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  • UPMC Therapist: Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Not Just for Athletes0

    Every four years, the Summer Olympics shows the world the latest training or recovery method the greatest athletes have taken up. In 2016, many athletes had red circular marks on their skin from “cupping,” an ancient Chinese practice involving suction on sore muscles and tendons. This year, the hot trend appears to be tourniquets, more

  • County Hall Corner: The Ticking Bomb0

    COVID continues to be our national nuisance, but there is a monster of a menace that is more harmful in the long run than this pesky pandemic. It’s like that ticking bomb that appears in so many dramatic television programs or Hollywood films where the hero is trying to figure out how to defuse this

  • Dawg Gone Good0

    What an absolutely amazing job Jersey Shore High School Football Head Coach Tom Gravish has done in building a football dynasty in Bulldogland. I have known my whole football lifetime that the Dawgs should be hanging championships on a regular basis, as have most football folks in our area. I don’t know if anybody could

  • Something Has Got to Change0

    “Be kind to people and don’t judge, for you do not know what demons they carry and what battles they are fighting.” ~ Vashti Quiroz-Vega Typically, this time of year, I try to avoid ‘heavy’ subjects. It’s the Holiday Season, after all! But in light of recent events in our area, I just can’t. Because

  • 19th Salvation Army Festival of Trees Auction Friday, December 100

    One of the most enduring and venerable Christmas traditions is the decorated Christmas tree. It is part of most families’ and many businesses’ Christmastime experience. For the past 19 years, as an exciting and unique fundraiser, the Williamsport Salvation Army has held an annual Festival of Trees at the Lycoming Mall utilizing an auction of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time for Coyotes0

    While the late archery deer season and flintlock deer season are still ahead for the hearty hunters who have not yet filled their tags and will brave the winter chill, for most of us, the deer season is over. Fear not, as there is still an exciting opportunity to spend time afield over the winter

  • A Look at Pennsylvania’s Squirrels0

    I’m sure that over the last couple of months, most of the talk amongst we outdoor types has centered around deer, turkeys, and bears, and thanks to today’s cell phone cameras, we have seen plenty of photos of successful hunters posing with their trophies. What you don’t see in those cell phone photos is someone

  • Are You $erious?0

    As I sleepily headed to the kitchen for some breakfast, Jean’s voice from an adjacent room asked, “Do we have any batteries for the TV remote? I think you wore them out yesterday.” Guilty as charged. On that ‘Small Business Saturday,’ we had patronized a few local shops before heading home just in time to

  • UPMC Endocrinologist0

    Understanding and Managing Diabetes Le Yu Khine, MD Endocrinology, UPMC According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes affects over 34 million people in the United States or about 1 in every 10 people, and about 20% of those people do not even know they have it. It is the seventh leading

  • County Hall Corner: God Made a Volunteer Firefighter0

    In 1978, Paul Harvey gave a speech entitled “So God Made a Farmer.” It is arguably one of Harvey’s best-known talks. In that spirit, I would like to borrow from Harvey’s metaphor to highlight some unappreciated community servants — our local volunteer firefighters. Like farmers, the volunteer firefighter is a dwindling breed. So, with apologies

  • Winter Outfits0

    Staying warm and looking good is anything but easy in the winter months. While, in theory, we all want to look our best, it can be a challenge, and a lower priority as temperatures turn to freezing. There are always going to be days where you end up resembling the Michelin Man, or my personal

  • A Day of Infamy for Eight Decades0

    There is nothing more important than remembering, understanding, and learning from the history of our great Nation. One of the most devastating and in the same breath, galvanizing, attacks against America took place on Sunday, December 7th, 1941. The Japanese sneak attack that pummeled United States forces stationed near Honolulu. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s address

  • New Elves for Christmas Fun!0

    Thanksgiving is officially behind us, so now it’s time to move fully into the Christmas season! By the time you read this, my tree will be up and decorating will have commenced! I don’t usually like to start this early, but I just felt the need to get started early this year! Plus I love

  • Lycoming County Brotherhood Alliance Honors Local Community Members0

    Each year the Lycoming County Brotherhood Alliance recognizes individuals in the area who promote the spirit of brotherhood, tolerance, and community service at their annual banquet. Holding these annual affairs the past two years has proven problematic due to the COVID pandemic. This year’s banquet was slated for October, but a major uptick in COVID

  • The Ivory Tower0

    History recounts the infamous quote attributed to Marie Antoinette during the days of the French Revolution. When she asked her aides why the citizens were rioting in the streets, she was told it was because they had no bread to eat; to which she replied, “let them eat cake.” Indeed, an ill-offered statement she would

