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  • World War II Veteran to Lead Free Concert at the CAC0

    The brutal battle of the Ardennes Forest took place more than 80 years ago during World War II; there aren’t many men still alive who fought and served during those freezing weeks late in 1944. But one of them will conduct a concert at the Community Arts Center on Oct. 9. Still active at the

  • I Like Big Bucks

    I Like Big Bucks0

    As September comes to an end, it can mean only one thing in our little neck of Penn’s Woods, the beginning of the hunting season. And yes, my title is a play on the Sir Mix a Lot hit, “Baby Got Back.” I have already heard from many of you and witnessed for myself some

  • The Great Outdoors

    The Great Outdoors0

    This week we are bringing you everything outdoors. We have lots of great stuff about hunting, fishing, safety, and generally enjoying all that Pennsylvania offers outside. I…don’t have a lot to contribute to the conversation because I’m not exactly outdoorsy. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy a nice hike every now and again, but

  • Success in the Field Begins With Preparation0

    Warm summer days give way to the brisk chill of fall and, with it, the anticipation of another hunting season. With days getting shorter, the season can be upon us before we are ready for it. Your hunting and trapping digest from purchasing your license will inform you of changes to seasons/bag limits, regulations, and

  • Common Sense Tree Stand Safety0

    The statewide archery antlered and antlerless deer season opens this Saturday, October 1. As the season progresses and nears that “magical” time of the rut, bowhunters will spend an increasing amount of time in the woods. While hunting from the ground or in a ground blind can be successful, most would agree that a tree

  • Plenty of Opportunities for Small Game Hunting0

    I know right now, a lot of us, myself included, are thinking about where and how we will set up for our archery buck, and when that season is over, it’s time for the various gun seasons that we have available for tagging a deer. It’s easy to get caught up in all the big

  • Upcoming Deer Seasons and CWD0

    The statewide archery season is about to kick off on Oct. 1, followed by antlerless-only muzzleloader season starting on the 15th of Oct. Not far behind all of that are the regular firearms season, flintlock, and the extended firearms season. Serious deer hunters no doubt have already been preparing for the upcoming seasons, but something

  • The Roving Sportsman… Our Wonders of Autumn0

    The old timers already know it. The younger folks and newly-arrived residents of Lycoming County and the surrounding counties will eventually figure it out as well. Our area nestled here in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains of Northcentral Pennsylvania is unique, and the natural wonders that abound here can often be best enjoyed in

  • Rip & Pip

    Rip & Pip0

    When repeatedly successfully completed, the out-of-the-ordinary becomes commonplace. Such has been the case this season for South Williamsport’s special teams when converting extra point attempts after Mountaineer touchdowns. So effective have South’s kickers become that no second thought is given that the ladies responsible — Aleigha Rieppel and Piper Minier — spend most of their

  • Lycoming Golf

    Lycoming Golf0

    I am thankfully back at Lycoming as the Warrior’s Head Golf Coach. This will be my second stint after taking a short five-year sabbatical. I was with the team from 2001 to 2015. I got out of the business and stepped away to focus on other part-time ventures. No worries. So, I got the call

  • County Hall Corner: Our Seriously Surreal Senate Race0

    2022 is known as a midterm election year. Midterm elections are quite different from any other because they include a wide variety of political races — local offices, of course, as well as races for state offices and US Representative and Senate seats. This vast field results in the national media featuring a race here

  • “3000 Years”: George Miller’s Grown-Up Fairy Tale0

    “3000 Years of Longing” feels both old-fashioned and original; it also feels like a fairy tale for adults. What it doesn’t feel like is a movie you can warmly recommend to your friends. Adapted from an A. S. Byatt story, the latest from writer-director George Miller is a romance about a genie granting three wishes.

  • Local Retired Fordham History Professor Weighs in on Ken Burns’ Holocaust Documentary Series0

    Last week on most PBS stations, the Ken Burns documentary series, “The US and the Holocaust,” was presented. This series was widely hailed as one that has helped to put more light on a very dark subject and to help understand the US’s role in responding to the evils of the Holocaust. Dr. Jack Houston

  • Mistakes, Distractions, What Drives Your Reaction0

    A happy fall to everyone. There is so much good going on in the world; we all need to find positivity and pass it on with a side of kindness. This especially holds true on the highways. I’m just putting this out there in the most straightforward way possible; everybody makes mistakes while driving. And

  • Busy Week0

    Last week, which is currently this week for me as I’m writing, has been busy. You’ll notice a larger-than-average paper this week. We’ve got 104 pages of Webb Weekly for you! This, of course, includes our yearly Fall Home Improvement section. So if you have any fall projects on the horizon — indoors, outdoors, DIY,

