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  • County Hall Corner: Three Men Walked into a Barbershop0

    Some time back, the best political discussions were not on television or Facebook but at the local neighborhood barbershop. As a youngster, I found the discussions intense but also insightful. Imagine a scenario today with an old traditional barbershop featuring Joe the Barber, and three of his faithful clients, Tom, Dick, and Harry, who all

  • Tolerate Hot Days with a Tasty Tart

    Tolerate Hot Days with a Tasty Tart0

    Summer days can be long and boring, especially when the kids are out of school and there is nothing to do around the house as a family. When the minutes creep by and it’s too hot to go outside, the dog days of summer can be pretty miserable. However, this recipe for a Strawberry Cream

  • Opening Night & Single Game Tickets Now on Sale0

    Cutters’ baseball is BACK! The summer fun begins on Thursday, June 2 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 6:35pm for Opening Night 2022 presented by UPMC & WILQ. Opening Night tickets and tickets for all 2022 home games are available by calling (570) 326-3389, online at or in-person at Muncy Bank

  • Fishing Derby

    Fishing Derby0

    I am always looking for an outdoor adventure. This past Wednesday, I headed north for something new and exciting. It was a gorgeous morning outside of Bodines, PA. My gear was in the car, but there were no plans of fishing. I met up with a few friends along Slack’s Run Road. I wanted to

  • Memorial Day Sale Guide0

    Memorial Day is right around the corner, and with this national holiday (as with most here in America) comes a flurry of sales. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself going a bit crazy over all of the deals and steals. However, with a bit of planning and focus, you can come out the

  • C.H. Waltz and Sons Celebrating 75 Years in Business0

    Not many businesses these days are able to stand the test of time, but C.H. Waltz and Sons is one that has. They are celebrating their 75th Anniversary. They have gained an enviable record in the sales, maintenance, and parts of lawn and garden tractors; sub-compact, compact, utility, and full-size tractors, construction equipment, off-road vehicles,

  • Memorial Day0

    Next Monday is Memorial Day! Established following the Civil War in 1868, the day was declared a federal holiday to mourn United States military personnel who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. For 100 years, until 1968, the day was always observed on May 30. Then for the purpose of creating another three-day

  • Giving Thanks this Memorial Day0

    Once known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Flags will be lowered, red, white, and blue flowers planted, and prayers will be said to honor those brave souls that are true American heroes. While all of these

  • Birds, Bugs, Heroes, and My Husky

    Birds, Bugs, Heroes, and My Husky0

    I am going to start my column where I often end it this time of year; let’s all be extra careful out there. There is just so much more activity and great things going on; keep those eyes on the road. An added distraction I have fallen prey to is watching the majestic American Bald

  • Gift Ideas for Soon-to-Be Graduates0

    Graduation is upon us. Be it from high school or college, I think that we can all agree that it would be an understatement to say that it has been an interesting few years for the Class of 2022. Due to the pandemic, many soon-to-be grads spent a significant portion of their school years adapting

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wild Turkey Recipes0

    Hopefully, you might be one of the lucky hunters who has already successfully tagged a spring gobbler. If not, or if you invested in a second tag for this season, the good news is that there is still plenty of time to connect with a spring turkey. Most turkey hunters I have talked with about

  • UPMC Provider: Prioritize Routine Health Care Visits0

    After two years of facing pandemic woes, it is time to make your health a top priority again. While you may think a primary care appointment is not urgent and it’s OK to put off a visit with your provider, you may be setting yourself up for potentially serious health issues later. Cancer and other

  • Rethink Your Lawn: Use clover for a lush, green, eco-friendly, enviable yard

    Rethink Your Lawn: Use clover for a lush, green, eco-friendly, enviable yard0

    Who has time to continuously care for that carpet-like, green grass almost everyone longs for? Nearly no one. Cultivating a lush, green lawn takes time, can be expensive and is a mainstay on weekend to-do lists spring through fall. Now that’s a serious commitment. Traditional turf lawns require a lot of maintenance. You must mow

  • Repasz Band Concert Slated for May 240

    After an unusual year involving virus restrictions and an arduous move to a new rehearsal space in Montgomery, Williamsport’s world-famous Repasz Band will present their annual spring concert at 7:30 p.m. on May 24 at the Community Arts Center. The 191-year-old organization is returning to full strength with a robust program that offers marches, classics,

  • Simple Tips to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard

    Simple Tips to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard0

    Throughout the warmer months, many backyards play host to a variety of birds, including hummingbirds. When you see flowers and trees begin to bud and bloom and other migrating birds, like warblers, that’s nature’s way of letting you know it’s time to ready your yard for hummingbirds. It’s enchanting watching hummingbirds – named for the

