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  • The Roving Sportsman… Bat Facts0

    I recall very well the four homes where I lived with my parents and two siblings as I grew up in Lycoming County from the late 1940s up through the early ’60s. Initially, we stayed in the upstairs level of my Grandparents’ home “up the ‘Sock,” just north on Route 87 beyond Snyder’s farm. Our

  • Mind: Intelligence, Reason, and Imagination0

    Note: This is the fourth article in a series entitled “The Five Investments.” Previous articles are always available at “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is

  • Do Bears Actually Hibernate?0

    I was talking with some friends the other day, and they mentioned that they might start putting out their birdfeeders a little earlier than usual, especially since the weather has been milder than normal. The thought of putting out bird feeders stuffed with sunflower seeds also brought up another topic — bears and birdfeeders. I

  • Black-Eyed Bomb: Marlowe Movie Makes a Mess0

    When John Banville wrote his Raymond Chandler tribute novel “Black-Eyed Blonde,” one critic said he not only nailed the style and milieu of Chandler’s 1940s detective Philip Marlowe; he had also captured Marlowe’s soul. As for the new movie based on that book: I don’t think those folks could find Marlowe’s soul if it drove

  • UPMC Electrophysiologist: Three Letters That Save Lives — CPR0

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR, is a practice used in emergency situations to help someone when their heart has stopped beating and they are unconscious — a condition known as cardiac arrest, often associated with gasping or no breathing at all. CPR is the act of pushing down on someone’s chest to help pump

  • Considerations for Retirees Thinking of Working Part-Time0

    Retirement is an opportunity to wave goodbye to the daily grind. Retirees may focus on rest and relaxation, and many make travel a major component of their lifestyle. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, Americans expect to retire at an average age of 66, up from 62 in 2022. However, most do not hold out

  • Life After Stroke: Five tips for recovery and daily living0

    In the weeks and months immediately following a stroke, an early rehabilitation program offers the best possible recovery outcomes. While each person’s stroke recovery journey is unique, starting the path toward rehabilitation as soon as it’s medically safe allows stroke survivors to mitigate the lasting effects. According to the American Stroke Association, a division of

  • Five Steps to Properly Manage Blood Pressure0

    Nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, about 75% don’t have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications. In fact, high blood pressure is a leading cause and controllable

  • Publicly Irritating Athletic Attendees0

    As this is being written, I have no idea which version of the old adage “March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb” may hold true. Regardless of how the weather may treat us during the month ahead, one thing is for certain; of the many basketball teams and wrestling squads that

  • Caring for Older Adults0

    Managing heart attack treatment and follow-up care As the proportion of older adults in the U.S. continues to increase, appropriate care for older people becomes increasingly important. In fact, caregivers and loved ones should be aware of age-appropriate care for heart attack or chest pain. The first step is to call 911. Once medical care

  • Hoops Junkie0

    I simply love this time of year. Many of the local teams are getting geared. The playoffs have begun. Everyone has a clean slate. A few will advance. Maybe some will cut the nets. Buckle your seatbelts, sports fans. I have been in the gym an awful lot. Jensen’s squad is holding its own. So

  • County Hall Corner: Sorry, Henry, History is Not Bunk0

    It was noted in the article a couple of weeks ago entitled “Blueprint for ARPA Funds” that the primary focus for disseminating the $22 million federal grant funds to our area would be for generational projects. Commissioner Metzger emphasized this again at the Lycoming County Commissioners Meeting on February 9th. The commissioners keep mentioning this

  • Uptown Music Collective Set for Southern Rock Tribute at CAC0

    On March 10 and 11, the Uptown Music Collective & UPMC North Central PA will present Free Bird: A Tribute to Southern Rock at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport, PA. This performance, the third of the Collective’s 22-23 Performance Season, will feature the music of a wide range of classic and more modern southern

  • Community Screening of “A Shot in the Dark”0

    BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 has joined with the Pennsylvania College of Technology to bring a community documentary screening of “A Shot in the Dark” A story about Anthony Ferraro, a blind high school wrestler who attempts to defy the odds and win a New Jersey State Championship. Anthony Ferraro was born blind with a genetic

  • Look Up in the Sky! It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a ???0

    As more challenges to our freedom and way of life in America seem to occur daily, I thought the Chinese spy balloon and all the recent sightings of UFOs seen was a good place to start this week. As Americans have turned their eyes to the skies, UFOs being reported seems to be a daily

  • National Children’s Dental Health Month0

    National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM) began as a one-day event in Cleveland, Ohio, on February 3, 1941. The American Dental Association held the first national observance of Children’s Dental Health Day on February 8, 1949. The single day observance became a week-long event in 1955. In 1981, the program was extended to a month-long

