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  • County Hall Corner: Something Good about 20200

    In January of this year, my hopes for Lycoming County in 2020 was that it could be the Year of the Volunteer. I wanted to highlight volunteer fire companies and non-profit organizations’ efforts and how they needed new blood to stay alive. I hoped that with the experience of County Commissioners Tony Mussare and Rick

  • Baseball’s Back at Bowman0

    Following a summer of COVID-caused cancellation and the uncertainty of professional baseball’s future in Williamsport, the November 30th announcement of the formation of the new MLB Draft League was welcomed news for area baseball fans. Although it was not included on the weather bureau’s forecast of that day, some of the windy conditions may have

  • Just What the Doctor Ordered0

    Before I get started, I want to be clear — I am not talking about Dr. Anthony Fauci or Dr. Rachel Levine. I am talking about Doctor J — Julius Erving. I think we all need a little break from the COVID craziness and political divide. For all you younger folks out there, or those

  • New Elves for Christmas Fun!0

    Are you ready for Christmas? With everything happening this year, I’m ready to set my sights on the ‘most wonderful time of the year.’ Nothing says Christmas around the Webb Weekly office like when The Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest is in full swing! We have entries coming in left and right, and our elves

  • How to Avoid Drug Interactions0

    Hundreds of millions of people across the globe rely on medications for their survival. In fact, the percentage of people using prescription medications may surprise people who work outside the health care industry. According to the National Center for Health Statistics’ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-16, nearly 46 percent of the population of

  • Flannel Fashion Tips

    Flannel Fashion Tips0

    Flannel season is upon us! I have to admit, when I think of flannels, I immediately think of the ones I wore as a teenager in the 90s when grunge became a popular style. Since then, I’ve usually saved flannel shirts for outdoorsy activities like hiking. However, this fall, I’m rethinking this quintessential cold-weather fabric

  • 41st Whistle Stop Train Show To Be Held Sunday, December 60

    Toy train layouts, like Christmas trees, holly and ivy, have been an integral of the Christmas holiday season for as long as many people can remember. This enduring tradition is being celebrated again at the 41st Annual Whistle Stop Train Show to be held at the Woodward Township Volunteer Fire Company, near Linden on Sunday,

  • The Roving Sportsman… It Finally Happened in the Closing Minutes!0

    For decades, the black bear population throughout Pennsylvania has been on a slow, but ever-increasing rise. The numbers today exceed 20,000, making our state a popular destination for bear hunters. Not only are the numbers of animals impressive, but the size of some have often exceeded 300 pounds, with animals every year being taken in

  • Proceed with Caution0

    Whenever I am feeling blue, I head to Wegmans to see my crew. Haiku? Sorry. My older and wiser friends are always there. They are good for my morale. Most are fans of this column, and this week I wanted to give them some love. Special thanks to John C., Big Mike, Tracy, Mrs. Ginny,

  • Treestands: A Widespread Deer Hunting Practice0

    I was reminded last week as we made last minute preparations for the rifle deer season just how popular hunting from treestands has become. My wife and I helped my son erect a new two-man metal treestand in a good-sized tree overlooking a well-traveled ravine. We used a four-wheeler and hoisted the heavy stand up

  • Questions to Ponder0

    In keeping with the virtual learning experiences so prevalent these days, let us explore one of the often-asked questions of virtuality. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? It is a philosophical thought experiment that raises question regarding observation and perception. In

  • Boos Turn to Cheers for Kitchen Makeover

    Boos Turn to Cheers for Kitchen Makeover0

    It was a month before Christmas when the Fairfield Auto Groups’ Rick Quigley-driven red Chevy Tahoe made its way up Poco Farm Road. But for its passengers, the Boos (pronounced Bose) family of Loyalsock Township, it might just as well have been Santa’s red sleigh on Christmas morning. The event was the culmination of iHeart

  • Remember to put the Thanks in Giving

    Remember to put the Thanks in Giving1

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! Please celebrate this amazing day of American gratitude as you choose to do so. I am not trying to tell you how, or influence your decision regarding choosing a traditional or unconventional Thanksgiving celebration. I just want you to understand Governor-King Thomas Wolf and his Jester CDC Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    It’s time for my annual Thanksgiving list! As you join friends and family this Thanksgiving, take a moment to remember all the things you have to be thankful for this year. Times get tough, but there is always a bright side and listing them out often makes the bad seem a little better. I know

  • Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce Launching Contest To Promote Local Businesses

    Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce Launching Contest To Promote Local Businesses0

    Local businesses of all types from restaurants to small retailers have taken a tremendous economic hit as a result of the dislocations caused by the COVID-19 virus. In a bid to promote these area businesses and get local consumers to patronize these businesses, the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce is engaging in a four-month contest aimed

