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  • Over the River and Through the Woods: Audible Books for Holiday Travel0

    Sometime in the next week or so, millions of Americans will hit the road for family visits on Thanksgiving — and then all over again one month later. With an aging Mom in Upstate New York, a son in Mississippi and a “fully retired” vacation schedule, I myself do a ton of driving; through it

  • Library to Participate in Victorian Christmas Tour; Repasz Band to Play0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., will participate in the 23rd Annual Victorian Christmas Tour of Historic Buildings on Saturday, Nov. 18. This year’s theme is “Historic Williamsport Preservation and Restoration.” To celebrate this event, the Library’s Moltz Rotunda Reading Room will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and a

  • A Monster Buck Story0

    I have been an avid hunter my whole life but never got into archery hunting until I bought my first compound bow last year. I spent last fall in the woods witnessing my first rut and became instantly hooked. Although I wasn’t successful in harvesting an archery buck last fall, the experience of being in

  • Area College Hoops Filled With Newness0

    The calendar has flipped; it’s now dark at 5:00 p.m., and the PIAA state playoffs for fall sports are nearing its conclusion. But for players, coaches, and spectators, the winter sports season gets underway as this Friday marks the first official practice day for local hoopsters and grapplers. While the first games of the high

  • The Only Five Shoes You Need0

    In the post-pandemic world we now live in, it’s safe to say that function and comfort have supplanted style and form in many ways — most particularly, for me, in the choice of footwear. I have given up the ghost on high heels, preferring flats and lug soles. Also, with the concerns over the environment

  • Freedom Fought for, Earned, and Protected by the American Veteran0

    The United States of America has been at war 229 out of the possible 247 years since we became a sovereign nation. A God bless and heartfelt thank you to all our Veterans. Every freedom we enjoy has been provided by the grace of God and the servicemen and women of the United States Armed

  • Veterans Day0

    “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.” ~George Washington As always, here are all the ways we should thank our veterans, active-duty service men

  • All Vivaldi Concert Kicks Off Williamsport Civic Chorus’s 80th Anniversary Concert Season0

    An “All Vivaldi Holiday” will kick off the Williamsport Civic Chorus’ 80th anniversary concert season when they present the concert on Sunday, November 12 at 3 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Pro-Cathedral at 844 West Fourth Street. The concert will feature soloists and a small orchestra under the baton of Musical Director Michael Connor. The

  • 8 Steps to a More Functional Kitchen

    8 Steps to a More Functional Kitchen0

    A kitchen is often the most utilized room in a house. Meals may be prepared, cooked and often eaten in kitchens, and the room is often utilized as a homework spot or a makeshift place to pay bills and stay on top of household needs. By enhancing the organization and functionality of the kitchen, homeowners

  • Gestures Anyone Can Embrace in Support of Veterans

    Gestures Anyone Can Embrace in Support of Veterans0

    Veterans Day (United States) and Remembrance Day (Canada) are commemorated each year on November 11. Both holidays honor the individuals who served in the armed forces for their respective countries. Community-wide events tend to be held on November 11, but any day of the year is a good time to pay respect to veterans. On

  • 4 Savvy Steps Toward Grocery Store Savings

    4 Savvy Steps Toward Grocery Store Savings0

    Whether you live alone or have multiple mouths to feed each day, grocery bills can add up. It’s an inevitable expense for everyone, but there are tried-and-true ways to limit your spending and put money back in your pocket. It all starts by considering the number of meals you need to make each week and

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Annual Campaign; Tuition Costs Remain the Same

    Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Annual Campaign; Tuition Costs Remain the Same0

    The Uptown Music Collective, the area’s premier nonprofit school of music, has kicked off its annual campaign, with this year’s goal set at $40,000. The announcement coincides with the September start of the UMC’s 23rd year of providing students with a powerful education that goes way beyond music. The annual fundraising efforts allow the school

  • Grandfather Talking0

    If you are a country music fan, most likely at one time or another, you have heard the song “I Wanna Talk About Me.” It was a 2001 Toby Keith hit that reached number one on the charts. Its lyrics detailed the relationship of a man dating a woman who constantly wanted to talk about

  • Take Control of Your Blood Pressure: Seven changes to help manage your health

    Take Control of Your Blood Pressure: Seven changes to help manage your health0

    What you eat and drink, as well as your activity level and habits, affect your heart and brain health and are essential for managing blood pressure, cholesterol and more. High blood pressure (readings consistently higher than 130/80 mm Hg) is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for heart disease and stroke as well as

  • Logan and Me

    Logan and Me0

    Paul McGinn and I have been good friends for a very long time. We coached hoops together, and we called a few games with WEBBWEEKLYLIVE. Paul is a great dude, and he is always around. We don’t see much of each other nowadays as we focus more on our sons. Thankfully, our boys still look