  • Remembering Williamsport High School Baseball Trailer Blazer Lee Whittington Sr.0

    Being a trailblazer is never an easy thing. Still, Lee Whittington Sr. handled the task of being a pioneer for the Williamsport Area High School baseball team during the mid-1980s, when he became the first African American to play on that team. He handled the task with class, dignity, and good humor and became a

  • Eagle Watch0

    When my wife and I head off somewhere in a vehicle, I’m usually quick to grab the passenger seat, and for good reason — I like to gaze around, looking for whatever wildlife I can spot as we head down the road. I’m always looking for turkeys, deer and other wildlife, including winged critters flying

  • Fish Commercial Group Announces Listing of City Hall: Historic Williamsport Property Available for Purchase0

    Fish Commercial Group, a division of Fish Real Estate, announces the listing of the historic Williamsport City Hall building located at 245 W. 4th Street, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The listing price of the building is $499,000. Fish Commercial Group is marketing the property and has it displayed through online commercial real estate websites as well as

  • 21 WAHS Students Earn Top 3 Placements in Regional SKILLUSA Competition0

    Twenty-nine Williamsport Area High School students competed in the regional SkillsUSA competition at Pennsylvania College of Technology last week, and, of them, 21 earned top finishes. Twelve earned first-place finishes in the following categories: Chandra Apker in T-Shirt Design; Evan Beiter in Early Childhood Education; Samantha Carpenter, Makaylah Johnson, Leo Miller and Laila Robertson in

  • The Link Between Agriculture and Food Security0

    The world faces many unique challenges in the decades to come, including a rapidly expanding global population. The United Nations estimates that the global population will reach 9.71 billion in 2050. That’s an increase of more than 1.7 billion people between 2023 and 2050. Food security is among the more significant challenges the world will

  • What Women Need to Know About Stroke Risks0

    It may not be widely known that women face unique risk factors for stroke throughout their lifetime. Things like pregnancy, preeclampsia and chronic stress can increase the risk for high blood pressure, a leading cause of stroke. Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death among women, according to the Centers for Disease

  • Five Films for February: Films Honoring Black History0

    This week, your Webb movie-guy continues to focus on under-the-radar films; so here are a few lesser-known titles honoring Black History Month: “Belle” (2013) – Unbelievable real-life story of England’s Dido Elizabeth Belle. Illegitimate daughter of an African slave and an 18th-century admiral, Dido was raised a free gentlewoman in the upper-class household of her

  • UPMC Therapist: Relationships and Your Health0

    Positive relationships with family members, friends, and your community are beneficial to your overall health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that social connectedness promotes making healthy choices plus the ability to cope with anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma. Your Social Check-Up Just as you gain a better understanding of your physical

  • Three Steps to Help Pets Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight0

    Pet parents often show love for their pets with food. However, that extra “love” can lead to weight gain, which can increase the risk of developing other medical conditions. More than 50% of pets are overweight, but 90% of pet parents with an overweight pet don’t realize it, according to research from Hill’s Pet Nutrition,

  • HS Hoops Scene0

    The regular season is coming to a close, and many high school hoops teams are now gearing up for playoffs. I am out of the loop in some regards, but I have been able to see a few games. This is a great time of year, folks. It brings back so many great memories. 2022

  • Wanna Bet?0

    Screaming into the TV cameras during the Kansas City Chiefs’ victorious Super Bowl post-game delirium, tight end Travis Kelce declared, “Not one of you said the Chiefs were going to win the Super Bowl. Not a single one. Next time the Chiefs say they are going to do something, give some respect to our name!”

  • County Hall Corner: A Killer in Our Midst0

    If there were a known serial killer in our area, all of us would be up in arms. Parents would be protecting their children 24/7. Everyone with a carrying permit would be carrying. What would you say if I told you that this killer has taken the lives of seven Lycoming County residents in the

  • Library Adds Ancestry Library Edition to Online Resources0

    In an effort to promote local genealogical research, the James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., has added a new free online resource through Ancestry Library Edition. Patrons at the Brown Library or any library within the Lycoming County Library System can explore their family history from their local library’s website. Please note that

  • Cutters Membership Clubs Return in 2023!0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have announced that memberships in the popular Boomer’s Kids Club and Sr. Loggers Club are now available for the 2023 season. Membership in Boomer’s Kids Club, for kids ages 12 and under, is FREE and presented by Lycoming Candy. Membership includes: – A free ticket voucher for members to every Sunday Cutters


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