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Search Results For 'donald trump'

  • Guess Who’s Paying for the Inauguration?0

    Friday will bring the inauguration of our Nation’s 45th President, Mr. Donald John Trump. I pray we all can come together as one and move forward as One Nation Under God. If you’re like me, you’re tired of seeing the division brought to us by the network of your choice. The Republicans and Democrats need

  • Presidential Perspective0

    As President Obama finishes up his eight years in the White House, one thing is blatantly obvious—there has never been a time in American history when ‘We the People’ need to unite as one for the good of our Nation more than the present. We are truly blessed to have all the prosperity and opportunity

  • Underdogs Residing in Penn’s Woods0

    If you love the upset and rooting for the underdog what an incredible three week stretch. It began with our own Penn State Nittany Lions and ended with the most unbelievable election night in American history. In between was a World Series that was already an odds breaker. Anytime you can say Cleveland Indians versus

  • A Scary Ending0

    Happy Halloween! Let’s be careful out there and keep all those in costume safe and remember to check their loot from the night. If you need any help I specialize in Snickers, Kit Kat and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me no more Trump or Hillary conceit! Are you

  • A Perfect “Springer” Storm0

    The final Presidential Debate is upon us on Wednesday night. It is not only must see TV for deciding who deserves your vote, but it also has become like a reality TV show worth watching. Congrats to both Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump, you managed to turn the second debate into an

  • Awareness, Addiction and the Abominable0

    So much to talk about from Washington and the presidential election to Williamsport and DA Eric Linhardt. I promise not to need the services of any ‘fact checkers’ like Ms. Hillary and ‘The Don’ did during their debate. The most important shade of autumn made an early appearance across the West Branch Valley. Even before

  • A Grand Slam Effort0

    Many of you have been reaching out to me about current events going on here at home, in Washington and of course in regarding Mr. Trump and Ms. Hillary. I’m taking a little break from that energy draining reality to enjoy all the good going on here in our little corner of Penn’s Woods. No

  • It’s Not About the Vote of the People, Even in the UK.0

    Thanks to everyone who has made our Webb Weekly Live show an overnight success. In case you missed it, myself and my editor, Steph Nordstrom are doing a weekly show streamed live every Wednesday at 10 a.m. We have a weekly guest, talk about all that’s going on in the Webb Weekly area, as well

  • A Clear Path and a South Side Smoke Screen0

    Wow! There is so much going on in the world. So many of you have reached out to me to investigate local issues and politicians. Maybe we should start publishing the Webb Weekly two or three times a week. I’m sure the postal carriers would love that! Hold that thought, I have not thanked my

  • Cause of Death0

    A great title for our Presidential candidates and their campaigns, I’m so glad the primary season is coming to an end. However, it’s more about the second part of my story. It’s time to get out and vote. It doesn’t matter if you vote for Mr. Donald “Open Mouth Insert Foot” Trump, Ms. Hillary “Prison

  • Trump/Marino 2016 “The Don” Chooses Tom for VP0

    A couple weeks ago in my “Not My Father’s Republican Party” (March 9th) article, I praised Congressman Tom Marino’s efforts and fighting for the American people. I rehashed how he stood up to Nancy Pelosi and the liberal demagoguery while other Republicans bury their heads in the sand. I put into ink how he would

  • It’s a Great Day to Be Alive0

    Happy Easter, may you and your family enjoy a special day of togetherness. As the warmth of Spring renews life and raises the human spirit, so does the celebration of Easter. God’s greatest gift of his only Son and the message He brought to the human realm that ended with Jesus’ death on the cross

  • Good to Hear Your Thoughts!0

    I have recently talked about the Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle. It, as always, has been great to hear from so many of you. Some interesting thoughts were provided to me by the most important source I have, you! We are blessed to live where we live and I am blessed to

  • Tricks, Treats and Folks Seeking Elected Seats0

    My favorite week of the year on page 2. I get to dress up as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I thought about a different look for you this year, maybe Barak Obama but with Webb as my last name there is really only one choice of attire. Now for my public service message for Halloween

  • “Real” Reality TV0

    I often wonder how blurred the line has become between what folks perceive as truth and everyday life and what is scripted, talked about and controlled in the reality television world. There is no talent required to be the star of most reality programming. The Kardashians are just vulgar people, name one real talent they

  • The Agenda For Our Next President0

    As Donald Trump threw his wallet into the ring to become a Republican candidate for President I began thinking, where should our next President start to right the American ship. What are the most important issues to save our country from the Primrose Path our leaders in Washington have walked us all down? How do


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