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Search Results For 'football'

  • Land of the Free0

    Wow! What a week that was. Just when I give President Trump a little credit for becoming a little more politically savvy and working in a more bipartisanship way, bam! off he goes again with that cell phone and quick temper response. This must stop. Whether it’s Steph Curry visiting the White House, or the

  • $1.3 Million for the Home Team0

    It’s great to see Head Coach James Franklin’s Penn State Nittany Lions off to such a great start. Granted, they haven’t really been tested by a top-notch opponent yet. It was good to see Pitt back on the schedule. A Penn’s Woods rivalry game that should happen every year! Pitt isn’t quite up to par

  • A Look Back and Moving Forward0

    Where did those summer months ago? As I am sitting here penning my article, September and autumn are now on the horizon. There’s also so much going on around our Great Nation and beyond, where do I start? With the good, the bad, the ugly — or maybe the pending natural disaster that’s bearing down

  • School Days and Football Friday Nights0

    Back to school time! It seems to get earlier each year. What happened to those days when you went back after Labor Day? I guess I’m probably dating myself there because it hasn’t been that way in a while. Still, heading back to the classroom during the second week of the Little League World Series,

  • All About August0

    The kids are already dreading what the calendar reading August means. You remember those days, June–July you never even give back to school a thought, but when that first day of August hits, the summer vacation becomes more and more precious with each passing day. August is always filled with great going ons in our

  • Freedom and Time to Get Outdoors0

    Happy Summer! Yes, I know it hasn’t officially begun, but as I am penning this article it is 75° and the clock hasn’t rang 9 a.m. yet. My kind of weather! I hope it continues right on through November or at least Memorial Day weekend at this point. What an unusual year of weather we

  • There is a Wolf After Your Wallet0

    The absolute best thing that has happened for Governor Tom Wolf is that all eyes have been on Washington and President Donald Trump. Including mine. It’s time to have a quick catch up on what’s going on in Harrisburg. Governor Wolf in sheep’s clothing has begun his third year in office. There has not been

  • Talking Turkey, Pigskin and Leftovers0

    Happy Thanksgiving to all from everyone here at Webb Weekly! Where has the year gone? The beginning of the holiday season has descended on the West Branch Valley. There are so many great events celebrating Christmas scheduled for our area; some have already begun the celebration. Almost all can be found within our pages. Get

  • Underdogs Residing in Penn’s Woods0

    If you love the upset and rooting for the underdog what an incredible three week stretch. It began with our own Penn State Nittany Lions and ended with the most unbelievable election night in American history. In between was a World Series that was already an odds breaker. Anytime you can say Cleveland Indians versus

  • The Men and Women of Freedom0

    A heartfelt thank you from all of us at Webb Weekly to the men and women that have served our Great Nation. These are the true providers of our blessed freedom. Please take the time this Veterans Day to honor the living and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice or are no longer with

  • The Most Important Vote0

    Wow, the calendar reads November! Where the heck did September and October go? Or summer for that matter? It just amazes me how time truly flies by as I get older. My Father warned me about this, but you know being young at the time you think – yeah right, what’s he talking about? Mr.

  • Autumn Outdoor Life and Liberty0

    What an absolutely amazing time of year to enjoy our home area of Penn’s Woods, “Hunting, fishing and loving every day” as country artist Luke Bryan sings it. “It’s the prayer a country boy prays” and no words ring truer as autumn and the beginning of the PA hunting season are upon us. It is

  • Taking a Knee on America0

    “Would you please rise in honor of America for the playing of our National Anthem?” Then you look and find the American Flag, either being presented by the color guard or flying above the stadium. You stand at attention, removing your hat if you are wearing one; maybe you place the hat or your empty

  • A Difficult Situation0

    What a great break from reality and turmoil our great area has offered the last couple of weeks. Tip of my Little League cap to Mr. Steve Keener and all his troops up on The Hill – what a fantastic Series! Also to all the volunteers that make the Little League World Series so special.

  • A Grand Slam Effort0

    Many of you have been reaching out to me about current events going on here at home, in Washington and of course in regarding Mr. Trump and Ms. Hillary. I’m taking a little break from that energy draining reality to enjoy all the good going on here in our little corner of Penn’s Woods. No

  • Revitalized and Vaporized0

    Summer just goes by way too fast. I can’t believe the calendar reads August! Before month’s end the kiddies will be back in school, football will be in full swing and another Little League World Series will be in the books. Just a thought for you. If the everyday grind and rigors of life have

  • She is Innocent as Charged0

    Did you really think anything was going to come out of the FBI’s investigation of Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton? FBI Director James Comey stated last week, “I would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.” Really, there’s a real shocker! He

