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  • UPMC Pediatrician: Bundle Up Baby, It’s Cold Outside0

    Winter is here in north central Pa. and as a parent you may be wondering if it’s safe to take your baby outside. The short answer is yes. Babies and parents need fresh air and being outdoors can help your baby acclimate to the seasons while offering a change of scenery that is stimulating and

  • A Strategy To Empower People0

    As many of you know, when I was growing up in Southside, I lived on Kane Street. I spent a lot of time at my grandmother, Josephine Webb’s, and at my aunt Mary Jo’s. Both lived in what my Father referred to as the Dutch Hill section. I had a blast in that neighborhood, whether

  • It’s Flippin’ Freezing – Stay Inside!0

    Y’all. Despite living the majority of my life in central PA, I am just not built for how cold it’s been recently. As I write this, it’s a whopping 7°. That, my friends, is bull…nevermind… So right now, my only option is to stay inside as much as a I can. Here in the office,

  • Tips for Better Breakfasts

    Tips for Better Breakfasts0

    Breakfast long has been touted as the most important meal of the day. After a good night’s rest, breakfast refuels the body and energizes it for the day ahead. Hectic mornings compel many people to skip breakfast. That’s especially so for parents who are pulled in multiple directions each morning. There are many ways to

  • County Hall Corner: Attention – Who is Knocking at My Door?0

    The upcoming primary election on May 17th and the general election on November 8th promises to bring a host of visitors to come knocking on our doors. There will be those with petitions to get themselves on the ballot, those who are on the ballot and want your vote, and those plugging for these candidates.

  • First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania Adds To Its Fundraising Team0

    For more than 100 years the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania and its predecessors such as the Williamsport Foundation, have been improving the quality of life for the people of this region through community leadership, the promotion of philanthropy, the strengthening of nonprofit impact and the perpetual stewardship of charitable assets. In a bid

  • Williamsport Area Swim Club Provides Competitive Swimming Opportunities For Youths of All Ages0

    Competitive swimming is starting to loom larger in the world of competitive sports. An opportunity for youth from ages six to 18 to participate in this area has been enhanced with the advent of the Williamsport Area Swim Club (WASC), founded in 2006. According to the club’s website, “The mission of The Williamsport Area Swim

  • Sidelined0

    I would like to say a big thanks. The feedback on last week’s write-up “Drive Thru Pat” was off the charts. I received all kinds of love, from far and close. Pat Koch was a special person, and she impacted all walks of life. I am also very humbled by those who said congrats. I

  • UPMC Nurse: Exposure Can Be a Problem in Winter0

    Cold weather comes with winters in Pennsylvania, and with the freezing temperatures, wind chill, ice, and snow also comes an added risk for potential exposure injuries. While some love the winter wonderland, others may want to hunker down in their homes and wait it out until spring. Consider the following tips to help keep safe

  • Divorcing After 75 Years0

    “Say it ain’t so, Joe,” proclaimed a newspaper headline referencing baseball player Shoeless Joe Jackson’s admission that he had helped fix the 1919 World Series between his Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati. One hundred three years later, I had a similar reaction when learning of the news that the Newberry Little League had severed its

  • The “Reds and Grays” of Winter0

    Where did that title come from; the grays of winter are obvious, but where did the red come from? What I am actually referring to are red and gray foxes, and they are both very active throughout the winter. There is no shortage of foxes in this state, but the fact is few people ever

  • Looking Cute in Winter Boots0

    The snowy season is upon us with more in the forecast, and unfortunately, that whole human-hibernation-from-New-Year’s-Day-to-St.-Patrick’s-Day trend I’ve been trying to make happen doesn’t seem to be catching on. So, while you may just want to curl up and hunker down, chances are you’ll have to leave the house on even the chilliest of days.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Food Plots, Fields & Shrubs0

    This is the final installment in a series regarding habitat improvement. We have covered developing a plan, eliminating undesirable plants, and what trees we should consider planting for various wildlife species. Now, let’s look at a few final steps — creating food plots, bringing back fallow fields, and some shrubs, bushes, and vines we could

  • 2.7 Seconds on a Bull Named Fumanchu

    2.7 Seconds on a Bull Named Fumanchu0

    A line from Tim McGraw’s hit song “Live Like You Were Dying” is the title of this week’s column. We are all mortal; for some of us, the end will come quick; for others, we’ll have that moment that stops you in your tracks, as the song says. None of us want to think about

  • Save Lives – Donate Blood0

    According to the American Red Cross, National Blood Donor Month, which has taken place each January since 1970, is such an important observance. Winter is “one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs.” Busy schedules, bad weather, getting dark early, and COVID concerns are all keeping

  • Uptown Music Collective Sets Fundraising Concert Tribute To 80’s Hair Bands January 29 at Community Arts Center0

    1980s rock bands that were known as “Hair Bands” such as Van Halen, Mötley Crüe, Guns and Roses and Poison, just to name a few, will be saluted by the Uptown Music Collective in a fundraising concert to be presented at the Community Arts Center on Saturday, January 29, 2022, beginning at 7:30 p.m. This

  • County Hall Corner: Leading and Learning at the Same Time0

    Scott Metzger could arguably be considered one of the best prepared Lycoming County Commissioners given his three decades of experience in the Adult Probation Department, half of those years as Deputy Chief, as well his lifetime experience as a business owner. Seeing from both the government and business sides of the coin, Scott is also

  • Drive-Thru Pat

    Drive-Thru Pat0

    Brr, kids. It is quite cold. Bundle up and stay warm. They say a major snowstorm is on its way. Great. While COVID continues to dominate the headlines. Several games and practices have been impacted. Schools are starting to go back online. Frustrating. Yes. But hang in there. We will prevail. Get a booster, wear

