Courage0

    “By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the King’s edict.” The Backstory At the end of the book of Genesis, the descendants of Jacob (God changed his name to Israel in Genesis 32:28) are living

  • Silver Linings0

    When I was in high school, a million years ago, I was a pretty good athlete. Not great, but still I was a decent football player and wrestler. No, this is not a sports story. This is a story about seemingly missed opportunities and how great blessings sometimes come out of adversity. Wrestling was going


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