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County Hall Corner: Sheriff Lusk and His Super Supporters

There is a saying — some people make things happen, some watch what happens, and the rest wonder what happened. Sheriff Mark Lusk makes things happen, but he does not do so alone. At the April 20th Lycoming County Commissioners’ Meeting, there was a glowing example of Sheriff Lusk’s initiative and active community support.

For some time, there had been a need in the Sheriff’s department for a specialized vehicle that would have more versatility than a traditional one. Sheriff Lusk had been frustrated that fugitives who would escape from their ankle bracelets or the Pre-Release Center were difficult to apprehend because of their ability to hide out in inaccessible areas. There was also the challenge of supporting natural disasters — that are all too frequent — as well as simply providing support to various special events like the Lycoming County Fair, the Jersey Shore Town Meeting, and of course, the Little League World Series.

But Sheriff Lusk knew that acquiring public funds for such a specialized vehicle would be all but impossible given current budget constraints, so he was stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. He decided to go on the road and appeal to local veteran organizations, business organizations, and anyone he believed would care about improving public safety.

What made this initiative even more challenging was that it was done during 2020, the height of the COVID troubles, when many organizations were pulling in their funds rather than giving them out. Given all this, it would not be a surprise if Sheriff Lusk came up empty-handed. Yet, amazingly, eight organizations contributed the full amount for a brand-new Honda UTV (Utility Task Vehicle) and trailer, fully equipped with emergency equipment, lighting, and medical equipment, and well-marked with the county and Sheriff’s logo and design.

Sheriff Lusk did his best to honor these eight organizations by recognizing them on April 20th with plaques and color-framed pictures. Still, these partners deserve much more recognition than a handshake and photo opt at the end of a commissioners’ meeting. The sacrifice of these organizations during these very trying times is a tribute to them and the entire community.

These organizations would doubtfully have made such a commitment had they not known and respected Sheriff Mark Lusk and his department. This kind of trust must be learned to be deserved. Especially in an environment in our country where law enforcement is on high suspicion, this type of commitment is admirable indeed.

Lycoming County Sheriff Lusk who has been in local law enforcement for four decades, and it is not unusual to develop lots of enemies in that time. Yet, he has obviously gained some admirers given the considerable support for a needed emergency vehicle that came from his personal appeals.

Let’s all give a big Webb Weekly thank you to the Red Run Rod and Gun Club, 9-11 Memorial Coalition, American Legion Post 36 (Jersey Shore), American Legion Post 104 (Montoursville), Muncy VFW 3428, White Horse Graphics, Rogers Uniforms, and the Montoursville Rotary Club for their great support in acquiring the new UTV. Williamsport Honda also deserves an attaboy as well for providing the vehicle at what Sheriff Lusk noted was a “really good deal.” It was a good deal for everyone in Lycoming County.

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