  • County Hall Corner: There is Rust on the Trust0

    President Trump’s legal challenge to the Pennsylvania voting process is being heard here at federal court in Williamsport. This litigation is just one going on around the country, and even if they don’t have any impact on the final outcome, it is still an important process to ensure that future elections have more veracity than

  • A Cozy Thanksgiving0

    This Thanksgiving will be the first year since 2001 that my husband and I will not be traveling to Ohio to celebrate with his family. Instead, for the 4th Thursday of November, we’ll be staying home and preparing a simpler meal. We are disappointed, but there are advantages to a lower key holiday. No long

  • WAHS Senior to Compete as Division Finalist in MTNA Senior String Performance Competition

    WAHS Senior to Compete as Division Finalist in MTNA Senior String Performance Competition0

    Williamsport Area High School senior Michael Fisher will virtually compete as a division finalist in the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Eastern Division Senior String Performance. Fisher secured his spot after his recent win in the Pennsylvania State Senior String Competition. “Being the Pennsylvania representative in this competition is a true honor,” Fisher said. “I

  • Gift Idea for the Archery Hunters in the Family

    Gift Idea for the Archery Hunters in the Family0

    I’ll admit it, I’m not much of a shopper and buying gifts for people is not my forte. Most of us guys know better than to go out and buy clothes for our wives at Christmas; we are better off just going along with them and saying, “yes dear, that looks great”. I suppose by

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wintertime Reading0

    Temperatures are slowly dropping and the daylight hours get shorter with each passing day. Frost has greeted the morning sunrise on several occasions, and soon the landscape will be covered in a layer of white. Many of us will reduce our time out of doors and turn to inside activities as the onset of winter

  • Thanksgiving 20200

    Thanksgiving celebrates the Pilgrims first feast, at least the story goes But first they dealt with hunger, cold and many unfriendly foes Little could they have ever known as they went about that task Here four centuries later, our festivity requires the wearing of a mask Home front celebrations will differ much this year As

  • UPMC Expert: Holidays and the Pandemic0

    You may be experiencing fatigue related to the COVID-19 pandemic and precautions, but now is not the time to relax your practices – especially with the holidays just weeks away. Prevention is still our best means in fighting the spread of the virus, so it’s important to follow all the latest local, state, and CDC

  • Hang up on scammers. Here’s how.

    Hang up on scammers. Here’s how.0

    Utility scammers never take a day off. That’s why we want to help you stop them at every turn. One of the best ways to help do that is to arm you with information on their tactics. Forewarned is forearmed. A common thread among scammers is pressure. It’s a red flag. Scammers often threaten to

  • A Season Saved, An Autumn to Remember0

    We have so very much to be thankful for here in the West Branch Valley. We must not allow politics, differing views, and opinions to divide us. This goes double for any virus. I don’t understand today’s social media world when people who have a difference of opinion allow it to create the rage and

  • Thanksgiving Prep0

    We have a bit of time before Thanksgiving, but in case you’ve been charged with bringing something to your Thanksgiving dinner and have no idea what that is going to be, I’m coming at you with some possibilities! You know I’m always here looking out for you! First up we have a play on the

  • Third Time’s a Charm for Olivia Dorner0

    Akin to the fabled tortoise’s calculated race to the finish line ahead of the hare, South Williamsport High School’s junior tennis sensation Olivia Dorner’s assent to the top of the PIAA tennis world took longer than she had hoped: but it cannot be disputed, her unchallenged skill left both opponents and spectators in appreciative awe.

  • County Hall Corner: Yes, Life Will Go On0

    My wife, three children, and I happened to be in Moscow in August of 1991 when the independence movement began, which resulted in the fall of the USSR. We had waited in line for two hours to get into the one and only McDonalds Restaurant in Russia and were enjoying our American cuisine of Big

  • Turtleneck Time

    Turtleneck Time0

    We’ve all heard of sweater weather when the temperatures drop, and the air turns crisp, requiring the addition of a cozy knit layer to your everyday wear. Well, November is also the start of turtleneck time! When it comes to finding a balance between chic and cozy, nothing beats a turtleneck. This versatile basic is

  • Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular To Be Held December 5 Despite COVID-190

    It has been a rough year for many annual events in the area because of mean old Mr. COVID-19, but one event is going to carry on despite the challenges posed by the virus at this time, and that is the 14th Annual Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular to be held on Saturday, December 5

  • The Roving Sportsman… Night Vision Optics Now Legal for Furbearer Hunters0

    In July of this year through the passage of House Bill 1188, the Game Commission was given authority to regulate night-vision and infrared optics. Previously, any and all hunting use of night-vision and infrared (thermal) optics was prohibited by state law. Now, having the authority to do so, the Game Commission has granted furbearer hunters


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