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  • Logan McGinn Qualifies for National Championship

    Logan McGinn Qualifies for National Championship0

    This spring, Logan McGinn, a 9-year-old junior golfer from South Williamsport, has been competing against some of the top 10 and 11-year-olds in the country in the Under Armour Junior Tour. Golfers from the Greater Baltimore area compete for points over a six-event season. The top 8 in each age group qualify for the Under

  • County Hall Corner: Pity for the Newly Elected Officials0

    The recent Pennsylvania primary election was one of the most unusual in modern history for a number of reasons. The biggest was the constitutional amendments that were proposed (and which all passed), but also the wide scale insurgence against local officials, particularly for school board directors. The number of candidates running for these positions must

  • Library to Observe June as Pride Month0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., will observe June as Pride Month throughout the building. Pride Month commemorates the Stonewall Riots which took place on June 28, 1969, in response to police raids in the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village New York. The ensuing demonstrations by the LGBTQ community that followed marked

  • UPMC Expert: Changing the Stigma of Postpartum Depression0

    Mild mood swings may be considered a normal part of pregnancy, but 15 to 20% of women experience more significant depression symptoms before or after giving birth. Changes in environment, relationships, and other major adjustments in life occur during this time, but if feelings of sadness, tearfulness, and being more emotional than usual last more

  • The First Pitch of Summer0

    How great was it to feel that bright summer sun and those 90 degree days last week? Isn’t it amazing how much more fun any outdoor event becomes in our neck of Penns Woods when you finally feel the warmth of summer? All those sporting events that parents and grandparents endure in those cold days

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union veterans — the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) — established Decoration Day as a time for the nation

  • The Lovely American Legion Post 1 Cemetery Plot at Wildwood Cemetery0

    As many of us pay our respects this Memorial Day weekend, it is interesting to note one burial plot in particular, which honors some of our war dead. On the peaceful incline of the eastern part of Wildwood Cemetery is the lovely and picturesque plot of graves owned by the Garrett Cochran American Legion Post

  • Get Paddling

    Get Paddling0

    North Central Pennsylvania is home to several grand opportunities, and paddling gives you an entirely new perspective. This includes kayaking, canoeing, and even wakeboarding. With the weather changing, many folks are now out on the nearby lakes, rivers, and streams. Yes. Paddling is another great option to experience the outdoors. The Spencers have a canoe,

  • Carlisle 3-on-3 Revenge Game

    Carlisle 3-on-3 Revenge Game0

    Another year quickly rolls by, and suddenly it’s time to think about a return to the Carlisle 3-on-3 outdoor basketball tournament. After our inconspicuous exit in the prior year’s tournament — at the hands of local legend Rich Henninger’s team, my thoughts turned to the definition of insanity — doing the same thing over and

  • Memorial Day Unmasked0

    What a difference a year makes! “Wait till next year,” is the often-repeated sentiment of sports fans whose teams didn’t perform up to expectations. Next year always does seem to roll around, but in an appreciative retrospect, ‘this year’ has it all over last year when it comes to the sports we all enjoy, and

  • Single Game Tickets Now on Sale0

    Cutters baseball is BACK! After a break of over 600 days, Williamsport Crosscutters baseball returns to Historic Bowman Field. The summer fun begins on Tuesday, May 25 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 7:05 p.m. for Opening Night 2021 presented by UPMC & WILQ. The night will include free schedule magnets for

  • Memorial Day0

    The following was contained in a recent letter Scott Lowery received from Merry McCracken of Timonium, Maryland. She was raised in South Williamsport and graduated from South Williamsport High School, then known as Merry Reigel. She wrote him after reading his book, My Stretch in the Service, One Soldier’s World War II Story that he

  • Agent Brittany Alexander Recently Honored as Williamsport Police Department’s “Officer of the Year”0

    These days it has become fashionable to criticize and undervalue law enforcement and the brave men and women who serve in it. We at Webb Weekly strongly support law enforcement, and in a bid to demonstrate this, we are providing our readers with an interview we recently conducted with the Williamsport Police Department’s “Officer of

  • The Great Denim Divide0

    I read a lot of fashion and style-related news online, which will come as no surprise. The majority of these articles are benign and frivolous in nature, as they are mostly meant for entertainment on “soft” topics, nothing earth-shattering. However, when I see that the Washington Post and USA Today both have articles on the

  • UPMC Physician:0

    It may be hard to set time aside in your busy schedule to take care of yourself, especially during the era of COVID-19. We know you’re busy with working from home, helping your kids with virtual learning, and other interruptions to your day-to-day life. However, it’s important to still make yourself a priority, especially when

