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Search Results For 'mothers day'

  • Mom Style0

    My style has definitely taken a hit since becoming a mom — as it does for most women when they have a family. I’m not suggesting that moms are dowdy or unkempt, but they usually aren’t as fashionable as non-moms, which is to be expected since style gets knocked down a few rungs on the

  • Williamsport Sun: June 4, 1941 – 300 Workers Launch U.S.O. Campaign for $10,000 County Quota0

    Three hundred enthusiastic volunteer workers joined last night in launching the Lycoming County campaign for $10,000 for the religious, recreational, and social welfare of American youth now training in U.S. Army camps or concentrated in defense industrial centers. They attended a “Dutch treat” dinner at the Y.W.C.A where the county chapter of the United Service

  • UPMC Expert: Changing the Stigma of Postpartum Depression0

    Mild mood swings may be considered a normal part of pregnancy, but 15 to 20% of women experience more significant depression symptoms before or after giving birth. Changes in environment, relationships, and other major adjustments in life occur during this time, but if feelings of sadness, tearfulness, and being more emotional than usual last more

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day0

    Well, well, well! Look what time of year it is! It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday and I’ve been running my Mother’s Day list for a couple of year, making updates and adjustments as we go, but I feel like it’s a pretty dang good list, so Happy Mother’s Day to all! Hopefully you are able

  • Creative Mother’s Day Celebration and Gift Ideas

    Creative Mother’s Day Celebration and Gift Ideas0

    On Sunday, May 9, 2021, millions of people will celebrate the special women in their lives, particularly the mothers, grandmothers and stepmothers who often tirelessly care for those they love. Created by Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century and designated an official United States holiday in 1914, Mother’s Day is a special day in

  • Notable and Remarkable Women in Lycoming County History0

    March is “Women’s History Month,” so it seems altogether fitting and proper to note and recognize some of the remarkable and notable women who have contributed in various ways to the life and history of Lycoming County through the past 200 plus years. Much of the information for this article is taken from Lycoming College’s

  • African-Americans Have Been A Notable and Interesting Part of Lycoming County History2

    As we celebrate “Black History Month,” it is important to shine a light on some of the significant and notable things about African-Americans, and their important and interesting role in Lycoming County’s history. No one knows for sure when the first African-Americans made their first appearance in Lycoming County. It is highly possible that some

  • Not In Vain-Book Tells of Loss and Healing Associated with Addiction1

    One of the worst things a parent can possibly go through is the loss of a child. The sorrow of such a loss is not bound by age; whether that child is 3 or 30, the wound is just as deep. It goes against the natural oder of things. Parents simply should not be preceded

  • County Hall Corner: The Larry Awards for 20200

    The motion picture industry has its Oscar Awards, the theater industry has its Tony Awards, so it is time that County Hall Corner should have its Larry Awards. Following county government for the past six years, I believe it is time to give some recognition for the amazing jobs that many have performed through unprecedented

  • Wreaths Across America Event to Take Place Locally Saturday December 190

    Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, the aim to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 2,100 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. Locally, this is being coordinated by the Blue Star Mothers of

  • Style File: Cabincore0

    First, the fashion world was swept by normcore, then menocore; this past summer, fashionistas, and influencers were all atwitter with cottagecore. Now that we are well into fall, the next big trend is cabincore! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s fine; this mostly pertains to millennials. But what’s interesting is that

  • Have Lies, Injustice, and the Social Media Way Become Our Kryptonite?1

    Before I get started this week, I’m going to self-correct. Last week, in my column, “The Armed and the Delirious” I had Lucille Zablocky at 84 years young as the most senior member of our Guns & Roses effort with National Range & Armory. It was brought to my attention that Barb Reish actually holds

  • This Week’s LION: White House Memories

    This Week’s LION: White House Memories1

    If this was a normal year, on Wednesday, August 19th, Fourth Street in Williamsport would have been packed with thousands of onlookers gathering to watch the Little League World Series Grand Slam Parade. As we all know, of course, this is definitely NOT a normal year, so there were no crowds because there was no

  • Father’s Day by The Book0

    I’ve always been a big fan of giving books as gifts because I personally enjoy reading, and I believe more people should be reading actual physical books. Usually, when browsing books for gift-giving, I lean towards novels or biographies. However, for Father’s Day this year, I may just mosey over to the “self-help” & “manuals/guides”

  • Getting Active After a Baby0

    By Rebecca Russell, CNM OB/GYN, UPMC While trying to stay active during pregnancy, women face many challenges both physically and mentally. The good news is that now that the baby has arrived, you can focus on getting back to your pre-pregnancy activity level or work toward a new goal to help you feel your best.

  • Oops, I Did it Again!

