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Search Results For 'credit'

  • 26th Annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival0

    Audition Concert to be Held Saturday, March 24 The time has come again for the Billtown Blues Association, BBA, to hold their 26th annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival Audition Concert where local and regional musicians compete for the coveted spot on the BBA festival stage performing along with confirmed national and international acts. The BBA

  • Gazette and Gazette March 20, 1918 Williamsport has 666,577 Lbs. Flour0

    Gazette and Gazette March 20, 1918 Williamsport has 666,577 Lbs. Flour Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. According to information received from the Office of County Food Administrator, Brua C. Keefer, in the post office building yesterday afternoon, Williamsport has over 666,577 pounds of wheat flour. The survey of the city’s excess and supply for present

  • This Week’s LION: The Lion’s Heart0

    When I meet a reader of this column they sometimes ask, “What’s a LION?” Even though they may know that it stands for “Leaders In Our Neighborhood,” they still wonder what criterion establishes a person as a LION and another not. It was almost exactly four years ago that this idea came to life. It

  • Upgrades that Boost Your Home’s Value and Enjoyment0

    A home is often a family’s single largest asset, so making investments with upgrades and home improvements is almost always a good idea. However, knowing when and where to make those improvements isn’t necessarily a simple decision. Budget and space most often dictate the direction, but keeping function and your lifestyle needs in mind can

  • Fresh Home Upgrades for Spring0

    After a long winter cooped up indoors, spring is the perfect time to start re-imagining your home and making upgrades that create a fresh, welcoming vibe. These project ideas – some big, some small – can help breathe new life into your home so you’re ready to enjoy your favorite rooms to the fullest. Air

  • County Hall Corner: Planning the Future0

    One of the oldest clichés is that failure to plan is planning to fail. It also just happens to be true. Think of it like checking the weather. If I am out walking and suddenly it rains, I get wet. However, if I checked the weather reports before I left my home, and knew there

  • The Pajama Factory Placed On National Registry of Historic Places0

    To many people, the former Weldon’s Pajama Factory building is just an old factory building. Now known as the “Pajama Factory”, it now has a wide variety of artsy type businesses now located within it, but recently it has now something even more special. It has been placed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

  • County Hall Corner: A Great Golf Course0

    A couple of weeks ago it was noted in this column that there were several hot-button issues that the Lycoming County Commissioners would have to deal with in 2018. The White Deer Golf Course is one of those that will be closely watched throughout the year. The County Commissioners have made it clear that this

  • Falls From Tree Stands On the Increase0

    I guess it should come as no surprise that tree stand accidents are on the increase. If you have been following trends in the world of hunting, it’s also apparent that the use of tree stands has dramatically increased in recent years. When I started hunting in the 60’s a tree stand was a couple

  • County Hall Corner Motivation Inside and Out0

    The County Commissioner’s Meeting on Thursday, January 25th was memorable in many ways. Last week’s column featured the awarding of the day reporting center contract, which was almost a year in the making. But the meeting had some other interesting aspects that also deserve mention. At the 10:00 a.m. start time, the meeting room was

  • Happy New Year!0

    So clearly I am not Jimmy. He will be back next week, but I stole his space to give him some credit that he would never think he deserves. Jimmy does a lot for the community and the people in the community and it goes mostly unrecognized, and I think everyone deserves a thank you

  • How to Stay Healthy at Work0

    The fall weather is finally upon us, which means daily temperatures can go up and down, the mornings can be frosty, but the afternoons pleasantly crisp, and cold/flu season is looming. If you work in an office or enclosed space, colds can spread quickly. The chances for getting the latest bug increase if you’re also

  • This Week’s LION: Walter Reed – Hughesville Mayor0

    When my niece Brittany married Chris, who both worked at UPMC Susquehanna Health Hospital in Williamsport, I was very surprised when they purchased a home in Hughesville. I asked why they chose to live there, rather than a location closer to where they worked. They smiled like they were in on a secret. Hughesville is

  • Day Tripping0

    In 1865 newspaper editor Horace Greeley penned the now famous words “Go west young man.” 117 years later, although not a young man and for an entirely different reason, South Williamsport High School graduate Denise Day headed in that westerly direction and in the process carved a legendary athletic career that was again recognized with

  • Williamsport Continued to Impress On the Pitch0

    Rain was falling down in sheets, the pitch was hard to make out, and each and every player was soaked to the bone before the match even started. As Williamsport put its 11-3 record on the line against Selinsgrove, which also entered at 11-3, it was anything but soccer weather. Sometimes though, it makes for

  • Land of the Free0

    Wow! What a week that was. Just when I give President Trump a little credit for becoming a little more politically savvy and working in a more bipartisanship way, bam! off he goes again with that cell phone and quick temper response. This must stop. Whether it’s Steph Curry visiting the White House, or the

