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Search Results For 'lung'

  • UPMC Doctor: TAVR – A Lifesaving Heart Valve Replacement Treatment0

    The aortic valve is the exit door of the heart and all of the oxygen-rich blood that keeps us alive is pumped through it. Without fail, this door bends open every time the heart beats, roughly 80 times per minute since the day we were born, and closes again as the heart refills. Unfortunately, for

  • Five Food Tips for Weight Loss0

    Most people wouldn’t mind trimming a few pounds; certainly not after being stuck inside during a global pandemic for the last year or so. I for one have gained and lost the “Covid 15” more than once and am set on keeping the weight off. As I organized my research for this week’s column, I

  • Seniors: Get Your Flu Shot – It’s Important!

    Seniors: Get Your Flu Shot – It’s Important!0

    Getting vaccinated for the flu is more important than ever. Not only will a flu shot help keep you and your family healthy, it can help reduce the strain on the healthcare system and keep hospital beds and other medical resources available for people with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This is no ordinary flu season;

  • UPMC Physical Therapist: Cancer Affects Stamina, Energy0

    If you experience fatigue during or after cancer treatment, you are not alone. Fatigue, usually described as feeling tired, weak, or exhausted, affects most people during cancer treatment with 14-96% of survivors experiencing some form during active treatment and 19-82% in the years after treatment is complete. Fatigue can have a profound effect on one’s

  • Winter Fun for Everyone0

    It’s that time of year, y’all — the dark and dreary days of winter. And as if January isn’t generally depressing enough on its own, we are still struggling with the COVID pandemic. It’s a formidable combination. Oddly enough, this is generally the time of year that I write an article telling you that winter

  • Sleep and a Positive Attitude0

    Life can be hard and worrisome under normal circumstances thus leading many people to toss and turn at night. Combine that with a global pandemic and political unrest (what happened to murder hornets?) and sleep can seem downright impossible at times. Scientists have shown repeatedly that sleep is a significant part of our daily routines

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas0

    By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced

  • Sometimes it All Comes Together

    Sometimes it All Comes Together0

    Now that the regular firearms deer season has ended, the stories of success and of failure are a frequent part of deer hunting enthusiasts’ conversations. It usually doesn’t take long for the “devices” to come out, and photos of successful hunts are passed around for everyone to see. Many of those photos include first-time hunters.

  • The Program0

    As I mentioned in my two previous articles, Non-linear — or Undulating — Periodization is a valid design model for sports conditioning and fitness programs alike. Whether you are a competitive athlete or a middle-aged office person trying to get fit, the benefits of this type of program allow not only for continued progress but

  • Williamsport Sun: November 26, 1910 – Object of Wild Turkey Hunt Proved Just Escape Gobbler0

    An exciting “wild turkey chase” occurred recently at Bodines according to a correspondent who supplies the following details. The turkey appeared in a neighboring field. Ira High, a noted trapper and unerring hunter and a lot of other things too numerous to mention, was promptly notified. He girded himself for the hunt, seized his rifle

  • UPMC Physical Therapist: Keep Your Bones Fit0

    By Shari Berthold, DPT Physical Therapy, UPMC Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps. Osteoporosis is very common, affecting one out

  • The Roving Sportsman… It Was a Very Good Day!0

    Jose-Luis was born in Argentina in the mid-1950s and came to the United States when he was 26 years old to begin a fellowship, working at the National Institute of Health. After witnessing firsthand, the political unrest in his native country, he was relieved to embrace the new lifestyle he found here. Over the following

  • The Girl Who Stood on a Grave

    The Girl Who Stood on a Grave0

    From Scary Stories to Read in the Dark By Alvin Schwartz Some boys and girls were at a party one night. There was a graveyard down the street, and they were talking about how scary it was. “Don’t ever stand on a grave after dark”, one of the boys said. “The person inside will grab

  • Understanding the Importance of Sleep0

    According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, sleep is an important part of a person’s daily routine and is essential for many things including health, learning, and mood. Considering that the average person spends approximately a third of their lives sleeping, it stands to reason that sleep is as essential to living

  • Rehabilitation Key to Improving Cancer Survivor’s Quality of Life0

    When fighting cancer, physical therapy may not be the first health care service that comes to mind. Successful cancer treatment involves a health care team approach, including oncologists, radiologists, nurses, surgeons, social workers, and as you transition to survivorship, physical and occupational therapists. More people are surviving cancer than ever before, thanks to early detection

  • County Hall Corner: Who was that Masked Man?0

    Those of us in the senior citizen age range remember well the “Lone Ranger” television show. An ultra-nice itinerant defender of the law with his faithful Indian (Native American) sidekick Tonto, he wore a mask for reasons that, quite frankly, were never exactly clear. Everyone knew it was the Lone Ranger the moment they saw