    Oops, I Did it Again!0

    OK, so I really need to start looking at the calendar. Not that it’s Monday or May 1st, but what the dates of actual holidays are. A few weeks ago, I emailed my column to Steph and told her to have a “Happy Hump Day” thinking it was Wednesday. She emailed me back saying “Well

  • Moms, Grads and the Family Business

    Moms, Grads and the Family Business0

    Well, it is great to see May at the top of the calendar. What an amazing time of year. To me, it marks the unofficial kick-off to summer. Longer days, warmer nights combined with just so much to be celebrated and appreciated on God’s green Earth. There’s never been a time when a mother’s love

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday!! I’ve been running my Mother’s Day list for a couple of year, making updates and adjustments as we go, but I feel like it’s a pretty dang good list, so Happy Mother’s Day to all! You may be celebrating differently this year, but be

  • Mother’s Day Woes0

    I have not had a good track record of celebrating Mother’s Day as a mother. No brunches, or jewelry or flowers for me, which is fine. I’ve never been a big supporter of the “Hallmark” holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother, and I love showing her how much she means to me.

  • Mom’s Day0

    Thankfully, one of the celebrations enjoyed by Americans that has not been postponed or canceled by the ongoing pandemic — Mother’s Day — will be celebrated this Sunday. While the observance commemorating the one individual, all of us have in common, may be a bit different than in recent years, it nevertheless will take place.

  • The History of Mother’s Day1

    When we think of Mother’s Day in modern times, we think of greeting cards, flowers, and Sunday brunches with mom, but there is quite a lot more to this annual celebration than one would think. Mother’s Day is observed annually in more than 40 countries around the world and can be traced back for thousands

  • Make Mother’s Day Special

    Make Mother’s Day Special0

    Each and every day a new woman becomes a mother for the first time or all over again. Being a mother changes a person’s life in dramatic ways. Mother’s Day is a great time of year to honor mothers and attempt to give back just a portion of the tireless love and devotion moms offer

  • Mother’s Day Ideas for Moms From All Walks of Life

    Mother’s Day Ideas for Moms From All Walks of Life0

    Mother’s Day is a celebration of women who devote so much of their effort and energy to their families. Celebrating Mom on Mother’s Day lets her know all of her efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. Mothers may perform similar tasks, but no two moms are the same. Finding ways to celebrate Mom’s uniqueness can make the

  • 2020 The Reality of a Futuristic Odyssey0

    Happy New Year, everybody! I find it surreal that we’re in the year 2020. In my mind, that sounds like the perfect title for a science fiction movie. Maybe it takes place right here in the United States. Aliens begin to invade our Country, and I’m talking about from another galaxy, not from South of

  • Veterans Honored in Wreath-Laying Ceremony

    Veterans Honored in Wreath-Laying Ceremony0

    Quietly, in the peace and solitude of Wildwood Cemetery, dozens of volunteers devoted their time last Saturday, December 14 to pay their respects to local veterans as part of the annual Wreaths Across America tribute to our fallen heroes. “Our observance was held in conjunction with hundreds of other such events going on in local

  • Thanks and Giving for a “Wonderful World”0

    Heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and everyone that makes your world a special place. What an absolutely amazing day. A day to give thanks to God for all that we are so very blessed with. A day to share the spirit of this blessing with family, friends, and loved ones. It’s a cornucopia of

  • YWCA Honors Victims During Domestic Violence Awareness Month0

    The 16 individuals who had their lives taken due to domestic violence in Lycoming County were remembered during the YWCA Northcentral PA’s annual vigil on Oct. 16 at the Lycoming County Courthouse. For Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the YWCA aims to honor victims, support survivors and bring attention to this very serious issue that plagues

  • “Groundhog Day” – Softball Style0

    As the scene unfolded before me I felt a kinship to Bill Murray in the 1993 movie ‘Groundhog Day.’ I was sure I had seen this all take place previously. Excited 11 & 12-year old girls were saying their good-bys, stowing their gear and posing for a multitude of pictures. Onlookers were smiling and waving.

  • Humble Beginnings0

    Traced initially to the 14th century, the old proverb states, “mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” As the undefeated South Little League girls softball team continues to harvest victories on their historic march to the Softball World Series in Portland, Oregon it’s a pretty good bet that no one associated with the team has any

  • Cutters Carvings: Preparations Begin for MLB Little League Classic0

    The 2019 MLB Little League Classic will take place on August 18 at BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. This year’s event will feature the Pittsburgh Pirates hosting the Chicago Cubs. Preparations outside the ballpark are now underway for the event. As in past year’s this will mean some minor inconveniences, mainly involving parking, for

  • Cutters Dominican Dinner Returns July 29 – Dominican Players & Teammates to Serve0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have teamed up with A.C.E.S. North America in announcing the 6th Annual Dominican Plate – An Evening of Dominican Dining and Entertainment with the Cutters. The event will be held on Monday, July 29 in the Grand Ballroom of the Genetti Hotel, 200 W. Fourth St., Williamsport. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin0

    OK, so you are slowly getting to know me. You know I am married, with kids, and love to cook. Over time, I hope for you to feel like you know me, and my personality through my writing, but let me introduce you more to two loves in my life. My son, Tyler, is nine,

  • Every Day is Mother’s Day0

    Mother’s Day became a national day of celebration on the second Sunday in May as the result of a proclamation issued by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914. The importance of Mothers, as it translates to sports is often reflected by the athletes themselves who wave or say hello to Mom when on camera. Another Mother’s


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