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Search Results For 'clothes'

  • Veterans Day0

    In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the

  • Capsule Wardrobe Challenge0

    With all the hubbub of the upcoming holiday season, you may be looking to simplify other aspects of life and reduce the number of decisions you have to make in a day. Editing your closet down to a capsule wardrobe for the season is one way to minimize daily choices and clears up some space

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Stay Awake: A Novel” by Megan Goldin

    The Bookworm Sez: “Stay Awake: A Novel” by Megan Goldin0

    There was no paper handy. That’s your excuse for writing a phone number on the meat of your thumb. No pun intended, but it was handy but now you can’t quite totally remove the ink and you’re feeling like an 8th-grader again. Even so, you’ve got the number and, as in the new novel, “Stay

  • A Rainy October Day

    A Rainy October Day0

    I stopped into Weis in Jersey Shore. The phones weren’t busy at work, and I got all the fuel tickets done, so I left around 12:30. I was looking forward to a rainy Thursday and thought soup sounded perfect for dinner. Weis is only a few minutes from work, and I thought I’d beat the

  • Making Tomato Sauce with Momma

    Making Tomato Sauce with Momma0

    My momma is probably reading the title of this, going, “Oh boy.” She never knows what I may write, but the day we made sauce, we said what a good column this would make. We have been harvesting food together for years, but I remember when I was a little girl, my mom would be

  • Our Major Renovation0

    This week’s column has little to do with sports. We didn’t have a golf match, and I didn’t make the cut. Since I have been scribing part-time for the past sixteen seasons — my lovely editor allows me to freelance. My family and I are now tackling a major construction project. And since I have

  • How to Support Loved Ones Who Have Breast Cancer0

    Efforts to educate women about breast cancer have helped raise awareness of the disease and just how treatable it is when detected early. Despite that, a diagnosis can still be difficult for women and their families. When someone close to you is affected by breast cancer, priorities suddenly change and you may be wondering what

  • Actionable Environmental Impacts at Home0

    • September 21, 2022

    Swap common household devices to curb your carbon footprint In every room of your home, you’ll likely find numerous devices, appliances and fixtures that rely on the electric grid for power. Collectively, they affect your carbon footprint more than you may realize. Converting to lower carbon alternatives can help you be a better steward for

  • Building Your Dream Home Anytime, Anywhere0

    • September 21, 2022

    Five tips to create a comfortable forever home For most homebuyers, their dream homes are not something they’re likely to find already on the market. With a unique vision of your dream home’s look, location and features, building a custom home is generally the easiest way to make that dream a reality. To keep things

  • County Hall Corner: Are You Ready for Trouble?0

    September is National Preparedness Month, which certainly does not cause parades and festivals from communities around the country — but it is something that we should not just push aside lightly. The tragedy that occurred in the United States on September 11th, 2001, was recently commemorated by thousands of bikers at the 911 Memorial Ride.

  • These Girls Are Still Golden0

    • August 31, 2022

    Who would have guessed the sexual escapades of four mature women would be so hysterical? Who would also have guessed it would be so amusing to watch? Although it’s been 30 years since the unlikely hit show “The Golden Girls” aired its final episode, the sassy sitcom continues to amuse longtime fans while attracting generations

  • Midsummer Closet Cleanout0

    The course of true summer style never does run smooth, does it? Every year it feels like I have my summer wardrobe all lined up but come late July, I feel like I have nothing to wear — even with my closet bursting. One way to rejuvenate your warm-weather wardrobe is not to necessarily rush

  • Williamsport Sun: July 20, 1920 – Six Suits Stolen from Troisi Store in Bold Burglary0

    The police today investigated a robbery that took place at the Troisi tailoring establishment, 431 Pine Street, where entrance was made sometime during the night or early morning and goods valued at several hundred dollars were removed. It is believed that the affair occurred after midnight. The establishment occupies the middle storeroom of the Larrivee

  • Williamsport Street Ball Legends0

    If I asked you who, at the end of the 1959 basketball season, was Pennsylvania’s 2nd leading high school scorer behind the legendary Wilt Chamberlain, who would you guess? Chamberlain was 7’1, weighed 275 lbs., and played for Overbrook H.S. in Philadelphia for three years. If you guessed Williamsport’s own, Joey Prato — while many

  • How to Beat the Sweat0

    There is so much to love about summer, the smell of freshly cut grass, the smell of outdoor grilling, the smell of sunscreen. What smell I’m not so crazy about in the summer is body odor. Of course, everyone sweats, and it’s hard to keep your cool on those scorching days. However, if you are

  • UPMC Nurse: Summer Bicycle Safety0

    Going for a bike ride is a fun yet potentially risky way to exercise outdoors. While it benefits you physically, it’s important to remember to stay cautious as falls and collisions with pedestrians or automobiles have the ability to cause significant injuries. Brush up on the following bicycle safety tips to ensure you’re as safe

  • Special Gifts to Make Dad Smile0

    Father’s Day brings a special opportunity each year to celebrate the dad in your life, whether it’s spent lighting a grill in the backyard, heading to the golf course or simply relaxing at home. Make his day one to remember by enjoying his favorite activities and giving a gift that’ll put a grin on his

  • Memorial Day Sale Guide0

    Memorial Day is right around the corner, and with this national holiday (as with most here in America) comes a flurry of sales. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself going a bit crazy over all of the deals and steals. However, with a bit of planning and focus, you can come out the

  • The NERVE of Our Mother!

