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Search Results For 'lung'

  • UPMC Expert: Get Ready for Allergy Season0

    The official start of spring is here — and with that comes the dreaded allergy season. A little more than a quarter of adults in the United States have these seasonal allergies according to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) and can relate to how pesky the symptoms can be. Once the weather

  • Buster Keaton Movies in Canton — With a Live Orchestra!0

    When I taught English at Loyalsock High School, I sometimes took a single class-session and introduced my students to silent-film genius Buster Keaton. It was a bit of a stretch connecting this to my curriculum — though Keaton worked with Samuel Beckett and was also a master of the nonverbal cues covered in my speech

  • UPMC Physician: Make an Informed Decision0

    Deciding to become an organ donor is important, and it’s worth considering more often than when you renew your license at the DMV. Every nine minutes, someone in the United States joins the national organ transplant waiting list. Every day, 17 people on that list die waiting for an organ because there are not enough

  • A Brief Rundown on Radon0

    Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. The United States Environmental Protection Agency notes that radon disperses rapidly outdoors, which makes it a generally innocuous gas. However, radon can become trapped indoors, and it’s in those instances when the gas poses a potentially significant threat. How does radon get inside? The EPA notes that radon

  • UPMC Expert: No Matter Age, Early Detection Key for Cancer Care0

    The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that a little over 1.9 million people have been diagnosed with cancer in 2023 — and more than 609,820 will die. To help reduce cancer deaths, the ACS recommends a wide range of cancer screenings to promote early detection over your lifetime. While some screenings are specifically for men

  • Two-Year-Old Battling Courageously To Overcome Debilitating Lung Disease0

    In his two-plus years of life, Jaxyn Reynolds has never been outside of a hospital room. He has a debilitating lung disease that has kept him under intensive care since his birth. Born at 29 weeks, Jaxyn’s journey began. What set out to be the expected struggles of a neonatal intensive care unit stay turned

  • Little Baker

    Little Baker0

    Growing up, I wasn’t in the kitchen much with my momma. Once in a while, I would help her ice some whoopie pies or make nachos and cheese on Sunday nights. I remember making pizza Triscuits with her, too. But when it came to cooking dinner or baking, I didn’t help much other than setting

  • Galentine’s Day0

    Greeting card holidays can be kind of irritating, especially if they feel like an obligation; hello, Grandparents Day. And so often, it’s hard to summon genuine feelings around St. Patrick’s Day or send Halloween wishes. Valentine’s Day can feel like the worst offender of manufactured sentiment and can be a bit of a pressure cooker

  • UPMC Expert: Can Cold Weather Make You Sick?0

    You may associate the cold weather with being sick or catching a cold. Contrary to the old saying, the weather is not directly responsible for making you sick, but it can affect your body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people in the U.S. develop the common cold each

  • UPMC Physician: Can the Weather Cause Aches and Pains?0

    You may have heard someone say they can tell when a storm is coming because they felt achy in their joints. For many who suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, cold weather can wreak havoc on already vulnerable parts of your body. It’s common to blame joint pain flare-ups on changes in the weather,

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas0

    By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced

  • Just Breathe for Holiday Stress Management0

    Thanksgiving is but a distant memory, though Christmas and New Year’s are right around the corner. For many people, this time of year brings to mind lots of food and drink, presents, parties, and visits with family and friends. I can already smell the cookies baking in the kitchen and pine-scented everything as I write

  • Yellow Tulip Project0

    Lycoming County United Way Partners with Lycoming College to Plant a Hope Garden A national mental health movement, The Yellow Tulip Project (YTP), has made its way to Williamsport. The Lycoming County United Way has planted the first of many Hope Gardens in our area. The movement’s goal is to crush the stigma around mental

  • UPMC Physician: Don’t Let Cancer Take Your Breath Away0

    There are many things from everyday life that people take for granted – their loved ones, electricity, access to nature, and even breathing. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s important to learn about the ways in which you can reduce your chances of developing the disease. According to Centers for Disease Control and

  • Make Every Meal Celebration Worthy0

    Family reunions, birthday celebrations and holiday gatherings all bring loved ones together for special occasions that call for delicious meals and snacks. To help elevate entertaining in your household, make hosting a cinch with quick, shareable recipes. Pizza, for example, is a nearly universally beloved dish ideal for sharing. This version is simple, fresh and

  • Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR

    Be Ready to Save a Life: Understanding the 2 Steps of Hands-Only CPR0

    Every year, 350,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. However, hands-on emergency intervention like cardiopulmonary resuscitation – or CPR – from a bystander can make the difference between life and death in sudden cardiac arrest emergencies. In fact, immediate CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival, according

  • The Roving Sportsman… Proper Care of Venison0

    How often have you heard someone say that they just don’t like the taste of venison or that they have tried it once but just didn’t care for it? No doubt it was not cooked properly, or worse yet, was not handled properly from the beginning. Over the years, I am pleased to say that