  • A River Runs Through It1

    It’s great to see the Hiawatha back on the water. Now for one of those things that you lose track of in life that is going to make a lot of you out there feel old. The majestic replica of an old-time river paddleboat has been cruising up and back down the Susquehanna for nearly

  • The Roving Sportsman… “Chicken of the Sea”0

    From as early as I can remember, my Mom would often serve the family tuna salad, and frequently tuna noodle casserole. They were not expensive meals to prepare, nor were they too time consuming to make. Until recently, I have continued to enjoy both of these meals using tuna fish as the main ingredient –

  • The Invasive Northern Snakehead0

    The Northern Snakehead; another story about snakes again this week? No, the Northern Snakehead isn’t a snake- it’s a fish. First, let’s look at a little biology regarding the snakehead. The Northern Snakehead isn’t native to the United States; therefore, it is considered an invasive species. It’s a freshwater fish that can reach lengths of

  • This Week’s LION: The Pike Drive-In1

    In the not so very distant past, the local drive-in brought to mind the entertainment days of the AM Radio and 45 RPM records. It was 1933 when the first drive-in was created in Camden, New Jersey, initiated by an enterprising movie fan and sales manager named Richard Hollingshead, who noticed his mother found it

  • How to Exercise During the Pandemic0

    Life changed overnight for millions of people across the globe in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, which shuttered businesses and forced many people to follow stay-at-home measures issued by their local governments. These measures not only affected the overall health of those infected with the virus, but also those who experienced no symptoms and

  • Know the Warning Signs: Blood Clots Are a Silent Threat0

    Stay-at-home orders during this pandemic, have led to many long hours sitting in front of a computer at an unfamiliar desk or your kitchen table as you work from home or homeschool your kids. Then, you retreat to the couch to hide from the news only to binge-watch an entire Netflix series without getting up

  • Is It Possible to Suddenly Develop Allergies?1

    ? By Nathaniel Hare, MD Allergist, UPMC For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, you know that this time of year can be a challenge. Flowers, trees, and grasses are in bloom and growing which means pollen and other allergens are in the air. In the U.S., an estimated 18 million adults have hay fever

  • A Lot Going On0

    Whew. There is a lot going on in the world right now. I’m not going to go into all the rights and wrongs of it. But I am going to encourage common sense. I’m going to give you the basics straight from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), so please follow what they are telling

  • What is a Widowmaker Heart Attack?0

    A heart attack happens when blood flow to your heart muscle is blocked for long enough to damage the muscle. If blood flow isn’t restored quickly, the heart muscle begins to die from a lack of oxygen, and non-functioning scar tissue forms in its place. If enough muscle function is lost, “heart failure” can occur.

  • Girls’ Night Out

    Girls’ Night Out0

    For a young group of middle school athletes, the opportunity to see a Division One team play is exciting in its own right. Add to that, sitting courtside and looking across the gym to see one of the most prolific scorers and, arguably one of the best ever from Pennsylvania and Penn State University women’s

  • Five Ways to Improve Your Heart Health

    Five Ways to Improve Your Heart Health0

    If you worry that you or someone you love will get heart disease or even have a heart attack, it’s understandable. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Research shows you can lower your risk, particularly

  • The New Williamsport Mayor: Derek Slaughter2

    Derek Slaughter might win the prize for being one of the most unique young mayors in the United States. Most people his age who find themselves mayor of a well-known third-class city would have been immersed in politics since their early years. They would have come from a ‘name’ family that had long been in

  • Can the Weather Cause Aches and Pains?0

    You may have heard someone say they can tell when a storm is coming because they felt achy in their joints. For many who suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, cold weather can wreak havoc on already vulnerable parts of your body. It’s common to blame joint pain flare-ups on changes in the weather,

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas0

    Twas the Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

  • Encouraging Youth Sports and Their Benefits

    Encouraging Youth Sports and Their Benefits0

    Sports help shape kids’ lives, but due to funding shortages, some school sports programs are at risk. Most experts agree physical activity is an essential aspect of youth development that teaches teamwork, builds confidence and fuels academic potential. However, according to a survey of middle school educators engaged with, 6 in 10 feel their

  • Can Vaping Make You Sick?0

    Although electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, have been available in the U.S. market since 2007, use of them has exploded in recent years, even as traditional cigarette use decreased – especially in the youth population. Good Intentions Electronic cigarettes, or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), refers to a variety of items, including vape pens,

  • The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe0

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “‘Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door, Only this, and


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