  • Bear Research Continues0

    In last week’s column, we looked at the success of several dedicated bear hunters from the Harrisburg area, but as we all know, their success rate hardly represents what most Pennsylvania bear hunters experience. I recently read some new research material that might help explain why only about 2 percent of bear hunters end up

  • UPMC Physician: Debunking Common Emergency Department Myths0

    Emergency departments (EDs) are essential to the communities they serve and the hospitals they support. They provide exceptional and immediate care to patients. The ED is the most active and critical department of a hospital with a constant flow of incoming patients, many of which are very ill or critical. It’s 24/7/365 work and the

  • How to Become a Morning Person0

    I used to be an early riser as a kid and into my early teen years. Nowadays, my natural wake time is around 8:00 a.m. My soon-to-be-eight-year-old wakes up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. every morning, so I’m trying to reclaim myself as an early riser. Here are a few tricks I’ve found to become

  • County Hall Corner: Something to Think About0

    After focusing on candidates for the past couple of months, let’s shift the focus to our own well-being. Many folks who are concerned about their health prioritize exercise, diet, and proper rest. But there is something else that is necessary that no one seems to mention. It is in your brain, and it has to

  • The Roving Sportsman… In Praise of Canned Venison0

    The statewide archery deer season has been underway for weeks, and before you know it, the regular firearms deer season will begin. No doubt, both bowhunters and rifle hunters have their usual methods of hunting deer that have proven effective over the years, and hopefully, this year will be a productive one for you. Whether

  • Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR

    Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR0

    Every year, 350,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. However, hands-on emergency intervention like cardiopulmonary resuscitation – or CPR – from a bystander can make the difference between life and death in sudden cardiac arrest emergencies. In fact, immediate CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival, according

  • Vote, Praise, and November Days

    Vote, Praise, and November Days0

    In my office, there is a sign that says, “In This Place We Always Salute Our Flag, Support Our Troops, Buy American, Say Merry Christmas, Say One Nation Under God, Respect Our Law Enforcement,” it then states at the bottom, “If This Offends You, There’s the Door,” in small print, “As We are Obviously Politically

  • Lay Like Broccoli…0

    Depending on when you get your paper, Halloween is officially behind us, or about to be. That means we now have a little bit of time to just be before the holiday season begins. I know that all the stores would have you believe that the holidays are right on top of us, but let’s

  • Annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade Takes Place Saturday, November 4th

    Annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade Takes Place Saturday, November 4th0

    The people of Lycoming County and throughout this “Land of the Free” owe a lot to the military veterans who have served this country in peace and in war. In a bid to show appreciation to our local veterans, the annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade will be held this Saturday, November 4, stepping off

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season With tribute, ‘It Came From the ’80s’0

    On November 10th and 11th at the Community Arts Center in Downtown Williamsport, the students of the Uptown Music Collective will present their first show of the school’s 2023-2024 Performance Season with It Came From the ’80s: New Wave to Pop Rock. The performance, presented in partnership with UPMC North Central Pa and UPMC Health

  • Montoursville Ag Day

    Montoursville Ag Day0

    Montoursville held their 31st annual Ag Day on Thursday, October 12th at Mr. Hepburn’s farm. Future Farmers of America (FFA) members got to teach our fourth graders and Loyalsock’s and Montgomery’s first graders about agriculture and various topics. Montgomery’s FFA students also joined with them in their groups. EQT sponsored the Ag Day and gave

  • Lycoming Fall Golf0

    Yes. I am back at Lycoming as the Head Golf Coach. This is my second stint with the Warriors after a five-year hiatus. I was with the team from 2001 to 2016. I got out of the business and stepped away because of a midlife crisis. I retired from hoops two years ago. It left

  • The Bank is Closed0

    The silence was deafening. More than 42,000 came early and loud to the South Philly Bank, credit and debit cards in hand, anxious to make a lifetime memory deposit of their beloved Phillies in what seemed sure to be a second consecutive trip to the World Series. But in the end, they were snake-bit. As

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    I was talking to a lady yesterday about the upcoming deer hunting season. While she had no distaste for the idea of hunting, she revealed her dislike of the taste of venison by asking, “Do you eat the meat?” She explained that more than 20 years ago when she last tried a venison meal, “It

  • UPMC Physician: Having a Sweet Tooth Can Affect Your Heart Health0

    You probably know that your sweet tooth affects your waistline, but did you know it can also be harmful to your heart? Sugar occurs naturally in all foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy. Consuming whole foods that contain natural sugar is OK because our body is digesting these whole


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