  • Rockets’ Red Glare0

    Happy Fourth of July! Summer is moving right along; before you know it the calendar will read Labor Day. Let’s be careful out there, not only on the highway, but with all the summer activities and especially setting off fireworks. The first commemorative Independence Day fireworks were set off July 4, 1777. Before the Declaration

  • Autumn Outdoor Life and Liberty0

    What an absolutely amazing time of year to enjoy our home area of Penn’s Woods, “Hunting, fishing and loving every day” as country artist Luke Bryan sings it. “It’s the prayer a country boy prays” and no words ring truer as autumn and the beginning of the PA hunting season are upon us. It is

  • Wow…What a Show!0

    No, I’m not talking about Super Bowl 50 held earlier this month. The Broncos – Panthers was an average game at best. It proved a great defense wins championships, a great offense with a loudmouth quarterback get what they deserve. Who would have thought Peyton Manning, a five time MVP, would end his career as

  • A Hall of Fame Person0

    Tip of the cap to long time Lycoming College Head Football Coach Frank Girardi. The gentleman responsible for building Lyco into a D-III national football power received the phone call he has been elected into the College Football Hall of Fame. Coach ‘G’ is how I, and so many, have respectfully known and addressed the

  • Next Question….0

    Did you watch the debate? What candidate do you like? Who do you feel has the edge at this point? These questions and topics are being talked about no matter where you go. It is great to see all the interest building for the 2016 Presidential run. My hope is all Americans realize the next

  • All Lives Matter0

    I am tired of the racist, prejudicial and discriminatory views, actions and policy that go silently unchallenged each and every day in our great Nation. The politically correct muzzle and fear of the liberal response prevent our elected leaders and representatives from speaking up and challenging the absurd. Meanwhile individuals that are no more than

  • Your May Vote Counts!0

    Finally primary election time is upon us. No more ads, no more commercials, no more of those signs blocking the beauty of spring. There are some “points of interest” for you the voter I’d like to make you aware of or provide a little reminder about. First and most important, your vote matters, it is

  • Freedom and the Despicables. Obama, Kerry, Reid and Maddow0

    April fools! Thanks to all for sharing a laugh and a good old-fashioned spoof last week. The Historic Bowman Field project will only occur if I hit a big jackpot playing Powerball or Mega Millions. I did hear Bob Beiter was glad when he found out Janice Hiller didn’t really commit him to all of

  • Truth and R-E-S-P-E-C-T0

    Well, let’s get right to it. The words that Williamsport’s City Council President Mr. Bill Hall spoke in referencing me, claiming that I apologized to him in the name of “political personal destruction and smears, lies, innuendos and half truths,” is the farthest thing from fact. Nico Salvatori picked up Mr. Hall’s comments in covering

  • The Uncommon View of Commonsense0

    As I flipped through the channels the other night, catching up on the day’s events I stopped and watched about two minutes of Al Sharpton. I often watch Al to see what he’s spewing. It was the same old message, so on to Fox News I went. They had a gentleman cooking bacon by firing

  • $400,000 Worth of Insults0

    The fleecing of American taxpayers never seems to end. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something more pungent comes to light. I haven’t talked about Obamacare lately and was happier for not doing so. President Obama’s grand plan of national healthcare and providing health insurance for all was a farce from the word

  • Thanks, Praise and Reality0

    A heartfelt thank you and Webb Weekly salute to all the Veterans that have honored America with their service. You have exemplified one of the greatest qualities a person can have, selflessness. You have defended our freedom, protected our homeland and provided a helping hand at home and around the world when called upon. Whether

  • Remembrance and Vigilance0

    Thirteen years have passed since the World Trade Center defined the New York City skyline along with the Empire State building. They made the “city that never sleeps” silhouette the most famous in the world. You couldn’t help but get excited as you headed into the city and saw the modern day marvel of the

  • Political Fertilizer0

    As I watch, listen and read the nonsense that comes out of the mouths of our elected officials it is hard to take. They basically take the position the American people are ignorant and the media will buy almost anything. When they do get called out on the fertilizer they spew, they either just talk

  • Coach ‘em Up0

    It was only a couple of years ago when the level of play of local high school football teams was at a sub-par level. Remembering back I don’t believe any local team finished with a winning record. Wow, has that changed. J.C. Keefer head coach at Montoursville has energized the Warriors. They remind me of

  • Congrats, Coaches and Country…0

    Congratulations to my kid sister Morgan and husband to be, Mike. They will be wed this Saturday. I am honored to be pinch hitting for my Dad where needed and hope it is a most special day for the bride, groom and families. I know I should wait until after the wedding for well wishes


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