  • County Hall Corner: The Emerging Census Scandal0

    Our census, mandated by the United States Constitution and held every ten years since 1790, has tremendous importance and significance. It is far, far more important than a national headcount. The census sets the amount of federal assistance in some 130 different programs and state allocations as well. The Lycoming County commissioners have publicly emphasized

  • The Roving Sportsman: The Newborns of Spring0

    With the warming trend of spring, comes some of Mother Nature’s great wonders. It is the season for birth throughout our fields and forests, and with it, we need to be aware of the necessary cautions that we should all observe. Turkey hunters are often pleasantly surprised to come across a fawn during their pursuit

  • WAHS Top Hat Dinner Honors Class of 2021’s Top 5 Percent

    WAHS Top Hat Dinner Honors Class of 2021’s Top 5 Percent0

    The Class of 2021’s top 5 percent were recognized on May 13 during the eighth annual Top Hat Dinner held at the Genetti Hotel. Seventeen seniors were celebrated for their academic excellence, as well as their selected faculty honorees who influenced and inspired that success. The following students were honored: Michael Cendoma, Lenora Ciabattari, Zola

  • Simple Safety Tips for Water Sports Enthusiasts0

    Bodies of water like lakes, rivers and oceans often elicit fond memories of fun times spent under the sun. Safety should always be a priority when spending time on the water, especially when participating in water sports, including swimming and water skiing. According to the World Health Organization, more than 40 people die by drowning

  • May is a “Crappie” Month

    May is a “Crappie” Month0

    May is a “crappie” month; if you heard me verbalize that statement and didn’t see it in written form, you would probably be asking, “What’s his problem?” Well, actually, I don’t have a problem; in fact, it’s quite the opposite — I have anticipation and excitement because May is one of the best months to

  • Social Skills From a Social Distance0

    As COVID restrictions begin to relax, we may start to notice that our littles have lost some ground on their social skills. Some kids still may not fully understand why they have had to skip play dates or avoid sitting together at lunch tables inside school cafeterias. Older children who are aware of much more,

  • Williamsport Croscutters Baseball Fun Returns After 20 Month COVID Hiatus0

    It has been 20 months since the Williamsport Crosscutters last took the field at the newly renamed Muncy Bank and Trust Park at Historic Bowman Field. It seems like forever since we last heard the crack of the bat and the cheers of happy Crosscutters fans, but all that returns Tuesday night, May 25, at

  • Shorts0

    The chilly mornings and rainy days as of late may make it seem like summer will never arrive, but as soon as Memorial Day rolls around, we will be in the thick of summer. The number one style staple of summer is shorts! There are many different types of shorts and figuring out how to

  • For the Love of the Game

    For the Love of the Game0

    Tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to skipper Casey Waller and his South Williamsport Mountie baseballers. South recently won the Backyard Brawl for the first time since 2003 by defeating Montoursville soundly 12-6. Earlier on that Saturday, the Mounties defeated Loyalsock 1-0. It doesn’t get much better than

  • UPMC Provider: Identify the Itch0

    If you enjoy spending time outdoors during the warmer months, it’s inevitable that you will run into pesky plants or annoying insects, especially in Pennsylvania. To avoid succumbing to these seasonal woes, it is important to know what condition you are dealing with, how to avoid these pests, and ways to treat your unpleasant reaction

  • Opening Night & Single Game Tickets Now on Sale0

    Cutters baseball is BACK! After a break of over 600 days, Williamsport Crosscutters baseball returns to Historic Bowman Field. The summer fun begins on Tuesday, May 25 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 7:05pm for Opening Night 2021 presented by UPMC & WILQ. The night will include free schedule magnets for all

  • Living Off the Land

    Living Off the Land0

    For some reason, these days, it seems like we are seeing more and more TV shows about surviving in the wilderness or living off the grid. Like a lot of other outdoor types, I, too, have dabbled a bit in surviving off the land on a few occasions. On one outing, I spent about ten

  • Bowman Field Baseball is Back!0

    In any business or organization, the need to go to Plan B doesn’t always produce positive outcomes. Still, for the Williamsport Crosscutters, that fallback position has been greeted with smiling faces and open arms as the result of Pennsylvania’s relaxed COVID restrictions allowing ballparks across the state to operate at 100% capacity. While the newly

  • The Roving Sportsman… All Day Tactics Now in Effect0

    Whether you seek to fill your second spring gobbler tag or are still looking to connect with the first bird, there is still time to use some late-season tactics to get the job done. All-day hunting for spring gobblers began on Monday, May 17 (which means you can hunt from one-half hour before sunrise to

  • Library Announces Interactive Summer Learning Program0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., has again partnered with Page Turner Adventures, an Emmy-Award winning program, for the 2021 Summer Learning Program. Starting June 1, the James V. Brown Library will give patrons access to a Virtual Summer Reading Program geared toward children in grades K-3, that includes comedy shows, crafts,


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