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Search Results For 'mental health'

  • Considerations for Retirees Thinking of Working Part-Time0

    Retirement is an opportunity to wave goodbye to the daily grind. Retirees may focus on rest and relaxation, and many make travel a major component of their lifestyle. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, Americans expect to retire at an average age of 66, up from 62 in 2022. However, most do not hold out

  • What Women Need to Know About Stroke Risks0

    It may not be widely known that women face unique risk factors for stroke throughout their lifetime. Things like pregnancy, preeclampsia and chronic stress can increase the risk for high blood pressure, a leading cause of stroke. Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death among women, according to the Centers for Disease

  • Heart: Passion and Emotion, Part II0

    This is the third article in a series entitled “The Five Investments.” Previous articles are always available at “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no

  • Action Leads to Motivation0

    Every year millions of people around the world make New Year’s resolutions. By the end of January, however, most of them have already lost their momentum and have given up on their goals. In the fitness business, we called these people the “30-day wonders.” People would tell me that they just weren’t motivated to exercise

  • UPMC Expert: Avoiding Common Winter-Related Injuries0

    With shorter days and unpredictable weather, the winter months can be particularly hard on our bodies. Ice and snow, harsh temperatures, and physical strain, particularly heavy lifting, are all part of the northeastern winter experience. Though many people may prefer to stay inside and wait for the outdoor activities until spring, getting some fresh winter

  • Timing Is Everything0

    Before I get to my thoughts on how much time remains for our 46th President to call the White House his home, I’ll begin with some positive light. The cover of the Webb Weekly reads February the 1st, and that’s great news. January is in the rear-view mirror; the groundhog will soon be coming out

  • County Hall Corner: Don’t Wait to Dial 9880

    Even children know to dial 911 in an emergency. But not every crisis is a 911 emergency — some require a helper rather than a healer. This is when it is best to dial 988. In July 2020, the FCC adopted rules to establish 988 as the nationwide, easy-to-remember 3-digit dialing code for people in

  • UPMC Physician: Make New Year’s Resolutions a Family Affair0

    New Year’s resolutions can be helpful for developing healthy habits, and habits are easier to stick to if you’re not in it alone. Why not try resolutions the whole family can be involved with? They can be excellent motivators for parents trying to start their kids on some healthier habits and are a great opportunity

  • 2023 Top Fitness Trends0

    Every year fitness organizations and experts around the world make predictions on which fitness trends will be the most popular in the coming year. The reasons range from where to invest their money to what programs should be prioritized on a group exercise schedule. Many 2023 predictions held steady from 2022, but there were a

  • How to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

    How to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder0

    The common cold is synonymous with times of year when temperatures dip. When people spend more time indoors, they’re more vulnerable to contagious cold viruses. But the common cold is not the only health issue that presents itself most often when the mercury drops. Seasonal affective disorder, also known as “SAD,” affects millions of people

  • WASD Awarded $74,290 in Grants to Support Project Program Enhancements

    WASD Awarded $74,290 in Grants to Support Project Program Enhancements0

    WASD Awarded $74,290 in Grants to Support Project Program Enhancements The Williamsport Area School District recently received a total of $74,290 in a combination of grants from both the Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation (WASDEF) and the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP). Four grants from WASDEF’s Annual and Teacher Mini-Grant funds were

  • Self-Care Schedule0

    Self-care is a term that’s been bantered about for quite some time. It has different meanings for different people. It can and does include mental health, physical well-being, spiritual fortitude, and a sense of safety and security. As we begin to prepare for the rollercoaster of the holiday season, now might be the time to

  • Take the Stress Out of Introducing Solid Foods to Baby: Six pediatrician-recommended tips

    Take the Stress Out of Introducing Solid Foods to Baby: Six pediatrician-recommended tips0

    Watching your baby learn and grow can provide some of the most rewarding moments in life, full of emotions from parents and babies alike. Some milestones are more stressful or frustrating than others and, during these moments of newness, seeking guidance from health care professionals can go a long way. As the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Sincere Thank You to All Veterans0

    Over the years, veterans have returned home from the trenches in Europe, from the jungles of Southeast Asia, and from the desolate countryside of the Middle East. But not all made it home. For decades, members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard have served our nation willingly and with great pride.

  • I’m Still Not Biden Any of It0

    As we approach what I believe is the most important midterm election in American history, I want to first give you a prediction if things don’t go the way of the Democratic Party and the current presidential administration. There was a time not that long ago that Democratic leader Chuck Schumer investigated the use of

  • UPMC Surgeon: What is Trauma Care?0

    Most hospitals have an emergency department, where patients with emergent injuries and illnesses can be treated without an appointment. Some of these patients may have life-threatening symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or severe stomach pain, and the emergency medicine team can provide the treatment necessary to support care for these patients. However,


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