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  • Safe Summer Fun

    Safe Summer Fun0

    Longer days and lighter schedules make summer perfect for relaxing, having fun outdoors and spending time with loved ones. However, more physical activity and time spent in the sun can also translate to increased health and safety risks. As you and your family enjoy the warmth and sunshine while swimming, biking, grilling, playing on the

  • FORE. The Return to Bad Golf. Wheeland and Person Win.0

    Hats off to my friends at Williamsport Country Club. The 2022 Member-Guest was a fantastic tournament. Sweet gifts. Super fun format. And the smoked alligator on rye was off the charts. I want to thank my good chum Billy Keiser for another invite. I didn’t offer much help this weekend, but I had a splendid

  • Special Olympics Athletes, Unified Partner, Return from 2022 USA Games0

    Upon their return home from the 2022 USA Special Olympics Summer Games, Lycoming County Special Olympics athletes Jacob Carey, Johanna Schoeneck, Byron Keith Diemer and Unified Partner, Sean Loner, all expressed their gratitude to those that made everything possible and that it was an honor and privilege to have been given the opportunity to attend

  • District IV Stands Tall0

    Earlier this month, as the area school’s doors closed for the summer, hundreds of senior graduates stoically marched into their ceremonies to the familiar strains of Pomp and Circumstance. Then they sat, listened to speeches, heard their name called, received their long-awaited diploma, and happily tossed their mortar-board tasseled caps into the air and departed, officially ending

  • County Hall Corner: And Now, A Word from My Readers0

    Over the years that I have been writing articles for Webb Weekly, I occasionally get feedback in the form of cards and letters sent to our office and also from face-to-face discussions. The biggest response I ever received was an article defending Dr. Seuss’s books. The pushback against the ‘cancel culture’ fanatics who somehow found

  • Annual Memorial Service at Old Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Annual Memorial Service at Old Immanuel Lutheran Church0

    Vicar Mindelle Bartholomew, Vicar of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Shamokin Dam, and Chaplain-elect of Lycoming Chapter, DAR, will be preaching and leading worship at the Annual Memorial Service at Old Immanuel Lutheran Church, 2633 Lime Bluff Road, Muncy, on Sunday, June 26, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. Brian Hess, organist and choir director at Messiah Lutheran

  • Deer: Dead and Diseased0

    Normally when we read about deer, we are anxious to learn more about how to nail that trophy we want to hang on the wall, but there are other dynamics to look at regarding our deer population. I guess what brought this topic to mind was a recent trip to visit family near the Ohio

  • The Roving Sportsman… Be “Tick-Aware” This Summer!0

    For outdoorsmen who are about to spend an increasing amount of time in the out of doors in the upcoming months, it is only a matter of time until you come in contact with ticks. Whether you are fishing at your favorite mountain stream, preseason scouting for this coming fall, or working on food plots

  • A Dad’s Love is a Gift From Above0

    Those of you waiting for me to get out my Louisville Slugger and take some swings at all the tough issues bombarding our Nation are going to have to wait another week This week we’re going to celebrate Father’s Day with a little history, some thoughts about the day, and a great giveaway. I had

  • Happy Father’s Day…0

    I just want to take a minute to say Happy Father’s Day… First off Happy Father’s Day to Steve. You are an amazing Dad and Kiddo and I love you! Now on to my list. It changes and flows from year to year, but the sentiment remains the same… Happy Father’s Day to the Dads

  • Remembering Newberry’s Legendary ‘Burt the Barber’0

    It was with sadness that I learned two weeks ago of the passing of Burt Ware Jr., a longtime barber in the Newberry area. He had gained a great reputation as a beloved barber and friend to many people. I thought it might be appropriate to dust off an article I wrote about Burt 13

  • WASD Education Foundation Grants $4,000 to Support Summer Reading, Grow Elementary Collections0

    With just days to go before summer vacation, the Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation (WASDEF) announced its distribution of $4,000 to WASD’s elementary library system in support of the district’s revival of its #MillionairesRead Summer Reading Program. Grant dollars will be used to purchase brand-new books to recognize and honor incoming kindergarten through fifth-grade

  • Imagine – 50 Years Have Flown By0

    “Imagine” — that famous song by the late John Lennon formed the backdrop for the 50th Class reunion a few weekends ago for the then Bishop Neumann High School and had sparked the “imagination” of 62 idealistic young men and women as we prepared to fly from the nest of a seemingly utopian high school

  • UPMC Dermatologist: Preventing and Detecting Skin Cancer0

    Have you been spending more time outdoors to enjoy the warmer weather? If your answer is yes, have you also been taking steps to protect your skin from the sun? If not, now is the time to start adding a few important steps to your morning routine to help prevent skin cancer. According to Centers

  • FORE. The Return to Bad Golf0

    I was asked to tee it up with a few of my good friends. I don’t know why I agreed as I’d like to say I am a has-been. This past weekend was the first time I touched a club in 2022. I had no expectations, and it was so good to see my chums.