  • Some Big Bucks are Out There

    Some Big Bucks are Out There0

    I remember when I started hunting deer back in the 60s. If we were able to tag a six or eight-point buck with a 16-inch spread, we were off to the taxidermist to get our “trophy” mounted. A lot has changed since those days, not only regarding the size of our deer racks but how

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, unless you are ready to take charge and spearhead an initiative for change, you may have to simply go with the flow this week. Think on it. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Ideas for creative projects keep popping up in your mind, Taurus. It’s just a matter of figuring

  • UPMC Pediatrician: Get Back to School Healthy0

    Nancy Grauso-Eby, D.O. UPMC Primary Care August can be a hectic and stressful, yet exciting time of year for children and parents. You’re rushing around to make sure they have new school supplies, meeting new teachers, and adopting and adjusting to a new schedule. With so much “new” going on, let’s help make sure your

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Lunker of the Lower Deschutes Continued0

    For more than 70 years, I have had the privilege of hunting and fishing across the United States, and the adventures have taken me to virtually every state. This lifetime of enjoying the bounties of nature has frequently presented challenges of one manner or another, but none had rivaled the challenge of the single cast

  • County Hall Corner: Why Does a Congressman Cross the Road?0

    Every person who has ever lived is a unique human being. We have fingerprints that are individual to us, but it is also true that the iris of our eyes, the rim of our ears, our tongue, our toes, our teeth — all are ours and ours alone. Yet, we also have a strong inner

  • Summer It-Bags0

    Hands down, the best part of summer for me is getting out and about and making plans with friends. Some of my favorite warm-weather activities include day trips, hiking, breweries with patios, dinner dates, and anything that will wear out my children. And, of course, for those of us who think about these things, with

  • Feast on Traditional Mexican Cuisine This Cinco de Mayo

    Feast on Traditional Mexican Cuisine This Cinco de Mayo0

    Cinco de Mayo is a festive occasion that celebrates Mexican culture and food. Cinco de Mayo commemorates a minor Mexican victory over France that took place on May 5, 1862 at the Battle of Puebla. While it has never been a big deal in Mexico — especially in comparison to celebrations of Mexico’s independence —

  • County Hall Corner: Three Cheers for Volunteers0

    It is a very rare week when there is not a recognition for some organization or cause that results in a proclamation from the Lycoming County Commissioners. There is no lack of options, as by some counts, there are as many as ten to twelve such proclamations every day, week, and month! It starts with

  • UPMC Physician: Sports Physicals Set Baseline for Upcoming Season0

    With the ground beginning to thaw and daisies pushing their way up through sun-starved soil, days are starting to look a little less dreary and a little springier. Parks are starting to fill up and clangs of bats are echoed throughout the neighborhoods. This can only mean one thing: baseball and softball seasons are in

  • UPMC Expert: Consider Becoming a Lifesaving Organ Donor0

    Nobody likes waiting. As humans, we’re naturally impatient. In today’s world, we have unlimited information and instantaneous gratification at our fingertips – we want it, and we want it now. But imagine being one of more than 118,000 people currently waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. All the resources are still in your hands which

  • The Battle

    The Battle0

    The nights are getting longer, and afternoons are feeling warmer. Spring is officially among us. We were so lucky this year; it really was a mild winter. Coming from someone who loves snow, I feel robbed, though. We didn’t get much of that beautiful white stuff. But, working for a fueling company and seeing oil

  • Prioritize Heart Health with a Balanced Eating Plan0

    No matter your motivations, it’s never too late or too early to start focusing on your heart health, and taking steps now can make a big difference. Small changes, like following a healthier eating plan, can help you start down a path toward improved heart health. One step you can take is following the DASH

  • UPMC Oncologist: When to Start Cancer Screenings0

    The latest data from Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. To help reduce the number of cancer deaths, a wide variety of screenings are used by health care providers across the country. Regular visits with your primary care provider usually

  • Factors to Consider When Buying Furniture

    Factors to Consider When Buying Furniture0

    Buying furniture can be an exciting prospect. The opportunity to breathe new life into a home with the addition of different furnishings inspires many people. However, at the same time, searching for furniture can be a tad overwhelming, especially when homeowners do not know where to begin. Statistics Canada reports that Canadians spend an average

  • Williamsporter Quarterbacked 1925 Pottsville NFL “Championship” Team0

    As we get ready for this year’s Super Bowl between the Eagles and the Chiefs, it might be interesting to look back on an interesting Williamsport connection to the infancy of the NFL. The 1925 Pottsville Maroons are one of professional football’s most storied and controversial teams, and they were quarterbacked by a former longtime

  • What Dental Hygiene Does for Overall Health0

    Brushing and flossing your teeth may save you extra sessions in the dentist’s chair each year, but the benefits of dental hygiene do not end with pearly whites. In fact, there’s a direct correlation between oral hygiene and overall health. Oral health offers clues about overall health, advises the Mayo Clinic. When a dentist or


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