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Search Results For 'community'

  • American Rescue Workers Box City Highlights Homelessness This Weekend0

    Homelessness is one of America’s greatest and most serious of social problems and to shine a spotlight on this problem the local American Rescue Workers organization will be holding a “Box City” this weekend, November 3 and 4. November is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month; it is a good time to get involved with

  • Trick-or-Treating Tips for Rural Residents0

    If someone were commissioned to paint a picture of Halloween bliss, it would probably showcase a neighborhood full of children ringing doorbells and gathering treats. Millions of children and adults participate in the annual ritual of trick-or-treating. For urban and suburban children, close-by neighbors make it quite easy to fill up sacks of candy. However,

  • Rhubarb0

    My sources tell me that something big is about to go down. Expect a major announcement regarding Elm Park and its future shortly. Breaking news. So I reached out to the Mayor for a little insight and perspective. But as of today, neither he, nor anyone from his office, had returned my emails or calls.

  • Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame To Hold Its Inductions Locally0

    Lycoming County has always been a hotbed of sports, producing many great and proficient athletes. As a way to celebrate that sports heritage, the West Branch Valley Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame was organized with its first class of inductees in 1974. The West Branch Chapter has been one of the more

  • Active Community Assistance – Five helpful ways to lend a hand0

    Social responsibility comes in all shapes and sizes, but ultimately it comes down to one common purpose: making the world a better place. From volunteering at local shelters and community centers to feeding those in need at your local food bank, there are countless ways to give back within your community. According to the Bureau

  • Under the October Sky0

    The third Saturday in October can mean just one thing in these parts — the Mummers’ Parade in Southside. Hard for me to believe this year marks the 72nd anniversary of the Autumn event. It seems like only yesterday I couldn’t wait for the parade to begin and to gather up all the candy possible.

  • Gather Ghosts and Giving Back0

    We are officially on the second and final week of our Annual Halloween Contest! Just in case you need another reminder on how to participate… Scattered throughout this issue, you will find several adorable little ghosts. All you need to do is count them…easy peasy. Better run skeleton — I’ll wait while you count… Done?

  • The Public and the Government0

    An interesting exercise in government transparency is coming up soon. Based on the 1992 JFK Records Act, October 26th is the final date for the United States government to release about 3,000 never-before-seen documents also with 34,000 previously redacted files related to President Kennedy’s assassination in November of 1963. The investigation into the causes of

  • 72nd Annual South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade This Saturday0

    The leaves are starting to fall, the air has a chilly crisp to it, there may even be some frost on those fall pumpkins, warm cider is bubbling, ghouls and goblins are ever-present and it is October, so it must be time for the annual South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade, which will step off for the

  • Walkers to Take to Penn College Streets to Fight Suicide0

    Suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in the United States, yet it is preventable. More than 250 participants from throughout Lycoming County are expected for the annual Out of the Darkness Greater Lycoming Walk at 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21, at Pennsylvania College of Technology. Registration begins at 4 p.m. for the fundraising walk,

  • Fall Cleanup Day to be Held at Rider Park – Saturday, October 28, 20170

    The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania will host a fall cleanup day at Rider Park on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm. This event is open to the public – both individuals and service groups. Volunteers must be at least twelve years of age to participate. Workday plans include making

  • Hepburn-Lycoming Primary Raises $3,175 for Hurricane Relief0

    Call it a lesson in citizenship. A three-day fundraising campaign last month to support an East Texas elementary school affected by Hurricane Harvey exceeded expectations by nearly $1,200 — a success celebrated on Friday afternoon. Students at Hepburn-Lycoming Primary School were challenged by Principal Michele Kunkle to raise $2,000 for Rosa Parks Elementary School in

  • Socktoberfest Returns to Curtain Intermediate0

    The community came back to Curtin Intermediate School on Friday night to help “kick it to poverty” with the return of SOCKTOBERFEST. The kickoff event launched the school’s month-long sock drive to benefit Lycoming County’s homeless. Better known as #socktober, the movement began four years ago by Kid President and Soul Pancake to help the homeless around the U.S.

  • Ferry Optimistic About PSU Hoops0

    Amid an FBI investigation and turmoil laid at the feet of big time shoe companies accused of funneling money to high level basketball recruits, NCAA Division One basketball programs officially began practice for the upcoming season this week. Yes, that is a bit earlier than it used to be, but it seems these days almost

  • “Serving Others” Drives LCUW Campaign0

    Continuing one of Lycoming County’s long-standing and important missions, the Lycoming County United Way is in the midst of its annual campaign to support the work of the area’s human service providers in meeting the needs of those whose lives have been affected by adversity. Webb Weekly is proud to lend our voice and support

  • Great Music Celebrated by The 2017 Liberty Classic Community Band Festival!0

    • October 11, 2017

    If you love concert band music, the Repasz Band once again hosts the 8th annual Liberty Classic Community Band Festival with a free public concert Sunday, October 22nd at 1:30 pm at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. Fast becoming Williamsport’s own nationally known community band, this festival is a gathering and celebration of some


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