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  • Stay Away From These Skincare Products

    Stay Away From These Skincare Products0

    Trying out new skincare products can be exciting, as well as trepidatious. There’s the hope of seeing the results that were promised, but for those of us who have been led astray in the past, there’s also the fear of wasting money on yet another lotion/potion that doesn’t deliver. There is also the unknown, even

  • The Roving Sportsman… Eastern Bluebirds0

    The signs of spring are starting to appear. First was the arrival last week of the plump-breasted worm-eating robins. Then just two days later, several eastern bluebirds were perching in the nearby maple tree and checking out the numerous bluebird boxes scattered along the field edge. As bluebirds begin to leave their winter hangouts and

  • Thoughts on the Situation in Ukraine0

    For the past two weeks, we have been bombarded by sad and scary images of the brutal and brazen invasion of Ukraine by Russia. For most of us, this is an abstract and far away event, but for those who have close and intimate ties to embattled Ukraine, it is not an abstraction but a

  • The White Mass0

    A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were on our way home from church, and as usual, she was driving so I could scan the fields and woods for deer and other wildlife. The drive home that day was during that brief period when the rain and warm temperatures had melted all the

  • From Russia Without Love0

    No matter who has been the president of the United States, I have never had more concerns about an administration and those calling the shots behind the scenes than the Biden administration. However, with Vladimir Putin’s decision to declare war and invade Ukraine, it doesn’t seem the right time to start questioning the how, what,

  • Snow Days vs. Remote Days0

    As of my writing, it’s Friday, February 25th. The weather is…terrible. Last night, school districts made the call to move the kids to remote learning today. And — wow — do people have some things to say about that! As not to be left out of the fun, let me share with you my utterly

  • 10th Annual Raise the Region Fundraiser March 9 and 100

    It has been said that “money is the mother’s milk of political campaigns,” the same can be said for non-profit organizations who rely on generous donations of money to enable them to provide needed services to the people they serve. As way to obtain this needed “mother’s milk,” the First Community Partnership of Pennsylvania devised

  • County Hall Corner: What Happens When You Call 911?0

    The purpose of this column is to help emphasize and explain the three essential aspects of government that every citizen and resident should know. First, all residents should know who their elected officials are at every level; federal, state, and local level, as well as their particular sphere of responsibility. Everyone likes to complain about

  • Straight Facts About Omega-3s and Heart Health0

    Many people are familiar with omega-3 fatty acids, and some of those at risk for heart disease take them as dietary supplements. However, according to a Harris Poll commissioned by Amarin Pharma, Inc., some people have limited understanding of the risks and benefits of these dietary supplements. Heart disease is the leading killer of men

  • Did You Know?0

    Getting out and about is a vital component of many seniors’ daily lives, but it’s important that aging men and women recognize how much exercise is healthy for them. The Department of Health & Human Services notes that adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy. That mix should be a combination of

  • The Instagram Post

    The Instagram Post0

    Nick Bailey is an 8th-grade student at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. He is a great kid with an awesome smile. Nick is very well behaved and rather soft-spoken. I have known Nick for a few years, and he is one of my favorites. My man comes to every contest, and I will always go

  • Improve Vision With These Items0

    Sight is a precious gift that enables a person to enjoy the world in a unique way. Yet many people are born with complete or partial vision loss, while others’ vision slowly dissipates over time. Macular conditions include age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which leads to a loss of both central vision and the ability to

  • The Handshake0

    Traced back to the ancient days of the Roman Empire, warnings have existed to “beware the ides of March,” a saying forecasting troubled times ahead. Sports is but a mere sideshow to the more important segments of human existence we face these days, but if the post-game skirmish played out on television following the recent

  • A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits

    A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits0

    When I started to hunt rabbits as a high-school kid, I remember that I would take my old single barrel H&R sixteen gauge and head out to a friend’s farm. We didn’t own a dog, so I just worked my way through field edges and along brushy tree lines kicking brush and watching for running

  • Hair Over 500

    Many beautiful things come with aging: strong relationships with friends and family, wisdom, confidence, a deeper sense of self, career achievements, and the ability to truly do what you want. But what might not be as welcome are the hair changes that can occur. When women hit age 50, hair starts to lose pigment (if

  • Williamsport High School Student Raising Funds To Attend Prestigious Summer Design Institute0

    The Moore College of Art and Design, located in Philadelphia, is a prestigious school for those aspiring to careers in art and design. Its Summer Design Institute (SADI) is a highly sought-after summer school for budding young artists. One local girl, Avery Sauers, a junior at Williamsport Area High School, has been accepted to this

  • “Valuable Ammunition”0

    Whether you are a hunter or a target shooter, or both, you are keenly aware of just how valuable ammunition is these days. Not only is it usually as scarce as hen’s teeth, but when you find it, it is as expensive as all get out. But, I am not actually referring to ammo for

  • Shakespeare, Cinderella, Thor … and Oscar: A Tribute to Kenneth Branagh0

    When discussing Kenneth Branagh, it’s hard to know where to begin — or end. The famed British actor, writer and director is currently enjoying box-office success with the long-delayed whodunit “Death on the Nile,” while his most recent film, “Belfast,” stands nominated for seven Academy Awards. Starting with screen versions of Shakespeare in the 1990s,