  • To Sir, with Love: A Tribute to Sidney Poitier0

    When Sidney Poitier died on Jan. 6 at the age of 94, he left behind a body of work as weighty, beloved, and ground-breaking as any other actor you can name. Author, director, diplomat, and star of more than 50 films, Poitier was the first black man to kiss a white woman on screen, the

  • Role Models0

    “I am not a role model.” Spoken 29 years ago by then NBA basketball star and now a TV hoops commentator, Charles Barkley, that famous quote has long been remembered and often referenced. Those six words were the opening line of a 1993 Nike TV commercial during which Barkley went on to say, “I’m not

  • UPMC Dietitian: Resetting Healthy Habits0

    At the start of a new year, it’s customary to make a new goal or resolution. Some of the most common are related to eating healthier or dieting. While these resolutions are set with good intentions, it can be hard to know how to get started and maintain this new lifestyle. Don’t Overcomplicate Your Diet

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement – Trees0

    EXISTING TREES: We have recently discussed doing a survey that identifies the trees currently on your property that provide feed for wildlife, such as oaks, beech, black cherry, walnut, butternut, hickory, and old apple trees. Also, note the existence and location of evergreens that provide cover for wildlife. Use this data to help plan where

  • What’s Happening?0

    For the hunting and fishing enthusiasts, we’ve hit that brief period of the year where most of our hunting is about over; it’s too cold to wade a local stream with the fly rod, and it’s just now getting cold enough to make ice for the hard-water gang. Yes, we can still hunt deer with

  • Manicure Trends0

    Last week, I went through some upcoming trends for this year, focusing on women’s fashion. However, trends are not limited to clothes; there are also trends in hair, makeup, and beauty. I’ve recently found myself practicing self-care through at-home manicures and began exploring trends in nail color and art. Here’s a rundown of upcoming manicure

  • Way Above the Curve0

    A few years back, shortly before he left us, I had Father John Manno out for a drive around town. I wanted to show him the progress that had been made in the Historic District and around the Annunciation Parish. From there, we rode on up to Historic Bowman Field, which was recently remodeled. As

  • Winter Dinners0

    Two of my New Year’s resolutions were to eat better and save money. How those two work together is by eating more meals (and by more, I mean the majority) at home. That helps with healthier ingredients, portion control and of course, saving money. This means that I am once again on the hunt for

  • 2022 Martin Luther King Dream Week Takes Place January 12 to 190

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived a life dedicated to service to others and calling attention to and helping to fight injustice. This is the theme of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dream Week and Day of Service that will take place from Wednesday, January 12 to Wednesday, January 19. “Martin Luther King Day

  • “West Side Story” Well-Nigh Miraculous

    “West Side Story” Well-Nigh Miraculous0

    Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” achieves so many unlikely triumphs that, at times, it seems downright miraculous. Based on the beloved 1961 musical, this is a rare remake that’s every bit as good as the original — maybe better. Yet somehow, it manages this without actually eclipsing that film — without modernizing or updating it

  • Fishing Opportunities0

    Happy New Year, kids. Trust all is well. Yes. I have been extremely busy of late. The basketball season is in full throttle. While the SJNRA Golden Knights are usually the topic of discussion. A few have asked if I am still fishing. Absolutely. I am not going to lie. I would rather talk about

  • Baseball Giveth0

    There is a very good explanation for those shattering sounds that have been heard of late throughout the valley. Perhaps not as high numbers as the daily COVID count we’ve been besieged with, but never-the-less many of those well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions that had been made two weeks ago have already been smashed or tossed

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Eliminate the Invasives0

    Your Habitat Management Plan should include an inventory of current desirable and undesirable trees, shrubs, and vines on your property. Additionally, include a listing of those new trees, shrubs, and vines you would like to add – including how and where you want to plant them. As an early step in your action plan, you

  • The Lycoming County Beagle Club and Beagling Tradition

    The Lycoming County Beagle Club and Beagling Tradition0

    The new year brings with it new opportunities for hunting in Pennsylvania. The late small game season is now open for Quail, Pheasant, Squirrel, and Cottontail Rabbit until Feb. 28th. Harvesting a big buck or doe is, of course, exciting but hearing a pack of Beagles on a rabbit is music to a Beagler’s ears.

  • What’s at the “Business End”?0

    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been taking a closer look at how to make your venture onto the hard water a successful one. We’ve looked at sonar equipment to improve your chances of finding fish in the first place, and then we delved into the devices used to make the connection with your

  • Winter 2022 Trends0

    With the warmth and cheer of the holidays behind us, the next several months look to be cold and dreary as we settle into winter. The simple act of getting dressed can feel like an ongoing battle between looking good versus staying warm. While you may just want to give in and bundle up, or

  • Savings Strategies for Weddings0

    The question was popped; the engagement ring presented. What’s the next step on the road to the wedding? Saving should definitely be on couples’ minds. A wedding is likely the most costly party couples will ever throw. According to The Knot’s 2019 Real Weddings Study, the average cost of a wedding in 2019 was $33,900.

  • County Hall Corner: What in the World is Happening?0

    Cliches are useful, but sometimes contradict one another. For example, the former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill coined the phrase, “all politics is local,” noting that a politician’s success is directly tied to their ability to understand and influence the issues of their own constituents. This is certainly true with our county government

  • ‘Plus One’ Etiquette for Wedding Guests0

    Making a wedding guest list is seldom an easy task. Couples often find that many people are worthy of an invitation, which can make creating a guest list tricky for those with budgets in mind. According to data from the online wedding resource The Knot, the average wedding catering cost per guest is roughly $70.


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