    The NERVE of Our Mother!0

    While other kids got to eat fast food each night or boxed mac ‘n cheese, we got home-cooked meals. They got to sit in front of the TV when they ate while watching reruns of “Home Improvement” and “Boy Meets World.” We had to sit at the table as a family, bow our heads to

  • National Nurses Day May 6th0

    May 6th is National Nurses Day — a day to help bring awareness to their hard work and dedication and to say thanks to the millions of nurses across the country. I’ve encountered many male and female nurses over the years, and nearly all do their work in a compassionate and professional manner. They often

  • Pickleball action at Short Park0

    Across West Fourth Street, just a long foul ball away from the Original Little League field sits the once-controversial site of former Williamsport Mayor Gabe Campana’s 2014 Memorial Park Pickleball Court installation. Somewhat unpopular at the time, that action could be credited as the forerunner of what has become one of the fastest-growing sports in

  • This Week’s LION: Foster Parents Kyle and Kayla Nielsen

    This Week’s LION: Foster Parents Kyle and Kayla Nielsen0

    The financial toll that our society must pick up due to children that suffer from neglect, abuse, or abandonment from their parents is staggering. Out of the $100 million budget for Lycoming County government operations, $10 million of that goes toward Children and Youth Services. As staggering as that sum is, another need is even

  • Sweet Patoot0

    A few weeks ago, when we were putting our daughter’s bedroom back together after a complete remodel, I caught myself saying something I hadn’t heard in a while. I was putting all her clothes back into her nice new big closet. Kenzy was bouncing all over like it was Christmas morning. She had waited five

  • A Brother’s Tribute to His Beloved Sister0

    The dark apparition of death has stalked my family and me again with the death of my beloved sister, Kathleen (Kathy), on March 29. It was only 16 months ago that my father died, and before that, what seems like an unbelievably short time (eight years ago) that my beloved wife Mary died. But such

  • Adaptive Fashion0

    As we close out March, I wanted to take a moment to recognize that this month hosts various awareness days such as World Hearing Day, International Wheelchair Day, World Down Syndrome Day, and World Kidney Day, to name a few. Disabilities come in many forms, both visible and invisible, and are more common than you

  • Blast from the Past

    Blast from the Past0

    Man, everywhere you look, things are changing in our area. A lot of the stores we once knew are gone. I was never a big Kmart shopper, but when I was a little girl, my dad often went. Saturday mornings, we would head into Kmart to grab a few things. Do you guys remember when

  • Top Tips for Working From Home0

    The concept of working remotely has been around for a long time; however, it has only been in the last couple of years that it has become the norm for most people. For those of my readers that do not work remotely, I can assure you that working from home is not poolside meetings with

  • Manicure Trends0

    Last week, I went through some upcoming trends for this year, focusing on women’s fashion. However, trends are not limited to clothes; there are also trends in hair, makeup, and beauty. I’ve recently found myself practicing self-care through at-home manicures and began exploring trends in nail color and art. Here’s a rundown of upcoming manicure

  • The Lycoming County Beagle Club and Beagling Tradition

    The Lycoming County Beagle Club and Beagling Tradition0

    The new year brings with it new opportunities for hunting in Pennsylvania. The late small game season is now open for Quail, Pheasant, Squirrel, and Cottontail Rabbit until Feb. 28th. Harvesting a big buck or doe is, of course, exciting but hearing a pack of Beagles on a rabbit is music to a Beagler’s ears.

  • Winter Layers 20220

    The Old Farmer’s Almanac has predicted a cold, long, and snowy winter for the United States in 2022. In fact, they predict it will be so cold they are calling the next few months the “season of shivers.” So, prepare to bundle up and, if possible, bundle up with style in layers that will keep

  • Clean Heat: Stay warmer with clean energy

    Clean Heat: Stay warmer with clean energy0

    Winter is a perfect time to think about renovations that bring coziness and warmth to your home. For homeowners who live off the natural gas line, propane is an earth-friendly option that can reliably and efficiently deliver warmer air all season long. “When homeowners upgrade to propane during a remodel, they transform a dream home

  • Minimalist Winter Outfits0

    There are a variety of approaches to seasonal style. Many of them are functional, i.e., coats in winter and shorts in summer. Some are based on trends, like an “it” bag or color-of-the-year. And then, you have a capsule collection approach of picking a limited number of pieces and putting them on heavy rotation throughout

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas0

    By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced


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