  • A Quartet for Brett: In Memory of a Local Movie Maven0

    Cinema lost a good friend last month. Brett S. Harrison, who lived in Philadelphia during recent years but grew up in Williamsport, passed away at age 62 in May. Older readers may recall the local Harrison Brothers Meat Packing business, co-owned by Brett’s beloved father, Donald — or perhaps Brett’s years of film criticism for

  • Skip the Line! Order Your Single Game Tix in Advance!0

    Tickets for all Cutters game during the 2022 season are available by calling 570-326-3389, online at or in-person at Muncy Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. Ordering in advance online means that you can print your tickets at home & skip the line at the box office on game night! With tickets starting at

  • Crosscutters Players Cherish the Opportunity0

    Williamsport Crosscutters Media Day is truly a groundhog-day-like experience. The venue is the same, the uniforms are sparkling white, the smiles and the anxiety on the player’s faces as they step out to meet the press has the same familiarity, and the freshness of a new season creates some positive energy. The second season of

  • Don’t Put That Flyrod Away Yet0

    That I like to fly fish for trout is an understatement; I try to fit in as much time as I can, even if it’s only for a couple of hours on any given day. Of course, when we hear some reference to trout fishing, we usually think April and May — after all, that’s

  • County Hall Corner: Lies Live Forever0

    It is amazing how everyone can know that something is true when in reality, it is not. This is best illustrated by quotes. Everyone knows that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s character Sherlock Holmes states, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” Humphrey Bogart told his pianist to “Play it again, Sam,” and Tarzan told Jane, “Me Tarzan, You

  • The Roving Sportsman… Buy Your License, Make Your Plans0

    The 2022 – 2023 hunting season licenses are now available for purchase, and it’s a good time to review the latest Hunting and Trapping Digest and become familiar with new regulations and the upcoming seasons and bag limits. If you are a procrastinator, which we all seem to be at times, you may miss a

  • Dad Style 20220

    In anticipation of Father’s Day, I wanted to take a moment as I did last year and pay tribute to “Dad Style,” which should not be confused with stylishly dressed men who happen to be fathers. The ongoing trend of Dad Style mimics how middle-aged men of two decades ago dressed on their day off

  • Grads and Giveaways0

    A Webb Weekly tip of the hat and congratulations to all our recent high school graduates. What a special time in a young person’s life when they take that walk with their fellow classmates and celebrate an achievement that began with their very first days of school. I always enjoy looking at the pictures that

  • Adopt a Shelter Cat0

    Given our cover story, it seems appropriate to use my space this week to celebrate ‘Adopt a Shelter Cat Month.’ We all know that there are plenty of cats in shelters that could use good homes. More than ever, the kitties need our help. Not only are thousands of newborn kittens joining the millions of

  • LAPS Feline Shelter Grand Re-Opening! Open House Sunday, June 120

    Providing a safe, humane home for cats is the primary aim of the Lycoming Animal Protection Society (LAPS). To aid this venture, they have opened a new shelter at 630 Wildwood Boulevard in Williamsport. To highlight this new facility for the public, they will be holding an open house there on Sunday, June 12, from

  • Two Time Blues Music Awarded Texas Artist, Sue Foley, to Grace the Stage At the 2022 Billtown Blues Festival0

    Billtown Blues Association organizers are coming down the home stretch after a year-long preparation for their signature event, the Billtown Blues Festival, now celebrating 32 years of the blues music art form. There will be no deviation from the event’s reputation of securing world-class nationally known performers, exposing those on the cusp, and providing a

  • Skip the Line! Order Your Single Game Tix in Advance!0

    Tickets for all Cutters game during the 2022 season are available by calling (570) 326-3389, online at or in-person at Muncy Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. Ordering in advance online means that you can print your tickets at home & skip the line at the box office on game night! With tickets starting

  • Mini-Golf Tournament to Benefit Christians Helping Honduras0

    The South Williamsport United Methodist Church is sending another mission team to Happy World School in San Marcos de Colon, Honduras. They will be going in July of this year and in January of 2023. Happy World School has 60+ students and struggles to pay its bills. The classrooms are drab, unpainted cinder blocks. The

  • Congress Visiting Williamsport0

    With the welcomed announcement that the Little League Baseball World Series, with all its trappings, will be returning to our area this August, the annual proclamation of “Williamsport Welcomes the World” will once again ring true. What may not be as well-known this week, from June 10-13, is that an even broader representation of Little

  • River Monster0

    I was never exposed to fly fishing growing up. Sure, I tried it several times, but the purist ideology never stuck. It can be extremely frustrating, and I have zero confidence. I quit fifteen times and went back to my spinning rods. But COVID changed everything. I started with YouTube and made a few calls.


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