  • A Cup of Coffee and a Conversation0

    As most of you know, I’m an early riser. Many of my mornings begin at one of our local eateries with a cup of coffee, a glass of water, and sometimes breakfast. I think it’s very important to get out and about in this world we live in. To have a routine that includes socializing

  • Who Comes Up With These Things?0

    According to both and, February 23rd is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. I have no idea why we need a day for that, let alone an international day for that, but you know what? It’s the end of February, the winter blues are well set in, let’s roll with it. According to an

  • Coran Calvert’s MotoTrial Adventures0

    The world of MotoTrials is demanding, thrilling, and at times dangerous, but this doesn’t deter or scare one area youngster, 14-year-old Coran Calvert, from competing and excelling in them. According to the MotoTrials website, “MotoTrials (formerly ‘Observed Trials’) is now the pinnacle of off-road riding, as the riders tackle the most severe terrain capable of

  • County Hall Corner: The Election Map Mess0

    There is a running joke with those of us who regularly attend the weekly Lycoming County Commissioners Meeting. We know it means a long meeting when we see a short agenda. We could call it the Lyco Comm Law — the shorter the agenda, the longer they talk, talk, talk about each agenda item. At

  • Movie Time0

    My good friend Nick Tagliaferri and I were somewhat celebrities back in the day. OK. It was a long time ago. In a galaxy far, far away. We simply took advantage of our impressive coaching resumes. SPENCE TAG RADIO was well before its time, and this weekly part-time gig had listeners from all over the

  • There’s A Storm A-comin’0

    “There’s a snowstorm coming!” or “There’s a snowstorm a-comin!” What’s the difference? At least 8 inches. You can typically determine the intensity of a snowstorm if the term “a-comin” is used. Nature provides us with numerous signs on upcoming weather conditions if we know what to look for or interpret. If cows are laying down,

  • Landmark Lands Lycoming0

    “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard” has long been the traditional cry of scorecard vendors inside the entrance of baseball stadiums. In recent years that same rationale could be applied to college football fans in understanding the membership of various conferences around the country. Last year’s announced move by Texas and Oklahoma to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Shed Antlers0

    As the month of February is drawing to an end, the time is right to be taking to the woods in search of shed antlers. There have been many reports of finding sheds and seeing bucks that have shed their antlers. If you have never looked for them before, you may well be in for

  • Animal Oddities0

    As a wildlife artist and an avid outdoorsman, I am obviously very intrigued by wildlife, especially when something new or unusual shows up. I recently read in an outdoor publication about a woman who had taken an unusual buck with a crossbow. The deer had an 18-point rack, but when her husband started to field-dress

  • Shoes to Wear with Jeans0

    I treat the months of January and February as a sort of style hibernation. It’s cold, so you want to pile on your warmest, which might not be your most stylish, garments. You don’t want to wear anything too delicate for fear it could get ruined by snow, ice, and wind. And chances are you’re

  • Bingo, Boxing and a Burger0

    I appreciate when nonprofit organizations come up with new and creative ways to raise money. The American people are the most generous folks in the world; they are also the most asked for charitable donations. Your local business community is always on the front lines when it comes to donations, funding, and sponsorship. They get

  • 15-Year-Old Local Girl Pens Science Fantasy Book0

    Kayla O’Dell is a typical 15-year-old girl enjoying her high school experience and all the fun you can have as a teenager. Kayla is in 10th grade; she lives in Muncy and attends Commonwealth Charter Academy. One thing is not typical, however — she has written a science fantasy novel and had it published. Webb

  • A Statement From the Lincoln Youth League Board of Directors0

    Trust us when we tell you that the decision made by the former Newberry Little League Board of Directors to give up our charter was not an easy one. 76 years. One of the oldest charters in the world. The history, the teams, the past, present, and future players… they all factored into our decision.

  • Complainers0

    Perhaps it is the chaos caused by COVID. Perhaps it is the growing discontent and political divide existing in our country. Perhaps it is the mounting societal changes that seek to throw time-honored traditions to the curb as if they were rotting garbage. Most likely, the malaise is a combination of all three, but it

  • UPMC Pediatrician: Sleep Essential for Child Development0

    Sleep is an essential building block for your child’s mental and physical health. But if you’re finding it impossible to help your child sleep, you’re not alone. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that sleep problems affect 25 to 50% of children and 40% of adolescents. Studies have shown that kids who regularly get an

  • Pennsylvania, a Trophy Big Game State?0

    I suspect that most of us never thought of Pennsylvania as being a state where you could rack up a fairly high-scoring big game animal, especially when it comes to elk, but we may have to rethink that a bit. I’m certainly not a trophy hunter by any means, but years ago, I went off

  • The Roving Sportsman… Time to Cull the Coyotes0

    It is a commonly heard phrase among turkey hunters: “If you can’t kill a turkey, then kill a coyote!” It does happen on occasion when calling spring gobblers that you may be unpleasantly surprised as a coyote shows up – slinking his way toward you in response to your calling. So what should you do?

  • The Best Bob for Your Face0

    As I sat at my desk the other day, waiting for my first cup of coffee to kick in, I began to hear morning bird songs. Looking out my window, the sky was clear, the sun was bright, and even though it was still bitterly cold, a sense of spring was in the air. With

  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month0

    It’s never a fun subject to discuss, but that may make it even more important to discuss. One in three high school students will experience some form of dating violence in their relationships. One in ten high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. According to


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