  • Dads, Baseball and Ms. Hillary0

    Happy Father’s Day! Tip of the Webb Weekly cap to all the Dads out there and to everyone who provides Fatherly love and guidance. The importance of having Dad there no matter the age of his son or daughter, could never be overstated. With all the world has to offer today, someone to wear the

  • Trump/Marino 2016 “The Don” Chooses Tom for VP0

    A couple weeks ago in my “Not My Father’s Republican Party” (March 9th) article, I praised Congressman Tom Marino’s efforts and fighting for the American people. I rehashed how he stood up to Nancy Pelosi and the liberal demagoguery while other Republicans bury their heads in the sand. I put into ink how he would

  • The Truth about Executive Order0

    I always get a good laugh when we are going to get that big winter storm and everyone stocks up on everything from bread to ammunition. Do they really believe they are going to be snowbound for days, weeks, maybe a month? Then you know what happens? It misses us. Some are happy; some are

  • A Hall of Fame Person0

    Tip of the cap to long time Lycoming College Head Football Coach Frank Girardi. The gentleman responsible for building Lyco into a D-III national football power received the phone call he has been elected into the College Football Hall of Fame. Coach ‘G’ is how I, and so many, have respectfully known and addressed the

  • 50 Years of Family, Friends and Trust0

    It seems like it was only yesterday. My Dad taking me to Mister Donut on the Golden Strip for a Bavarian filled and a chocolate milk. I was knee-high to a grasshopper but can still envision the old store and the coffee mug my Father would sip from. It was different years ago, a donut

  • Grace, Thanks and Giving0

    Happy Thanksgiving! What an absolutely wonderful day. No shopping, no wrapping or putting together of anything. Just family, friends and football. Love and friendship celebrated with that perfectly cooked bird and all the trimmings, followed up with a dessert of your choice. Then a little Turkey Bowl action, the annual backyard football game. This event

  • Tricks, Treats and Folks Seeking Elected Seats0

    My favorite week of the year on page 2. I get to dress up as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I thought about a different look for you this year, maybe Barak Obama but with Webb as my last name there is really only one choice of attire. Now for my public service message for Halloween

  • Coach Crews and a Millionaire Revival0

    Wow! It is hard to believe we are heading into week seven of the high school football season. One of the great stories this year has taken place up on “the hill” at the Millionaires newly remodeled STA Stadium. With new Head Coach Charles “call me Chuck” Crews leading the way, the Cherry and White

  • Sounds, Sights and Memories of September0

    Summer sailed right by and all area schools are now open for the 2015–2016 school year. The words ‘school is open, drive safely’, always ring out this time of year. However, judging from some driving I have witnessed, maybe a little refresher course on lawful and safe driving is needed. Motorists must stop at least

  • Welcome to Williamsport from Klamath Falls0

    To all who have traveled to the “Home of Little League Baseball” welcome to our area. Good luck to the players, coaches, and fans. The road you have navigated to be here is an amazing one! May everyone have a safe and happy stay here in the West Branch Valley. The game Carl Stotz founded

  • Appreciation and Understanding0

    Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you to all that provide the most special and important gift of a Mother’s love. Thank you for taking care of our children, the most important blessings in our lives. Thank you to those who fill the role of Mom when it becomes vacant by tragedy, fate or circumstance. A Mother’s

  • Revitalizing Billtown’s Sports Swagger A Business and Community Effort0

    Demolition and construction. These two words equal future. As in moving forward for the best of a community, city or an area. I have always been fascinated by tearing down and rebuilding. My Mom is proud to tell that my first word was bulldozer or something that sounded like it. As I looked in through

  • Happy 2015!0

    New Year’s wishes of health, happiness and prosperity. The year 2015, wow it almost seems like a title for a sci-fi movie. I still catch myself thinking it’s 19 something, let alone we are 15 years into the new millennium. What’s going on in the world today is much different than anyone would have imagined

  • Gratitude and Gridiron0

    Happy Thanksgiving. Take the time to say thanks and enjoy all your blessings and the simplest of things that may be taken for granted. Remember in your prayers those who may be going through a tough time presently. Maybe they recently lost a loved one or still have that empty chair at the table no

  • Ribbons, Ammo and Truth0

    The beauty of autumn can be found throughout this wonderful place we call home. The different shades of yellow, red and orange that adorn the trees and paint an October backdrop. The pumpkins, cornstalks and wreaths that provide contrast and welcome you into area homes and businesses. The perfectly groomed green of your favorite teams

  • Summer has arrived.0

    Summer has arrived. School is out, Drive safely and watch out for the young ones. I would have thought by now Mayor Gabriel Campana would have realized the importance of basketball to the community. My article last week, “So Long Sech”, was about how through Dave Sechler’s efforts so many folks from so many walks


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