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  • Fall Fishing

    Fall Fishing0

    I love this time of year, and North Central PA is now shining. Fall brings us so many vibrant colors. Change is in the air. It is just a shame that it gets dark at 6:00 p.m. — this totally dampens my outdoor activities. Fishing is my passion. It serves as my zen. I am

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunting the Rut – Part I0

    For baseball fans, the World Series is the highlight of their favorite pastime. Football fans anxiously watch their teams work their way toward the playoffs and the big day for football fans – the Super Bowl. For those whose greatest sporting challenge is hunting mature whitetail bucks, the wait is almost over. The time is

  • Common Sense Election Protection1

    A week doesn’t go by without me considering stopping by Lycoming County Voter Services and changing my political affiliation to Independent. The very thought that Senator Mitch McConnell is the face of the Republican Party is a good enough reason to change by itself. He is an example of the problem in Washington, not the

  • Counting Candy Contest Continues…0

    We are officially on the second and final week of our Annual Halloween Contest! Just in case you need another reminder on how to participate… Scattered throughout this issue you will find a bunch of little candies spread throughout! All you need to do is count them…easy peasy. Now, take care polar bear — I’ll

  • Preservation Williamsport Presents “Boo From the Porch” Friday, October 220

    Preservation Williamsport has always been noted for its exciting and unique events and fundraisers, and the latest one is no exception. They will be presenting “Boo From the Porch,” a Halloween-themed fundraiser on Friday, October 22, from 5 to 7 p.m. Preservation Williamsport invites you for another stroll down Millionaires Row. It has been two

  • County Hall Corner: Heavy Levee Lifting0

    On Friday, October 8th, US Congressman Fred Keller led a group consisting of the three Lycoming County Commissioners, Williamsport’s mayor, and a number of other local officials along with representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to tour the Williamsport Levee. They were all there to do

  • Fall Dress Outfits0

    Eventually, the temperatures will begin to drop, and a dress might be the last thing you reach for when putting together your autumn ensembles, especially if you don’t consider yourself a dress person. However, with the right accessories to pair with your fall dresses, you might start to think otherwise. Styling a dress for fall

  • UPMC Nurse: Tips for Safe Teenage Drivers0

    Getting your driver’s license is one of the most exciting life experiences for a teenager. While it’s great to have a new sense of freedom, it’s important to remember that driving is a privilege and a huge responsibility. National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 17-23 and is the perfect opportunity for parents to remind

  • Trey and Alize0

    Two weeks ago, I wrote an article about Williamsport native Treyson Potts. The University of Minnesota stud running back had been tearing it up. This all came to an abrupt end. Potts suffered an undisclosed injury serious enough to keep him hospitalized for six days. The details were very hush-hush, and Coach PJ Fleck talked

  • The Roving Sportsman… Options for Using Venison0

    With the statewide archery deer season in full swing and the upcoming junior & senior license holder 3-day antlerless deer season running from Thursday, October 21 through Saturday, October 23 this year, some of Pennsylvania’s deer hunters may be enjoying early-season success. While many of today’s savvy deer hunters already have made plans as to

  • Playing Sweet Music at Schuyler Stadium0

    Should Muncy ever decide to install a Jukebox at Stanley T. Schuyler Memorial Stadium, chances are the most often played tunes would be “Boys of Fall” and “We Are the Champions.” With two regular-season games to be played (Friday at Homer Center and next week hosting Hughesville), Sean Tetreault’s Indians are seeking to secure their

  • Early Archery Season Success

    Early Archery Season Success0

    In my early archery hunting years, I was quick to hit the woods as soon as the season opened, and often, the weather was relatively warm, the foliage was still heavy, and the rut was not yet underway. I must admit, however, that over the years, my enthusiasm has waned a bit for those first

  • Buying Used Tupperware in a Stranger’s Yard0

    “You grab first and look later. That’s important.” “This isn’t a tea party; manners just slow you down.” It’s way too early on a Saturday morning to understand the game plan for the next few hours. I’m sleepy, cranky, and badly want a donut, but there’s no time to spare. With our destination in sight,

  • Local Man Writes Treasure Heist Novel 0

    Not many people write novels at the age of 64, but Joe Farley is one of those brave few. He has penned a self-published novel he terms a “treasure heist” — one titled Castillo. He says it is an interesting “modern-day adventure” that takes place in St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest city in the United States.

