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  • Thunderstorms & Gardens

    Thunderstorms & Gardens0

    Last week, when I wrote about spring approaching and looking forward to seeing that first robin, hearing frogs, or getting that first thunderstorm, I didn’t think it would be the next day that this would happen. We literally had our first thunderstorm the very next day, and that same night, I saw a frog crossing

  • Let’s Spring into March

    Let’s Spring into March0

    Folks, it’s about here. I can feel it. I can smell it in the air. Spring! It’s just about here, and we can pretty much say winter is behind us. We just turned the clocks ahead, and the days are officially getting longer. It’s honestly hard to believe it’s March already. What do you look

  • Part 2 of Food, Heat and our Besties

    Part 2 of Food, Heat and our Besties0

    This hot July Sunday morning called for all the breakfast fixins even though it was hotter than five guys fighting over a chicken nuggie in a minivan with no AC. The thought of standing over any extra heat source sounded unbearable, but my husband was the grill master. He loves cooking on our Blackstone and

  • Food, Heat, and Our Best Friends0

    OK, so I just realized I never got to share my story about the food, heat, and our best friends back in my beverage column in January. I apologize. My mind was elsewhere that week, as I had gotten some bad news. That’s why the following week, I wrote about putting your hope in God

  • A Story About Cakes

    A Story About Cakes0

    When I was a little girl, my gram, Lois Liddick, would make our birthday cakes. She often made cakes for weddings, showers, and birthdays for fun. She was so good at it! I could tell her any cake I wanted, and she would make it happen. I had a soccer ball cake, Cookie Monster cake,

  • Love Week

    Love Week0

    Love week is upon us. Chocolate dipped strawberries, pink hearts, red roses, and cupid. Love. Such a simple four-letter word. Love: An intense feeling of deep affection. I love Jesus. I love being a wife and mother. I love my family, friends, and animals. I love slow mornings. I love cooking. I love how I


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