  • Mountie Quest – Motivating Students to Achieve Their Dreams0

    Coaching youth and high school athletic teams over the years has taught me many lessons, but perhaps the most important is to never doubt the aspirations of the players under your tutelage. Years ago, while coaching a ninth-grade basketball team, I asked the squad members to write down their goals of what they would like

  • UPMC Dietician: Gift Yourself Health this Holiday Season0

    The holidays are an exciting and joyous time of year for many of us. We’re spending more time with family and friends, making new memories, and enjoying old traditions. This time of year, our focus tends to shift to others and, in general, it feels like we’re being pulled in a million directions as we

  • Van Campen Motors Announces Double Matching Donation for Toys-for-Tots Program0

    Two toys will be donated by Van Campen Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram for every new toy donated during 2021 holiday season Van Campen Motors of Williamsport has announced that they are expanding on their effort to get as many toys as possible to children in need of some holiday joy this season. The Marine Corps

  • Foods that Boost Immunity0

    There is an abundance of evidence that strongly suggests there are significant health benefits to eating a nutritious diet. One of the benefits to eating this type of diet is that it will likely improve the body’s ability to fight and prevent disease. This is more important than ever, considering the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic that

  • County Hall Corner: Behind the Budget Numbers0

    There is a story of a mother watching a parade in which her son was playing in a marching band. As the band passed by, she remarked, “Look, Johnny is the only one marching in step.” That thought ran through my mind as I reviewed the proposed 2022 budget for Lycoming County. Everyone will see

  • Enjoy the Outdoors Even After the Hunting Seasons End0

    Like a lot of folks, my love of the outdoors began when I was a young man just getting into hunting and fishing. Needless to say, over the years, I became very involved in outdoor activities and little did I know that I would one day look back and realize that I basically made my

  • Good Sleep0

    In the past 20 or so months, you may have found that the notion of “a good night’s sleep” has radically shifted. Whether you’ve experienced erratic sleep schedules, restlessness, insomnia, or have found yourselves ruminating on things like health anxieties, finances, family, and an ever-mounting to-do list, chances are your sleep could use some improvement

  • An Interview With “Pearl Harbor Joe” Lockard0

    This year marks the 80th anniversary of the “Day of Infamy,” the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. One former Williamsporter, Joe Lockard is forever connected with the Pearl Harbor story. It might also be noted that two Lycoming County residents lost their lives in the Pearl Harbor attack—Paul Free and

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Plan for Winter Feeding0

    Last winter certainly was a “doozy!” While we previously had a string of relatively mild winters, we can easily recall getting slammed last season with up to 30 plus inches of snow that crippled travel and many outdoor activities for days. Some predictions indicate that we may be in for another harder than usual winter.

  • You Just Can’t Make This Stuffing Up1

    Before I get to the breaking news from the White House, I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Please enjoy this special time of year with family, friends, and loved ones. As I have learned during my journey, time goes by way too fast, and people you love are not seated

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    It’s time for my annual Thanksgiving list! As you join friends and family this Thanksgiving, take a moment to remember all the things you have to be thankful for this year. Times get tough, but there is always a bright side and listing them out often makes the bad seem a little better. We’ve had

  • Creating Corlew’s Castle0

    Undoubtedly, the 1999 movie “The Long Road Home” was not on the minds of the Corlew family as the Rick Quigley-led motorcade made its half-hour trek from Williamsport’s downtown Genetti Hotel to the peaceful surroundings of their Rauchtown home. Still, for the 2021 winners of the Chrisman’s Morning Show’s annual Extreme Kitchen Makeover promotion, there

  • Hunting Safety Tips from a UPMC Physician0

    Hunting can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity helping you unplug while taking in the great outdoors, but it can also be dangerous. Inherently there’s risk to these activities considering the use of weapons, the rough terrain, and the cold weather. Take the following hunting safety and overall health tips into consideration when planning your

  • First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania Celebrates 105th Anniversary

    First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania Celebrates 105th Anniversary0

    The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP) is the ninth oldest community foundation in the country and has been creating powerful communities through passionate giving® for over a century. FCFP will celebrate its 105th anniversary on Saturday, November 20, 2021, by treating the community to a sweet surprise – gift cards. In November, FCFP

  • 15th Annual Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular Saturday, December 40

    For the 15th time, the good members of the Community Arts Center Volunteer Corps will be presenting a special Christmastime event for the area’s children when they present the Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular on Saturday morning, December 4, from 10 a.m. to noon in the area in front of the Community Arts Center on


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