  • Subaru ‘Adopts’ Five Classrooms to Help Support Supply Needs0

    Five teachers at Williamsport Area High School have been able to knock off a few items on their wish list this fall, thanks to Subaru and its partnership with Nationally, the corporation and its 600 retailers, including Blaise Alexander Subaru, partnered with the educational nonprofit to buy school supplies and other classroom tools as

  • Mummers March, Counting Candy, Monster Bucks, and Time for Family0

    The only masks I will talk about this week are the ones that will be worn in celebration of the 75th Mummers’ Day Parade through Halloween. The only shots I will talk about this week are the ones that lead to a buck being entered in my favorite contest of the year. Through my eyes,

  • Spooky Season has Arrived!0

    Counting Candy Contest! Boys and girls, goblins and ghouls! Step right up and play the game! Everyone has a chance to win a prize! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is my FAVORITE contest of the year, and I always look forward to picking out what we will be

  • 75th South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade Takes Place This Saturday, October 160

    The South Williamsport Mummers Parade will be marking a special anniversary this Saturday when it steps off for the 75th time this Saturday, October 16, beginning at 2 p.m. “After reluctantly skipping last year due to the pandemic, the parade returns bigger and better this year, marking a milestone 75th time that it has stepped

  • October Outfits0

    Fall is such an odd time weather-wise. You can still get away with walking out the front door in a tee, shorts, and sandals all the way into early October. But as this month progresses, the chilly temperatures finally present the opportunity to get a bit more creative with your everyday outfit. However, you don’t

  • Rooting Superstitions0

    It is no secret. It has been stated in this space countless times. I am a baseball fan. Specifically, I’m a Pittsburgh Pirates and Boston Red Sox fan. Generally, I am a baseball fan. If there is a game going on in my vicinity, chances are, I will be watching it. We are in the

  • UPMC Dermatologist: Fall Into Healthy Skin0

    We all know to take extra care of our skin during the summer months when we’re outside and the sun is shining, but did you know that your skin needs just as much protection in fall and year-round? When we transition from summer to fall here in northcentral Pa., it is normal to have hot

  • Mosquitoes May be Taking a Bite Out of Our Grouse Hunting

    Mosquitoes May be Taking a Bite Out of Our Grouse Hunting0

    Pennsylvania’s grouse season opens statewide on October 16 and runs to November 26; a second season runs from December 13-24. I’d be the first to admit that I am not a dedicated grouse hunter, but I have enjoyed walking the woods on a number of occasions with my 12-gauge at the ready. I’ve certainly missed

  • What’s in the Bag?0

    Fall is my favorite time of the year to play, and I will occasionally tee it up for a few good causes. The teams and organizations I represent vary, but I will almost never pay my share. Golf is way too expensive. I simply rely on my friends to pick up the tab. I sometimes

  • Amateur Radio and Baseball Link Tennessee Little Leaguer and Local Man at Recent Little League World Series

    Amateur Radio and Baseball Link Tennessee Little Leaguer and Local Man at Recent Little League World Series0

    The world of amateur, or “ham” radio links many people across the globe and is a fun and interesting hobby for those who enjoy it. One local man, Marty Mauer, is quite passionate about his involvement in amateur radio. Still, he had no idea that it would end up linking him with a participant in

  • The Roving Sportsman… Archery Tree Stand Safety0

    The statewide archery antlered and antlerless deer season began on October 2. As the season progresses and nears that “magical” time of the rut, bowhunters will be spending an increasing amount of time in the woods. While hunting from the ground or in a ground blind can be successful, most would agree that a tree

  • Statewide Bear Season Kick-Off October 16th0

    The numbers tell the tale when it comes to just how good black bear hunting opportunities are in Pennsylvania these days. In the six and a half decades between 1915 and 1979, Keystone State hunters typically harvested 398 bears a year. That jumps to 424 if you exclude the four years – 1934, 1970, 1977

  • Mileage-Based Vehicle Maintenance Intervals

    Mileage-Based Vehicle Maintenance Intervals0

    Maintenance is an essential component of responsible vehicle ownership. Routine maintenance can help discover problems before they escalate into potentially costly issues. Maintenance also keeps vehicles running smoothly, making them more enjoyable to drive and extending their life expectancy. Various factors can help to determine how often drivers should change their vehicles’ fluids and take

  • County Hall Corner: Of the People, By the People, For the People?0

    On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made a short dedication speech, just 271 words, beginning with “Four score and seven years ago.” It was a forceful reminder that 87 years earlier, a document known as the Declaration of Independence was signed by representatives of the 13 colonies, declaring that they wanted to form a

  • The Calendar has Changed The Problem Remains the Same0

    As I was gathering my thoughts to pick up where I left off last week with the list of the five things needed to change immediately to protect the future of our great Nation, I received a phone call from a wonderful lady that was leaving our little neck of Penns Woods. She called to

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Self-Breast Exams0

    I think the title is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case, here is your warning. This week I’m going to be talking about ta-tas. Specifically, how to do self-breast exams. If, for some reason, that makes you uncomfortable, just keep moving on. Because you know what makes me and millions of people across the world


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