  • County Hall Corner: The Sages Speak to Today0

    The leak from the Supreme Court revealed that the justices are leaning toward reversing the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973. According to Vice President Harris, “What is clear is that opponents of Roe want to punish women and take away their rights to make decisions about their own bodies.” Speaker of the House Nancy

  • Pollination0

    Pollination is the transfer of pollen to a stigma ovule, flower, or plant, to allow fertilization. Working in the garden, I see more pollinators each day. If you see bees, flies, butterflies, birds, and other insects, it’s best to let them be. These hard-working insects and animals are needed to have fruits and vegetables. Doing

  • The Last Game0

    For South Williamsport softball player Gianna Godfrey, it was one of those ah-ha moments. Approaching the Mountaineers’ practice field on a sunny afternoon, the senior outfielder was greeted by five large poster photos newly adorning the backstop fence. One of those photos was of Godfrey. A bystander also noticed the photo and complimented her on

  • Five Tips for Gardening with Kids

    Five Tips for Gardening with Kids0

    After months of cool weather, the first hint of spring will likely have the whole family eager to dive into outdoor activities. This year, as you begin tackling the garden, find ways to get the youngest family members in on the action, too. Not only is gardening an activity you can enjoy together, there are

  • Williamsport Civic Chorus to Present Concert on May 290

    After a two-year hiatus, one of this area’s premier musical organizations will again share its talents with an audience. That musical organization is the Williamsport Civic Chorus. “One of the aspects of this concert that’s kind of special is that we’ve been waiting a long time to perform it,” Tina Swisher, Director of Publicity for

  • Tough Decision0

    I mentioned to some that I was on the fence about returning. And after a little break. I made the decision. I recently stepped down at St. John Neumann. Look. I had a great run. But it is now time to focus on far more important things. Many folks will question, and I totally get

  • Mine Is Bigger Than Yours0

    For some guys in the area, life is one big competition that only grows stronger with age. It starts in high school trying to be the best athlete or land a date with Betty Jo, the most popular girl in school. This is followed by who owns the best car, plays the best game of

  • Summer Scents0

    As we fully come into May, one can’t help but think of summer. Along with transitioning wardrobes, packing away snow shovels, hauling out bikes, and spring cleaning in general, it’s also time to switch out your heavier winter scents for a fresh warm-weather fragrance. Smell can be such a subjective thing, and thanks to those

  • Two Area Softballers are Members of Team USA Fast Pitch Softball Team0

    Two outstanding area softball players, Tyler Albert and Owen Lukens have reached the elite level of the sport by playing as members of the Team UJSA Fast Pitch Softball Team. Both men competed this year as members of the team participating in the Pan American Championships earlier this spring in Argentina. Lukens comes from quite

  • Dustin Prettyleaf Ready for Clinton County Sprint Car Season

    Dustin Prettyleaf Ready for Clinton County Sprint Car Season0

    Dustin Prettyleaf and the Roan Racing 22r are ready to make some big noise with an eye on the Clinton County Speedway Racesaver Sprint Car Title. They say time flies when you are having fun, well the Roan Team from Williamsport, PA has been having Sprint Car fun for 32 years. The fairgrounds speedway in

  • That Big Slimy Salamander0

    I’ve been reading a book entitled Sentinels of the Susquehanna, by a friend and local writer, John Zaktansky. John is the executive director of the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, an organization devoted to protecting 11,000 square miles of land that drains into the North and West Branches of the Susquehanna. The first couple of chapters

  • Ballots, Watts Up, and Honors Earned

    Ballots, Watts Up, and Honors Earned0

    I couldn’t believe that a former president, and I’m talking Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for a senatorial spot here in the great state of Pennsylvania. I’d really like to know the behind-the-scenes truth about that one. But hey, if he’s your man, get out and cast your vote. That is

  • Kids and Social Media0

    I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I love being able to connect with my friends and family and keep up with what is going on their lives. But a lot of social media is a toxic cesspool of negativity, lies, and just general bad vibes. As an adult, however, separating the good from

  • What Depth?0

    There are a lot of factors that are a part of a successful fishing outing, and it’s not just what bait or lure you are offering but where and how you present it. In this piece, I’m referring more to the warm water species like panfish and bass, particularly when fishing lakes and ponds. We

  • Central Pennsylvania Fiber Festival0

    WE ARE BACK! After not being able to have the festival for the past two years, we are back and ready to have some fun with fiber. The phrase “fiber festival” may conjure up images of healthy salads and crunchy granola, however, in this case, it’s all about animal and plant fibers that play a


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