  • A Quick Ode to Davion0

    Hats off to Coach Justin Van Fleet and the Loyalsock Lancers. They are off to a great start on the gridiron. The boys knocked off mighty Southern Columbia 27-10 last week. That’s a big-time win as those Tigers don’t often lose, especially at home. It was a total team effort, but one guy led the

  • Touchdowns & Home Runs0

    Most are fully aware, but just for the record, the annual arrival of fall officially occurs this Thursday at 9:04 p.m. While that will not be surprising, the sudden realization that this weekend also marks the halfway point of the 2022 high school football season may catch some fans a bit off guard. As we

  • UPMC Physician: Back-To-School Health Advice for Parents Steven Barrows, M.D. Family Medicine, UPMC0

    School is back in session across the north central region of Pennsylvania. While there is plenty of excitement to go around for both children and parents, it may be a difficult transition for your family. To help with this period of change, it is important to prioritize your children’s health as well as your own.

  • County Hall Corner: Long and Well Lived the Queen0

    This column is devoted to political activities that concern people in Lycoming County. But the passing of Queen Elizabeth after a reign of 70 years provides a useful template to compare our democracy to that of our friends across the pond. The United Kingdom is the proper name for the countries of England, Wales, and

  • Fall Style Essentials0

    This morning I awoke to a gloriously chilly 55 degrees, misty fog, and the banging of garbage bins as sanitation workers made their way down the street. Such is life. A mix of the superb and the mundane, which is an oddly apt way to describe the transition from summer to fall. You have those

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fall Is Finally Here!0

    The sweltering heat and humidity of July and August are finally behind us. The long dry spell, sparingly interrupted by a summer thunderstorm, is finally over. The last several days of much cooler temperatures and less humidity are a welcome sign that fall is upon us. Thursday, September 22, 2024, to be exact, is the

  • Over the Edge, Fundraiser Takes Place Friday, September 230

    No, they aren’t filming another “Spiderman” movie in Williamsport. Those people you will see this Friday, September 23, from 3 to 10 p.m. rappelling down the side of the William Hepburn High Rise are people raising money for several worthy area non-profits, the River Valley Regional YMCA, the YWCA of Northcentral Pennsylvania, and the Williamsport

  • Everybody’s Favorite Summer Sighting0

    It’s late summer, and of course, all kind of wildlife shows up crossing the road in front of us, standing out in the field, or maybe even in our front yard. Most people are OK with seeing the local wildlife, but some exceptions exist. This is especially true if the critter wandering around in your

  • Pumpkin Spice and Pigskin is Nice0

    Well, summer is in the rear-view mirror as autumn officially begins next Thursday. A couple of closing thoughts about the sun-drenched season. It was hot, it was dry, and it was everything I remembered summers being as I was growing up. Just day after day of being able to do whatever you wanted and not

  • No One Should Go Hungry0

    September is Hunger Action Month. It was established by Feeding America in 2008 when they decided it was time for a nationwide push to get involved with the hunger crisis across the country. During September, people everywhere help to feed the needy in their neighborhoods and country, working to ensure that the 48 million people

  • Two Car Shows Taking Place In Muncy Area Saturday, September 170

    For more than ten years, the “Corvettes on Main Street” Car Show has brought the pleasure of seeing vintage Corvettes to a wide audience. This will be the case again on Saturday, September 17. This show joins another car show on that date — the 23rd Annual MOPAR Muscle Show, which takes place at Kaiser

  • Football’$ Back0

    That old saying about the month of March coming in like a lion has nothing on September, especially if you are a football fan. The calendar’s ninth month entered on the heels of the Little League World Series and produced instant excitement and a few anxious moments for local fans of Penn State and the

  • UPMC Expert: Understanding Headaches0

    If you have experienced a headache or migraine, you know how debilitating they can be. As of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 3% of all annual emergency department visits in the United States are due to complaints of headaches. While most headaches are not the result of a serious

  • County Hall Corner: Are You Ready for Trouble?0

    September is National Preparedness Month, which certainly does not cause parades and festivals from communities around the country — but it is something that we should not just push aside lightly. The tragedy that occurred in the United States on September 11th, 2001, was recently commemorated by thousands of bikers at the 911 Memorial Ride.

  • Birthday Outfit0

    How an individual approaches their birthday varies from person to person. Obviously, child birthdays are big deals, marking milestones in growth and maturity. For adults, birthdays can be a celebration of life, a chance to treat yourself, just another day, or an unwelcome reminder that aging is inevitable. I find that my birthday has a


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